Chapter 216 The Four-Armed Emperor
"The body is too weak."

Old One Eye pressed the button and retracted the spearhead.

"Can you climb?"

he asked.

"Just barely."

Chu Zihang tried to make a fist, and then he felt severe pain.

"No, don't be brave next time. Without you, I'll still shoot it down with one shot."

Old One-Eyed snorted.

If it doesn't work, he can also overload the battery of the laser pistol and throw it out as a grenade.

Of course, considering the difficulty of obtaining a suitable battery in the lower level of the hive capital, the laser pistol can be treated as scrap iron after throwing it away.

"Go up, I entrust you."

The old one-eyed man supported Chu Zihang's buttocks and pushed him into the entrance of the tunnel.

Rescued from the crisis of death, the members of the clam-digging team did not have many happy expressions on their faces.

They also had no intention of discussing the dead companion.

"Let's go."

The old one-eyed yelled faintly.

Everyone continued to crawl forward, with nothing but numbness on their faces except for a trace of residual fear.

After climbing through the long pipes, they came to a space like a patio.

Around the patio, dense shells are attached to the steel walls, which look more like barnacles attached to the rock walls.

"Those are gray clams."

Old One-Eyed pointed to the shells.

"Keep your voice down, don't disturb them now, wait a while."

He made a silent gesture.

After waiting for about half an hour, there was a rumbling sound above the patio.

Countless waste water and waste poured down, as if this steel lair had just been drained.

Being so disturbed, the gray clams on the wall opened their shells one after another.

Most of them caught the waste falling from the air, only a small part didn't catch anything.

The old one-eyed man tried his best to remember the gray clams that returned with empty shells, and these were the goals for later.

After more than ten minutes, the garbage above was finally dumped.

The floor of the patio then cracked open, revealing the large processor below.

The monomolecular blade rotates at a high speed, cutting all the rubbish it touches into thin slices, and then being ground into particles by the grinder below, and sent to the next round of processing.

It turns out that this courtyard is a large garbage disposal station.

After it was detected that the garbage was basically processed, the processor stopped operating and the ground closed again.

"Okay, we have an hour."

Old One-Eyed jumped to the ground.

The gray clams just opened their shells for too long, and they are probably tired at the moment, ignoring the sounds made by these humans.

The old one-eyed man also knew this, so his attitude was very casual.

"Cannon, open the shell."

He beckoned.

Chu Zihang was originally captured to be a strong man, but now that his hand was injured, the old one-eyed man had no choice but to let his own men do it.

Cannon's expression changed, but in the end he didn't say anything, and jumped into the courtyard.

He picked up a metal scrap that slipped through the net on the ground, and followed old one-eyed towards a selected gray clam.

After walking to a distance of about two meters, the two stopped.

Cannon grabbed the inside of the scrap metal with his hands, and moved towards the gray clam bit by bit.

His expression looked very tense, not like he was approaching a motionless clam shell, but as if he was approaching a ferocious beast that would eat someone.

Chu Zihang soon understood why the boy was so nervous.

When the cannon was more than ten centimeters away from the gray clam, the gray clam suddenly bounced out.

The off-white viscous cushion stretched long, like a stretched chewing gum that was chewed until it was tasteless.

The clamshell, which was harder than iron, clamped fiercely towards the cannon, and he threw the metal scrap in his hand in horror.

The waste flew into the gray clam's mouth, and the clam shell closed instantly.

The metal is squeezed and deformed by the powerful adductor muscle, and the sound makes the head swell.

"It's now."

The old one-eyed man aimed his gun and fired two shots.

The scorching laser burned through the gray clam's anterior adductor muscle.

Even though the posterior adductor muscles were still exerting force, the closing power was less than half, and it was no longer enough to crush metal scraps.

The gray clam retreated to the wall in pain, but the clam shell was still stuck by the scrap metal.

Old One-Eyed fired another shot, which burned through its posterior adductor muscle, and now the clam shell couldn't close at all.


A happy expression finally appeared on the old one-eyed face.

A good start is half the battle, as long as the first one is successful, there will be a second and a third.

But he doesn't plan to drive too much, because he can't exhaust the water.

The reproduction speed of gray clams is not fast, although there are so many on the wall, it is because of years of accumulation.

The older gray clams climbed higher, and the gray clam at the top was as big as two people, and it was the clam king of the clam group.

There is a high probability that there will be clam pearls in it, which are very precious industrial materials and also a kind of luxury, which can be sold at a very high price.

But the old one-eyed man never thought of it, not only because it was very dangerous, but also because he would not be able to sell it if he got it.

Glancing at Chu Zihang who was watching, he decided to open a few more gray clams today.

He likes the temporary worker's personality and skills, so the old one-eyed man decides to let him replace the screw.

He had already thought of a name for Chu Zihang, and it was called Chimera.

