Chapter 359

Seeing heavily armed soldiers rushing towards them, the Donald family suddenly panicked.

They wanted to run away, but they were surrounded by the trial team and couldn't get out. They looked pitiful when they were at a loss.

"Listen to the adults, don't move."

At the critical moment, Donald still played the majesty of the head of the family and comforted his family.

Chu Zihang glanced at it and nodded with satisfaction.

While he won't stop the family from escaping, he won't let them back either.

Under the current situation, without the protection of the trial team, they can only die.

As expected of a person who survived from the orcs, Donald is really good at judging the situation.

Chu Zihang withdrew his attention from the Donald's family, and focused on the soldiers rushing over.

As far as weapons are concerned, their disadvantages are not great.

Although the opponent has a shield, theirs is a long weapon.

The disadvantage of armor is great. Except for Chu Zihang, the rest of the team only wears linen clothes.

If you want to win this battle at the lowest possible cost, you need to arrange it well.

"Pikemen in the second row, the others in the third row, and Fingal in the rear."

Chu Zihang shouted.

The team members quickly followed the orders and formed a diamond formation.

The soldier leader's eyes were fixed, and his pace immediately slowed down by three points.

He is slow, but his men will not be slow.

It has been two days since they escaped from Fort Reyek, and the dry food they brought has been eaten, and they are hungry now.

What's more, it's the next thing to eat or not, those women are too good-looking.

Niu Zishangnao's deserters overtook the leader of the soldiers, and Ula rushed towards the convoy screaming.

If they are all deserters, the authority brought by their positions will be greatly weakened.

However, this is exactly what the soldier chief wanted.

This is what you want to rush ahead, it's not that I let you block the knife.

Just as the deserters had their own ghosts, the two teams finally met each other.

They didn't have any special training on spears, but this kind of weapon is also very simple to use, nothing more than holding it up and stabbing forward.

With the strength of everyone, it is not impossible to even do this.

Chu Zihang used his body as a shield to stand in front of everyone.

At least four or five swords stabbed at him at the same time, some were blocked by the pot cover, and some were blocked by the sword.

The rest were deliberately missed by him, and the stabbing of the plate armor did not cause any damage.


Chu Zihang yelled, swung his long sword and stabbed into the chest of a deserter wearing chain mail.

Chain mail is an armor made of countless iron rings. This kind of armor has good defense against slashing, but weak defense against piercing attacks.

And with Chu Zihang's swordsmanship, he could stab the keyhole with precision.

At the same time as he swung his sword, four spears pierced out from behind him, fast and urgent.

The members of the trial team don't know marksmanship, but they know how to use force.

Blood spattered everywhere, and the five deserters fell down, clutching different positions, dead with dazed faces.

Aren't these people fleeing villagers?

Why, their marksmanship is so accurate?

In just one round of confrontation, only nine of the fourteen deserters remained.

Now, their numbers have become a disadvantage.

The deserters were shocked when they saw this, but they were regular soldiers after all, and they knew that it was too late to escape at this time.

Whether they want to win or survive, they can only bite the bullet.

"Hugh, Hughes, you deal with that man in plate armor."

cried the soldier chief.

Against this kind of heavy infantry, a long-handled warhammer is very suitable for weapons with both length and weight.

After hearing his words, the two brothers immediately swung their war hammers, one pierced Chu Zihang's chest with the sharp thorn of the hammer head, and the other hooked the blade at his calf.

This is a very common tactic and works really well against heavily armored enemies.

In the history of Earth and Terra, countless noble knights and lords have been turned into bounties by lowly mercenaries in this way.

He blocked the spikes with the lid of the pot, and the spikes pierced the iron sheet and made a harsh metal friction sound, but he couldn't break through for a while.

The blade that hooked Chu Zihang's calf was blocked by the long sword. The two brothers were fairly strong, but they were still much weaker than him.

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while, which was very unfavorable to Chu Zihang.

Because the four team members with spears have been entangled by deserters holding shields, and the leader of the soldiers has already rushed over.

His eyes were very fierce, and the refined steel sword in his hand was aimed at Chu Zihang's unprotected head.


Chu Zihang shouted suddenly.


The only soldier in the punishment battalion swung his arm vigorously, and the chain hammer made an irregular curve and hit Hughes on the head.

The deserter's head exploded instantly like a watermelon, and the body fluid from the explosion sprayed Chu Zihang and Xiuge all over their faces.

Thakal smiled complacently. Throwing a chain hammer is a Sikh specialty, and he has received the true biography of a Sikh master.


Hugh let out a cry of grief.

The two of them are brothers, and they joined Baron Reyek's army together, and their relationship is very deep.

"I must kill you!"

With a roar, he let go of the long-handled war hammer that he couldn't pull out, and punched Chu Zihang on the bridge of the nose.


The deserter leader sighed, knowing that the situation was over, he turned and ran away.

Sure enough, Chu Zihang lowered his head to avoid the straight punch, and then stabbed the long sword into Xiuge's thigh.

Xiuge screamed and fell to his knees, right next to his brother's corpse.

Chu Zihang showed no mercy, and pierced his throat with another sword.

He drew out his long sword, glanced at the back of the leader of the deserter, and then turned around.

His face was dyed red and white, and the sword in his hand was dripping with blood.

Those who can be deserters are not warriors at all, and they were frightened when they saw this scene.

Cleverly crossing the line of defense, he wanted to take Donald's family hostage, but was stopped by Finger, who had been holding back.

"This way is dead."

With one pot cover in one hand and a big stick in the other, Fingel smiled meanly at them.

After 1 minute, all deserters turned into corpses on the ground.

Except, the deserter leader who ran away.

"Finger, Yuanzhinv, go after them."

Chu Zihang ordered.

Finger alone is still not safe, but Yuan Zhinv is safe.


Fingel picked up the round shield and battle sword on the ground, and Yuan Zhinv who was holding a spear chased in the direction where the leader of the deserter was fleeing.

Ten minutes later, they escorted the leader of the deserters back.

"This kid can still run."

Fingel gasped and said, then kicked the deserter leader in the leg socket, making him kneel on the ground.

The leader of the deserter had an arm broken, and his pale face was full of panic and grief. It seemed that he would not die for a while.

Chu Zihang glanced at him, put it aside and began to clean the battlefield.

Wu Yue and Erika were somewhat resistant to stripping the dead man's clothes, but Zero didn't feel anything.

Driven by Chu Zihang's request and Zero, they still moved their hands.

Soon, the trial team completed the costume change.

"Cut off their heads."

Chu Zihang said.

"What's the use?"

asked Fingal.

"Take it as a certificate of honor."

He swung his long sword and beheaded a deserter.

The deserter leader watched this scene tremblingly, the people in front of him seemed to be more terrifying than the orcs.

(End of this chapter)

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