Chapter 178

"Do you know the caste system?"

Takal said after a moment of silence.

Lu Mingfei shook his head, he had never learned this kind of knowledge.

Sakai Akina and Minamoto know a little bit, but since there is a white elephant like Takal, it is naturally more suitable for him.

The caste system, when it comes to white elephants, many people will think of this term at the first time.

In fact, there are not only white elephants in it. This is a social system based on blood theory that is common in South Asian countries such as Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, but it is particularly serious in white elephants.

This system divides people into four classes, namely Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra.

Brahmin is the mouth of the creator god Brahma, monks and nobles, in charge of culture, education, religion and calendar.

Kshatriya is the hand of Brahma, a military noble and administrative noble, in charge of politics, military affairs and taxation.

Vaishya is the leg of Brahma, an ordinary person without political privileges, responsible for production and business to support Brahmins and Kshatriyas.

Sudra is the foot of Brahma, the lowest caste, mainly engaged in servants or craftsmen, and the most populous caste.

It is strictly forbidden for a man of a low caste to marry a woman of a high caste. Once this happens, they will be broken up at least, or executed directly at worst.

Although it is allowed for high-caste men to marry low-caste women, it is not advocated, and the children born will be regarded as hybrids.

In addition to the four major castes, there is a fifth caste, which is Dalit, also known as "untouchable" or "untouchable".

They are not born from the body of Brahma, and therefore they are not considered human beings, not included in the caste.

Dalits do the most menial and hardest jobs and enjoy almost no rights.

"My father was a Dalit."

Thakal struggles to bring up his past, a dark history he doesn't want to look back on.

"Because of his dragon blood, he is stronger and smarter than a Brahmin. But he has no chance to go to school or join the army because he is a Dalit."

"He can only be a corpse collector, dealing with rotting and smelly corpses day after day."

And those corpses are often Dalits who died due to overwork or abuse but no body was collected.

"And my mother is a saint who was kicked out of the monastery because of illness."

Thakal's tone was quite sarcastic when he mentioned the word saint.

Some Dalit families are forced to sell their bodies to monasteries after their daughters reach puberty and become senior monks, that is, the targets of high-caste people.

They are called "saints" in a disguised manner. When they reach a certain age, the old "saints" will be abandoned, and new "saints" will be selected to offer sacrifices and reincarnate from generation to generation.

The "saints" who were expelled from the monastery would not be accepted by their original families, and their fate was often a dead end.

But Thakal's mother was lucky. Thakal's father picked her up and stole medicine to cure her disease.

The two lowly people lived together like this, became fathers without anyone's blessing, and gave birth to Thakal.

But once Thakal's mother took him to the street to buy things, and it happened that his father was out on business and did not accompany him.

Thakal's mother was seen by people in the temple, and her beauty aroused the greed of the monks. Regardless of her resistance, they dragged her away and threw Thakal into the stinky ditch.

After his father came back, he went to the temple to beg for his wife, but was beaten to death on the spot by the temple's thugs.

Three days later, his mother's mutilated body was also thrown out of the temple.

"I survived by stealing, begging, and digging through garbage, and because I awakened a high-level dragon bloodline, I was adopted by the powerful as a son-in-law. I finally had the status I dreamed of, but my anger never stopped."

Takal drew out the scimitar stuck in his waist, Sakai Akina and Minamoto drew their weapons vigilantly, but he turned a blind eye.

"Because not only can I not take revenge, but in order to gain the trust of the Spiritual Society and show my loyalty, I have to kiss the toes of those enemies!"

Thakal almost screamed at the end. He cut his leg with a scimitar, and the blood flowed out like money.

The severe pain distorted his face, but at the same time he calmed down a lot, as if his anger temporarily flowed out of his body through the blood.

"I am willing to help you find the Heavenly Dragon Orb, and I am also willing to work for you. I can also solve the matter of revenge myself, as long as you can provide me with shelter."

Thakal held the bloody scimitar in both hands, and knelt down in front of Lu Mingfei on one knee.

"If you don't mind, I would like to worship you as a foster father."

he said seriously.


Two big question marks appeared above Sakai Akina and Minamoto's heads.

"Isn't this the custom of the Hua Kingdom? If you want to rely on someone, you should be his adopted son."

Thakal didn't know what they were wondering about.

It's true to say so, but Lu Mingfei definitely won't accept this cheap son.

"I don't need a son. But if you are willing to fight for humanity, I accept you on behalf of the Chapter."

He took the scimitar from Thakal's hand.

"As long as you provide me with shelter, I will dedicate my loyalty to you."

Takal stood up and took back the scimitar from Lu Mingfei's hand.

"Continue to talk about the Heavenly Dragon Orb."

He said.

"Yes. Tanvantari's experimental site is underground in the Himalayas, but it is covered by the alchemy field and can only be entered through a specific entrance."

"And this Tibaram Temple is built on an entrance, please come with me."

Thakal limped towards the apse of the temple, the three following behind him.

At the apse, a well covered with thick steel plates appeared in front of them.

It's just that steel plate, no matter how you look at it, it looks familiar.

Watching their subtle gazes, Thakal explained.

"This is the armor removed from the Arjun main battle tank."

The Arjun main battle tank is the first modern main battle tank of Baixiang jointly developed by Baixiang and Germany in the mid-20s.

The research and development took 30 years and set a world record, but it is still only a trial model.

In fact, most of the Arjun main battle tanks are not operational due to frequent technical failures and difficulty in importing some parts.

It is also reasonable to use waste as manhole covers.

In fact, with the character of the Asan, it is normal to directly use the tank as a manhole cover, as long as they can move it.

"This is the Dragon King Well. According to the documents of the Spiritual Practice Association, it will be opened in two days. As long as we jump into this well, we can enter the dragon veins of the Himalayas and follow the dragon veins to Tanvantari's experimental field."

Takar said.

"Why cover it with a steel plate?"

Lu Mingfei asked.

"Because the Dragon King Well is closed to humans, it is open to the monsters in the dragon's veins. If there is nothing to block it, they will break through the Dragon King Well and come to the human world."

Thakal explained.

"But those monsters are not the most terrifying, what is even more terrifying are those dragons."

"What are dragons?"

Lu Mingfei asked.

(End of this chapter)

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