Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei Returns from Warhammer Retirement

Chapter 357 Join if you can't beat it

Chapter 357 Join if you can't beat it
"What are you doing in the village?"

asked one of the heads.

This is a middle-aged man, judging from his appearance and clothes, he should be a craftsman or hired worker.

"Look for food and weapons, and by the way, see if there are any survivors and ask about the situation."

Chu Zihang said frankly.

With their fighting power, there is no need to hide from these civilians.

"We can give you some food, but we have to exchange it with water."

The middle-aged man said.

They had enough food, but they didn't have enough clean water, and they didn't dare to go out to find it.

If the trial team didn't come, it would be self-circulating further down.

"Yuanzhinv, Thakal, go outside and get some water."

Chu Zihang ordered.


The two took their orders.

There was a well in the middle of the village, and it was not destroyed by the orcs, so they fetched water and came back quickly.

"Thank you."

After taking the bucket, the vigilance on the middle-aged man's face became a little less.

They returned to the cellar with the bucket, and everyone seemed to hear cheers.

"Thank you for bringing me water, you deserve it."

The middle-aged man climbed up again, holding a basket of black bread in his hand.

Brown bread is not much of a delicacy, even in modern times.

In the Middle Ages, when productivity was backward, black bread was usually not pure flour bran, and it was also mixed with chestnut or bean powder.

Because the ingredients are complex and not easy to ferment, it is particularly hard.

There's a medieval joke that says don't argue with your wife in the kitchen or she'll pick up the brown bread and blow your head off.

But even so, some poor people can't even afford it.

They will put some rough wheat flour in a bowl and pour some hot water to make a wheat paste. If they can, they will add some wild vegetables or meat of unknown origin.

Chu Zihang took the basket, broke the black bread and distributed it among the team members, each of whom divided into three quarters.

The quality of this black bread is actually not bad, at least it can bite.

However, the people who were spoiled by the food and nutrition of the war group still showed expressions of disgust.

The middle-aged man was surprised when he saw them, and had some doubts about their identities, but wisely he didn't say it.

While gnawing on the bread, Chu Zihang collected information.

The middle-aged man didn't hide anything, and told him everything he knew.

The middle-aged man's name was Donald, and he was the baker in the village.

This village is called Rhodes Village, and it is the territory of Baron Reyek.

Three days ago, a group of orcs suddenly attacked here. The villagers fought hard, but they were slaughtered in the end.

Only Donald and his family hid in the cellar and escaped unharmed.

"Didn't the Baron send troops to help you?"

Chu Zihang asked.

"The orcs attacked us at night, and the village didn't have time to send a messenger for help."

Donald shook his head and said,

Moreover, he still has a hidden worry in his heart.

It took three days before a group of foreigners came to find them. I'm afraid the situation on the baron's side is not very good.

"Then what are your plans?"

Chu Zihang asked again.

"do not know."

Donald showed a confused expression.

It is definitely not possible to hide in the cellar forever, the food will always run out.

But he didn't have the guts to let him leave the village with his family.

The massacre that night had frightened Donald out of his wits, and the thought of encountering orcs on the road made him shiver all over his body.
"Then come with us."

Chu Zihang said.

"Follow you? Where?"

Donald asked.

"Go to the baron's territory you mentioned first."

He thought about it.

They are all barons, and they are still a bit of an official army, so they shouldn't be wiped out by the orcs who are still holding wooden clubs.

"No, no, what if I encounter an orc?"

Donald's head shook like a rattle.

"The orcs are not scary. We killed three orcs on the way here."

Chu Zihang showed off his spoils.

Donald recognized the orc's iconic stone stick, and his pupils shrank.

He'd seen an orc with one of these weapons smash a villager to pieces with a single blow.

And the young man in front of him actually killed this kind of orc, and he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries.

"Are you really Orion?"

Donald asked carefully.

"What does it matter if it is or not? As long as we are human beings. And we don't hold malicious intentions. Otherwise, as long as you fill the cellar with smoke, you will not be able to live."

Chu Zihang said.

Donald was a little sullen when he heard such a vicious method, but he had to admit that what he said made sense.


He still hesitated.

"Stay here, you will definitely die, you will only waste food and weapons. Live with us, or be killed by us, you have no other choice."

Chu Zihang's tone was a little cold.

Although he has pity for these poor people, he has his own members first.

Taking the Donald's family with him was already a manifestation of Chu Zihang's soft heart.

Space Marines are the Emperor's great currency, and he has no right to squander them.

The naked threat made the baker's face extremely ugly, but he still didn't explode.

He didn't dare to face the orcs, and naturally he didn't dare to blow his hair with a strong man who could kill the orcs.

"Can I discuss it with my family?"

Donald said reluctantly.

"Go ahead, but don't take too long."

Chu Zihang nodded.

After a while of quarreling and debating, Donald got out again.

"Walking with you, what do we have to give, and what can we get?"

he asked.

"Hand over all your food and weapons, and obey my orders. You shall have our protection, human or orc."

Chu Zihang said.

"Are you willing to swear to the gods you believe in?"

Donald said.

"Of course. I swear to the great Lord of Humanity to keep Donald and his family safe."

He swore an oath with the eagle ceremony.

Donald saw his piety, and felt a little more at ease.

Although I haven't heard of the name of the Lord of Humanity, it doesn't matter.

The beliefs in this world are very complicated, and there are many gods.

However, people still attach great importance to faith. After all, the gods will really perform miracles, although the frequency is not high.

After making the contract, Donald crawled out of the cellar with his family.

There are five of them in total, Donald, his wife Melania, eldest son Donald Jr., youngest son Barron, and daughter Ivanka.

His family looks good, especially his daughter Ivanka is young and beautiful, with a hot body.

Donald glanced at the crowd covertly, and he was relieved to find that their eyes didn't stay on Ivanka much.

Now that he has decided to accept the protection of the trial team, he also voluntarily handed over the stored materials.

Not to mention food, Chu Zihang was surprised by the abundance of weapons and equipment.

Four spears, a one-handed sword, a short-handled chain hammer, sickles, hoes, and pot lids.

Chu Zihang asked for the one-handed sword, the chain hammer was given to Takar, and the spear was distributed to the rest.

As for the sickle and hoe, it was left to the Donald family.

The pot cover Chu Zihang also stayed behind, so he could be used as a shield.

He pulled out his one-handed sword and danced a few sword flowers casually.

The quality of the sword is average, and the weight is a bit light, but it is better than nothing.

Seeing Chu Zihang's neat and unrestrained movements, Donald felt a stronger sense of awe, but also a greater sense of security.

"My lord, do you want armor?"

He rolled his eyes and said.

(End of this chapter)

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