Chapter 348 Human Wisdom

"Holy One, there is a foreign hybrid invasion, and my soldiers have suffered heavy casualties."

The Prophet hurried in and said to Angel Zhe.

"What are you panicking about?"

Angel Zhe glanced at him, his calm eyes were like a basin of ice water, extinguishing the urgent fire in his heart.

"Take them and go first."

Zhe Angel pointed to Yuan Zhinv.

"Yes, Holy One."

The Prophet said respectfully.

Now he has calmed down, only the saint can recover his divine power, and those soldiers can have as many as they want.

Yuan Zhinv's expression turned serious, she couldn't let this guy run away.

He was just about to release the Nightmare Tapir, when a white shadow suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

Yuan Zhinv was startled, and quickly lowered her arms to block.

During this period of time, he also learned some Huaguo kung fu with Wu Yue, and this block is exactly a style of the fifth family's internal family boxing, Tiesuo Hengjiang.

When Wu Yue usually uses this move, Fingel can only change his move obediently without using the bronze throne.

Although Yuanzhinv's boxing skills are far from her state of combining the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit, her physical fitness comparable to that of a pure-blooded dragon has filled the gap in skills, and even surpassed it.

But under the iron chain railing, the five fingers jumped up like five dragons that overwhelmed the river, even if the young girl's veins bulged, she couldn't suppress it.

With five fingers together, one punch ascended to the sky like a dragon leaping over a dragon's gate, and hit his chin fiercely.

As if being hit head-on by a dump truck, Yuan Zhinv's eyes suddenly went dark.

The bone plate, which was stronger than fine steel, was shattered by this punch, and sweet blood spewed out from his mouth.

However, as the former Dragon King and now the battalion commander of the punishment battalion, Yuanzhinv naturally wouldn't be so vulnerable.

Not to mention the broken sternum, even if all the limbs were broken, he would bite the enemy's throat with his teeth.

Yuanzhinv took a sharp breath, and the dragon blood in her body boiled even more violently.

The broken bones healed quickly, and more dragonlike features appeared on his body.

Especially his eyes, the bright golden pupils were full of blood.

After passing Lu Mingfei's approval, violent blood has become a secret skill mastered by all members of the battle group.

Except for Uesugi Erika who is not allowed to rage blood without approval, everyone else can decide whether to use it according to the actual situation.

This is not because Lu Mingfei is relying on the emperor's protection, but because of the actual needs of the war group to make more and more enemies.

And with the purity of Yuanzhinv's bloodline, just one burst of blood allowed his physical fitness to reach the level of a three-generation complete body.

Yuan Zhinv was knocked into the air and hit the wall, but what was cracked was the stone wall that had stood for thousands of years.

But the brain is fragile, and he was a little dizzy for a while.

Shaking her head, Yuanzhinv pulled herself out of the stone wall with her hands, and rushed towards Angel Zhe.

Angel Zhe didn't panic, raised his hands in his sleeves, and the long sleeves fluttered like two white clouds.

His robe is different from the local traditional robes. The two sleeves are long and wide, more like the toga with large sleeves favored by scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties of China.

When Yuanzhinv's fist touched the cloud sleeve, it was like hitting pig iron.

Alchemy items!

He was startled, and just as he was about to change his move, a slender hand came out of his long sleeve, and flicked it behind his head.

Yuanzhinv only felt a wave of evil energy stir in his mind, and she fainted.

"Take it away."

The Angel Zhe grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the Prophet.

Although it is not a fighting type of speech spirit, it is still a high-blooded mixed race, and it has been exercised when it was young, so it can still handle a hundred pounds.


The Prophet held Yuan Zhinv in his arms, and several soldiers ran in from the secret room, holding Ishihara Yumi hostage, and sneaked into the secret passage.

Zhe Angel opened his five fingers towards the secret door, and the surrounding rocks softened like mud, covering the secret door.

With five fingers together, the stone mud hardened again, completely covering the secret door.

Angel Zhe pouted, his cold and unliving face was a little more smoky.

If before he was sealed, he could turn the entire rock wall into a glazed mountain with a backhand, how could he use such a thing to make up the numbers.

However, thanks to King Bai's blood, otherwise he would not be able to control even this level of elements.

While thinking, Zhe Angel suddenly turned his head.

The silver armored warrior smashed the door of the secret room with a punch, and strode in.

"Is this exoskeleton armor?"

He looked up and down "Spark Glory", with a rare surprise on his face.

Angel Zhe is very interested in humanities and technology. After unblocking, he often asked the prophet to find relevant information for him, and even surfed the Internet.

Therefore, he naturally knows about individual equipment such as exoskeleton armor.

However, this should still be at the design level.

Lu Mingfei ignored his words and glanced at the tablet, the green dot was moving fast.

"Go save people, leave it to me."

He handed the tablet to Fingel behind him.


Finger and Wuyue led the order and ran out.

The main force of the base's defense force has been wiped out by them, and the remaining small fish and shrimps no longer pose any threat.

With Zhe Angel's wisdom, he naturally guessed that Yuanzhinv had a tracking device installed on her body.

"Being sealed for more than 1000 years, my brain is really rusted, I can't even think of this."

He laughed self-deprecatingly.

Although I am trying to adapt to the new world, my thinking is still stuck in the old era.

"Are you a hybrid or a dragon?"

Lu Mingfei asked in a deep voice.

If it was an ordinary person, then the person standing here should be Yuanzhinv.

"Is there any difference?"

Angel Zhe asked back.

Indeed, there is no difference.

Even if it is a mixed race, after killing so many humans, it is already an alien.

Sensing Lu Mingfei's overwhelming killing intent, Angel Zhe's calm expression gradually became serious.

He had never seen such a powerful aura when he was fighting with his own race.

But if the other party is a dragon, he has no connection between bloodlines.


Angel Zhe was about to ask a question when a huge fist hit him.

The flames from the thrusters dyed the entire secret chamber blue, and the fierce fist wind made his robes rattle.

Faced with such a dangerous punch, Angel Zhe had no intention of avoiding it.

He was originally the most combative group among the next generation, otherwise he would not have been feared by the monarch and sealed by black hands.

Zhe Angel swiped his right foot, his body was shaped like a bow, and his right fist was shot out like an arrow, and it came back, hitting Lu Mingfei's hand armor.

Fist to fist, the huge impact shook the ground.

Fighting with bare hands, they actually created the sound of heavy fire bombing.

"Has human technology developed to this point?"

Looking at the distorted fingers, Zhe Angel sighed.

There was shock, disappointment, and a hint of excitement in it.

"The wisdom of human beings is beyond the imagination of you aliens."

Lu Mingfei said coldly.

At the same time, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

The opponent probably didn't use the word spirit, but was able to resist the power armor's thrusting punch with the human form.

Even if Lu Mingfei didn't use the sprint breathing method, the performance of this dragon is second only to Izanami and the Fit Dragon King.

"Human intelligence?"

Angel Zhe smiled, his eyes blurred for a moment, as if he was remembering something.

"Then let me see if human wisdom can overcome the power of blood."

The legs under his robe suddenly lifted up and fell down like a battle axe.

Lu Mingfei blocked with a cross arm, and pressed down with great force, and the power armor made a sound of being overwhelmed.

Looking at Angel Zhe's injured right hand, it has completely recovered at this moment. If it weren't for some residual blood, no one would have imagined that this hand had just been disabled.

There was a mocking smile on his face, if these people hadn't been clever enough to use the white-king hybrid as bait, how could he have obtained such a powerful speech spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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