Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei Returns from Warhammer Retirement

Chapter 176 Considering becoming a human annihilation

Chapter 176 Considering becoming a human annihilation (try to update)
Orichalcum is Aoliha steel, a fantasy metal in Greek mythology.

Legend has it that even the thunder and lightning of Zeus, the king of the gods, cannot penetrate the armor made of orichanite.

In Plato's "Critias", which describes the story of the great lost civilization Atlantis, it is mentioned that the first two of the three outer walls of Poseidon in Atlantis are covered with brass and tin, while The third is surrounded by "red-shimmering oricyte".

And in the center of the temple protected by three outer walls stood a pillar, also made of oricyte alone, on which were engraved the laws of Poseidon and the record of Poseidon's first son.

It can be used as the final line of defense by ancient civilizations, and the defensive power of the oricyte is even more conceivable.

And now, Orichalcum has indeed shown the defensive power that myth metal should have.

As an aid in the alchemy field, the copper shield forcibly blocked Mr. McDonald's attack.

Thakal's "human ball" quickly bounced to the top of Mr. McDonald's head, his limbs and skeletons spread out instantly, and the gemstone machete with ominous red light slashed down on his head.


Mr. McDonald rolled on the spot in some embarrassment, dodging the thunderous blow.

The machete struck the ground, and the entire floor was blown away by the force.

"It's dangerous, dangerous."

He patted his chest and said, but there was no panic in his tone.

"I like flying so much, let me help you fly higher."

Mr. McDonald laughed.

The short Longwen read from his funny mouth, he pointed out, and a tornado rose from the ground.

Word Ling·Pupil of the Wind King.

This word spirit will have a better effect when released on a calm lake, sea or open area, but it will also cause amazing damage in a narrow enclosed space, but it will decay faster.

Takar, who had just landed, was swept up by the tornado and pushed to the ceiling of the main hall, like a hydrogen balloon being released.

"Poss is good."

Mr. McDonald commented on his posture.

"It's just a little ugly. The appearance of the mixed race needs to be improved now."

He shook his head again, pretending to be heartbroken.

In fact, Takal's appearance is not ugly at all, even very handsome, even if he plays Shiva in a mythological drama, it is more than enough.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be attracted by the leader's daughter and fly up to the branch to become a phoenix.

But Mr. McDonald said he was ugly, and that was ugly.

In the world of the Dragon Clan, being strong is beautiful, and being weak is ugly.

Ugly people, of course, have to hide their faces so as not to dirty the eyes of the strong.

The ceiling made of stone walls rose rapidly, and the hard rock was shaped arbitrarily like mud, turning into four palms, firmly grasping Takal's limbs.

And the other, even bigger hand, gently covered his face, like a woman whose adultery has been exposed but who is reluctant to let go of her old love, preparing to let her husband die without pain in suffocation.

Takal's chest rose and fell rapidly, and he struggled hard, but he couldn't break free from the stone prison strengthened by elements.

Seeing that he was about to die from lack of oxygen, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

The World-Exterminating Eye on the forehead burst out with dazzling light, and the black flame burned the huge stone hand to ashes.

Yanling · Shiva karma fire.

This is a high-risk word that is not recorded on the periodic table because it is only passed on orally among the upper echelons of Hindu spiritual schools.

What Shiva's third eye spouted was the fire of annihilation that burned everything, and even the god of love was burned to death by this karmic fire.

No one can resist such a flame, even tetratantalum hafnium pentacarbide (melting point 4215°C), the substance with the highest known melting point in the world, will be burned into nothingness.

Thakal's third eye turned left and right, and the stone hands that bound his limbs were destroyed.

And his eyes turned to his body, even the invisible tornado was burned to pieces by the fire of exterminating the world.

At the moment when Thakal was about to fall, he kicked off the stone wall suddenly, and the reaction force drove him towards McDonald's.

This time, there was nothing stopping him from beheading the one who stood in his way.

"Has no one ever told you that the same moves are ineffective against Saints?"

Mr McDonald said.

Then, he held out his hands.

The mountains and rocks formed after billions of years of evolution greeted the monarch of the earth, and the raised rocks condensed into strange-shaped weapons with branches in his hands.

Its surface is radiating rock spikes, which are ten meters long death scythe.

But this is not the end, the invisible domain of words and spirits unfolds, and the gray rock quickly crystallizes, turning into translucent obsidian.


Mr. McDonald wiped his forehead, and the paint was wiped off by his hands and sweat, revealing the white skin under the cover.

"Ah, it's showing off. Forget it, no one will see it anyway."

Because Takal would be a dead man in no time.

The gigantic Reaper Scythe swung at Thakal in the air like a flyswatter swatting a fly.

The World-Exterminating Flame is burning again, but the crystallized rock is constantly repairing the burnt vacancy.

Although the speed of destruction is faster than growth, the ten-meter-long death scythe is enough to split Takal in half before he reaches the attack range.

Feelings of despair welled up spontaneously, and he didn't know how to win in the face of such a power that was like a god descending from the earth.

Even Shiva Karma, who is the trump card, was in vain before the endless means on the opposite side.

"Is this the price of unbelief?"

Thakal couldn't help but doubt in his heart.

It was his countless false prayers to the great god that ushered in today's evil reward.

And the powerful mysterious person in front of him is the envoy sent by the great god to judge his crimes.

"No, I don't believe it. No one can judge me. Fuck you big Brahma!"

Dalit's tenacious blood has awakened Thakal's fighting spirit. Even if he can't become a Brahmin, he can't die here quietly.

The toga on his body was torn by sharp scales, and his already strong body swelled even more. The blue-gray scales were attached to the surface of his skin, opening and closing, as if he was breathing.

The muscles and bones on Takal's face deformed rapidly, and his handsome face became extremely ugly. Two thick bone spurs grew out of his head and pierced his flesh and blood, but he couldn't feel any pain.

Because the dragon blood in his body is cheering and celebrating.

The rebel of the gods, Asura once again reappeared in the world!
"Hey, you dare to use this kind of technology, you really are not afraid of death."

Mr. McDonald couldn't help sighing.

He could see the essence of Thakal's changes at a glance. This is a bloodline enhancement technology that is more extreme than violent blood.

Unlike the gradual erosion like violent blood, once Asura's Wrath is used, the user will fall into the Asura Way and self-destruct.

The originally slow-burning Shiva karmic fire instantly expanded into a boundless sea of ​​flames, as if ten tons of combustion accelerant were added, and burned Death's Scythe to ashes.

And Mr. McDonald's was also shrouded in flames, and the same fate will be ushered in in the next second.

"I said, do you consider being an assassin in the exam?"

Facing death, Mr. McDonald said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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