Except for Lili and Chu Zihang, the old one-eyed made everyone take turns to be the bait, and opened a total of fifteen gray clams.

The clam meat varies in size, but it is enough for them to eat for four or five days.

Unlike mussels on Earth, gray mussels have a much longer shelf life and can be stored at room temperature for a week without spoiling.

This is the answer Chu Zihang curiously asked when he saw them handling the clam meat.

He doesn't know whether this is good or bad, after all, on Earth, long shelf life and health are generally negatively correlated.

Of course, in a place like the lower level of the Hive Capital, there is basically no chance of any chronic hazards being manifested.

Put the clam meat into the polymer fiber bag weaved by ourselves, and the clam digging team is ready to leave.

Coupled with the Ripper outside the passage, this hunting can be described as a bumper harvest.

Old One-Eyed wondered how to sell the Ripper for a high price, maybe to upgrade his las pistol.

At least turn up the shooting frequency a little bit, so it doesn't sound like a blocked urinary tract every time.

And high-level loot like the Ripper can also increase his reputation and deter those potential enemies.

Although the strength of the old one-eyed man can be regarded as number one among the lone rangers in the inhabited area, who would dislike his famous name?

In the lower level of the hive capital, a famous name can avoid a lot of trouble.

Just when the old one-eyed man was about to use the cannon as a pioneer to explore the way, the sound of equipment starting up appeared again in the courtyard.

He was startled, is it going to take out the trash again?

But the old one-eyed man immediately realized that something was wrong. The time for taking out the garbage was very regular, and it had never changed for so long.

Also, the sound is too low.

He followed the prestige, and there was also a passage opened on the wall on the other side.

And in the passage, a bald man wearing a white robe drilled out.

The old one-eyed man didn't even think about it, he just raised his hand and shot it through the bald head.

This patio is a resource they depend on for survival, and no one else is allowed to covet it.

It doesn't matter who discovers it first, the lower level of the hive capital never talks about first come, first served, only life and death.

The other party seemed to think the same way, and the bald body was pushed out and fell into the courtyard.

Immediately, an automatic rifle protruded from the passage and fired back and forth into the courtyard.

"Take Lily and run."

The old one-eyed shouted.

Cannon picked up the little girl without hesitation, and got into the exit first.

The other children gathered in front of the exit, waiting for the previous person to get in, and immediately got in too.

Old One Eye turned his back on them, using his body as a shield for them.

The stray bullets shot at him, tearing his clothes, revealing the green armor inside.

Although the color was different, Chu Zihang immediately recognized the carapace he had worn many times.

Laser pistols, carapace armor, plus the belief in the emperor and the training of children, the identity of the old one-eyed man is ready to be revealed.

It was just why an Astral Army was reduced to the lower level of the hive capital, which made him very curious.

Unfortunately, Chu Zihang had no chance to satisfy his curiosity.

A bazooka protruded from the passage, and the pointed rocket was aimed at old one-eyed.

"Don't move, or you will be killed immediately."

Old One-Eyed was a little surprised by the standard high Gothic. He weighed the possibility of exploding the bazooka, and had no choice but to signal the children to stop climbing.

A bald man with a bazooka came out of the passage, followed by a bald man with an automatic rifle, a bald man with a shotgun, a bald man with a flamethrower, and so on.

In another passage, more than 20 bald heads were placed like dumplings, and the courtyard was full.

Most of them wore white robes, while a few wore inferior plastic-steel body armor.

These people have lavender skin and plate-like bumps on the top of their heads.

The backs of their heads are also different from ordinary people, swallowing like a big tumor.

This group of mutants stared at the clam-digging team, and then separated, and an old mutant stepped out from the middle.

For some reason, Chu Zihang always felt that they looked familiar.

"Don't be nervous, kids, we won't hurt you."

said the old mutant in Low Gothic.

His voice was slow and hoarse, but with an indescribable magic that could calm people down.

"Won't hurt us? Is that what you mean?"

The old one-eyed sneered and pointed to the warhead on the ground.

"That's because you attacked us first, sir. We treat strangers kindly, unless they do violence to us first."

The old mutant corrected him gently.

"Be friendly to strangers? Don't you find it ridiculous to say such things in the lower hive capital?"

The old one-eyed curled his lips.

"I know it's hard, but the right thing has to be done. The Emperor told us to love your neighbor like you love your child. We are all poor people struggling to survive in this cruel world, why How about hurting each other?"

In order to prove his sincerity, the old mutant even motioned his people to lower their guns.

"You also believe in the Emperor?"

asked the old one-eyed.

"Of course, He is the co-lord of the entire galaxy."

The old mutant took out the pendant around his neck, and a statue of a god with four arms hung on it.

"Four-armed emperors, they are gene stealers!"

Chu Zihang finally remembered this terrible creature and shouted sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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