Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei Returns from Warhammer Retirement

Chapter 290 "Spark Glory" Prototype

Chapter 290 "Spark Glory" Prototype
According to the map given by Henkel, they found the alchemy matrix that maintains the Nibelungen.

Fingel clicked his tongue in admiration around the matrix, even leaving aside the Nibelungen, this alchemy matrix alone has already gained a lot.

After shooting the matrix structure from multiple angles, he and Xia Mi were busy for a while, and finally took over the ownership of Nibelungen.

The bloody sky lake shattered, the divine light pierced the crystal wall of the universe, and the emperor's will descended again.

Everyone knelt down on one knee and offered devout prayers to the Lord of Humanity.

Even Xia Mi didn't dare to make a mistake, and buried his head on his chest to act like an ostrich.

The golden light door opened, as if something was about to come out.

But a light spot floated out from Lu Mingfei's body and flew into the light gate.

The ripples that had already appeared stagnated for an instant, and the grand will swept across his body and then retracted, as if he had fallen into deep thought.

A moment later, the icy spiritual light shot into Lu Mingfei's chest, cutting open the closed blood vessels and tissues.

The broken parts quickly grew and connected, and spiritual energy was created out of nothing, reshaping a beating heart.

But only as big as a baby's heart.

Such a heart obviously couldn't bear the consumption of space fighters, but Lu Mingfei was not nervous, he already understood the reason.

The endurance of this universe had reached its limit, and the Emperor could only create the foundations for him.

As long as there are enough nutrients, the heart will grow to its original size, and the effect is better than that of clones.

The grand will continued to meditate, Lu Mingfei's injury was an accident, and he needed to re-plan.

Fortunately, with the Emperor's wisdom, the thinking didn't last long.

The light door rippled again, and Lu Mingfei seemed to see a group of huge bodies in red robes discussing fiercely.

Finally, they discussed the results.

A data disk was thrown out of the light gate, and was caught firmly by Lu Mingfei.

The light gate shattered, and an invisible force threw them up.

Lu Mingfei saw an extraordinarily huge body from among the fragments.

He held a huge double-headed ax mace in his hand, and countless cables and test tubes were stuck in his body.

He stood opposite all the red-robed sages and cast contemptuous glances at his fellow robes.

Seemingly sensing Lu Mingfei's gaze, he nodded towards the Chapter Leader.

"Salute to you, Great Sage."

Lu Mingfei saluted respectfully, and was thrown out of the Nibelungen.

For a week, the underground test site of the equipment department was buzzing with people.

Although there were only a few dozen people, this group of overactive equipment guys still created the effect of a gathering of thousands of people.

But it's no wonder they were excited. After getting the data disk from Lu Mingfei, the last piece of the Power Armor imitation plan was finally completed.

And today is the time for the actual combat test of the power armor.

Lu Mingfei stood in the middle of the field, and several equipment guys were busy working back and forth.

Electronic muscle suit, core skeleton, chest armor, shoulder armor, leg armor.
Parts were installed on his body one by one, the body was completely covered, and only the body of steel was in front of everyone's eyes.

Compared with the power armor of the space warrior, this armor imitated from the hunter power armor is much slimmer and has more smooth lines.

Coupled with the various textures carefully designed by the equipment guys, it looks more like a handicraft.

Out of gratitude for their work, Lu Mingfei allowed the equipment guys to create on unimportant parts of the power armor.

However, the three parts of the chest, shoulder armor, and helmet were all drawn by him with special patterns.

Needless to say, the chest is naturally the symbol of the eagle grasping the lightning.

The shoulder armor is engraved with the chapter's red pentagram emblem in accordance with the requirements of the Codex Astartes.

If it is an ordinary soldier, mark your own company and squad.

But Lu Mingfei is the leader of the regiment, all he needs is the regiment badge.

The helmet is also the highlight. He was hesitant among many proposals, but after seeing Erika Uesugi and Natsumi, he immediately had an answer.

What could be more a warrior of the Emperor than a golden skull?

Since there is no photoelectric imaging device of the Mechanicum, the Equipment Department installed a window made of metallic glass on the helmet.

This metallic glass is made of a mixture of phosphorus, silicon, germanium, palladium, and silver, and has an ultra-high "volume shear rate."

In layman's terms, although ordinary glass is strong but fragile, this metallic glass is not only strong but also very tough.

Not only can it withstand extremely strong impact, but it will only bend and not shatter.

This new type of glass is not the research result of the Equipment Department, but a new project of Berkeley Lab, which is still only in the laboratory stage.

In order to get such a large piece, the equipment department spent a lot of money.

The interior of the helmet integrates many accessories such as communications, display screens, loudspeakers, and respirators.

Norma and Xihe's small terminals are also implanted in the helmet, allowing them to enjoy the services of two artificial intelligences at the same time.

Behind the breastplate is the iconic large backpack of power armor, which contains the power core and oxygen supply device.

The power core of the power armor is divided into two sets. The main power is an alchemy engine driven by the Philosopher's Stone as fuel. The rest of the Heavenly Dragon Orb has been put into it, and it can theoretically run for more than a thousand hours.

The auxiliary power is an electric drive engine composed of alchemy technology and high-energy batteries, which can run at full power for 5 minutes when fully charged.

It sounds a bit hip-stretching, but compared to the performance of power armor and the current energy technology of the earth, this is already very powerful.

And after the follow-up technological support is in place, there is still room for further upgrades of this power engine.

This is also the main direction for the follow-up improvement of Power Armor.

After all, the alchemy engine has no room for improvement, and the power source of the Philosopher's Stone is too cherished.

As for the small parts such as the life support system and the temperature regulator, they are also installed on the inside of the breastplate. Although the performance is weaker than the prototype, it is not 01:30, but it is better than nothing.

"Let's start the experiment."

Lu Mingfei said after moving a bit.

His already loud voice was released through the amplifier like a raging wave, drowning out the noisy voices of the equipment guys.

An alloy target bounced from the floor, three times larger than Chu Zihang's previous experiment with the electronic muscle suit.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath, and the breathing was as heavy as thunder.

He twisted his waist and punched, and the metal glove with the size of a human head hit the bull's-eye accurately.

The alloy target weighing several hundred kilograms was directly blown away and hit the ground far away.

The place where it was hit was deeply dented, and the electronic screen displayed the force of the attack.

3202 kg.

Lu Mingfei nodded in satisfaction. Although it was far inferior to the Star Warrior Power Armor, it was terrifying enough compared to the existing exoskeleton armor on Earth.

If he had this piece of power armor in Baidi City, he would be able to chop off Norton's head within five rounds.

Lu Mingfei also tested the flexibility, defensive performance, running speed, endurance bonus and other items, and the results were all satisfactory.

"Your results are excellent."

He made the final judgment.


"Mom, I finally made Power Armor!"

"Damn it, it would be better if it was a leather case."

The equipment guys cheered chaotically. Almost all the staff participated in this project, which condensed their countless efforts.

In order to speed up the progress, many researchers even stopped their original projects.

Today, their efforts finally bear fruit.

"Professor Lu, give it a name, a super awesome name."

Abdullah said while wiping away tears.

"Yes, yes, Professor Lu, please give this baby a name."

The other equipment also fell silent and shouted at Lu Mingfei.

"Then call it Spark Glory."

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hands to the sky, watching the coating reflect the dazzling luster under the light.

(End of this chapter)

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