Chapter 361 Green Skin Boss Lu Mingfei

"It's me, Brother Chu Zihang."

The orc boss nodded.

"Battlemaster, how could you?"

Chu Zihang hesitated to speak.

The emperor's beloved millennium veteran, the venerable elder of the Crimson Star turned into a greenskin, too profane even in a dream.

If the Inquisition Court finds out, I'm afraid they will frantically silence the whole galaxy.

"I don't know either. It's probably because the collective dreamland is still unstable."

Lu Mingfei knew what he wanted to say and shrugged.

To be honest, he is also very repulsed by becoming a green skin.

If it is in reality, then Lu Mingfei will probably launch a redemption expedition, and contribute the final value to the empire while self-destructing.

But after all, it was in a dream, so it was barely bearable.

When you can't take it anymore, just kill yourself.

The spiritual hypnosis of the dream trial was useless to him, he knew that he would wake up after death.

Of course, Lu Mingfei would not tell Chu Zihang and them about this, otherwise the trial would be meaningless.

"Put this question aside for now, let's fight."

Lu Mingfei said.

"Yes, Captain."

Chu Zihang immediately returned to attention.

When Lu Mingfei entered the dreamland, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost all the members of the warband are here, and if he is ruined because of his command error, even if his soul is eaten by the Chaos Demon, it will not be able to make up for it.

Now that there is a battle group leader, there will be no danger in this trial.

Although the trial effect may be worse, the lives of the members are the most important.

Chu Zihang can be cruel to himself, but he can't be cruel to himself and others like Lu Mingfei.

Just like if sacrificing his allies can win the victory, then he must first consider whether he can win by sacrificing himself, and then decide to focus on victory after painful thinking, and will continue to experience the torture of conscience in his later life.

Lu Mingfei, on the other hand, judged that sacrificing himself could not win, and sacrificed his allies without hesitation.

The two may not look very different, but in the 40K universe they are very different.

For example, if the enemy uses a time retrospective device, then Chu Zihang may change his decision in retrospect again and again.

For another example, if there were psychic psykers or subspace creatures that could affect the soul, they would magnify the intolerance in Chu Zihang's heart and change his decision.

And all of this has no effect on Lu Mingfei, because his mind has been as strong as gold through thousands of years of tempering.

In terms of mental firmness alone, Lu Mingfei even surpassed most of the Primarchs.

Because he's just an ordinary Space Marine, without natural powers like them.

"What is the deputy head talking about with that green-skinned boss?"

Fingel glanced back and asked curiously.

"When you meet your opponent at chess, do you cherish each other?"

Yuanzhinv chopped down a green-skinned boy with a sword, and replied casually.

He had heard Lu Mingfei talk about the situation of the green skins, this kind of creatures sometimes still have a sense of honor, the premise is that they think you are worthy of Waaagh.

Lu Mingfei once told them the story of the legendary political commissar of the empire, Yarek, and the green-skinned warlord named "Bonebreaker".

Because Bonebreaker felt that Arak could bring it enough exciting Waaagh, he let him go after defeating him, and even gave him the commissar's uniform, the bolter, and the heavy armor from the green skin. The power claw cut off from the boss.

And Yarek lived up to the expectations of the Bonebreaker, repelling its attacks on Armageddon time and time again, and became a well-known and terrifying enemy among green skins.

The Greenskins also nicknamed the legendary political commissar, "Old One-Eyed".

Although Chu Zihang is not as legendary as Commissar Arak, he is already well-known in the mixed race circle.

"Damn it, the deputy captain and the green-skinned boss rushed over together."

Fifth Moon also turned his head and glanced, then exclaimed loudly.

"what's going on?"

Even though they knew they shouldn't be distracted during the battle, they couldn't help but look back.

Then, they saw the deputy head of the Crimson Star Chapter and the green boss charge side by side.

The green skin even helped Chu Zihang split two thrown stones.

"What kind of ridiculous movie is this? Am I living in a dream? Hey, no, I seem to be in a dream."

Fingel began to doubt his sanity.

"Tomorrow, before the battle between the two armies, the old man only needs to say a few words, and the discipline Zhuge Liang surrenders."

For some reason, this famous line came to Wu Yue's mind for the first time.

"You call the deputy head Wang Lang."

Fingel came back to his senses and said.

"You are a German, why do you know so much about the Three Kingdoms?"

Wu Yue was speechless and contemptuous of his behavior of sowing dissension.

"Concentrate on fighting."

Lu Mingfei noticed their distraction and shouted a reminder.

"Damn it, it's Junior Brother Lu."

Fingel recognized his tone immediately.

"Why did the leader become a green skin?"

Yuan Zhinv also reacted immediately.

Although they have not yet accepted this fact, they have instinctively entered the fighting state.

The six people were automatically paired into two groups according to strength and weapons, and they divided and eliminated the green skins in a triangular formation.

"Is it because I am too gentle with you at ordinary times, or is it that you are in the rebellious period. After entering the battle, you dare to chat and chat?"

Lu Mingfei knocked down a green boy with one punch and stomped its head under his feet.

His expression was too calm for a green-skinned face, but his serious tone made the trial team shudder.

The wrath of the Chapter Leader has always been only directed at the enemy, but this sudden flash of fire made everyone feel extremely heavy pressure.

They didn't dare to speak anymore, they just fought in silence.

When the sword pierced the greenskin's heart, no one was complacent.

No one showed pain or anger when they were hit by greenskin slings.

The members of the trial team seemed to have become emotionless killing machines, using the weapons in their hands instead of their own thoughts.

"Chief Knight, why did that orc cut off his own people?"

A knight stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him.

"I do not know either."

Hawkwood had no idea either.

Orcs do have internal strife, but that is also an internal conflict, and there is no example of helping humans fight their own kind.

Moreover, aren't these orcs subordinates of the green-skinned boss himself?

Where are two armies confronting each other, and one side kills its own soldiers first.

But whether the orc is bestial or crazy, it's a good thing for them.

The martial arts of the knights is naturally not as good as that of the trial team, but their equipment is much better.

Especially the one-piece plate armor on their bodies, it is difficult to break through the simple weapons snatched by the orcs, but their original stone sticks are more lethal.

With the joint efforts of both sides, this orc army was quickly wiped out.

Hawkwood looked at the corpses of a knight and three attendants with a look of sadness on his face.

The knight was gouged to death by an orc with a mace, and the three attendants were killed by slings.

The orc's sling is astonishingly powerful, its aim is not low, and it is not weaker than a bow and arrow at close range.

The defenders guarding the wall were also killed by a wave of slings, so there was no time to issue a warning.

"You have fulfilled your duties as knights during your lifetime, and you will surely ascend to Uther's kingdom of God after your death."

Hawkwood prayed for the war dead.

Uther is the god of justice and knights. Almost all knights and righteous people believe in this god, and he is one of the main gods in this world.

After praying, he looked at the trial team walking towards him.

"Thank you for your help. If it weren't for your timely support, everyone in Reyek Town would have faced annihilation."

Hawkwood took the initiative to meet him and thanked him sincerely.

His gaze swept across the faces of the crowd, and stayed on Lu Mingfei's face for a while, then tried to turn his attention to Chu Zihang.

"You're welcome, it's our duty to eliminate the orcs."

Chu Zihang said seriously.

Even though they had just experienced a bloody battle and the knights under Hawkwood had also received professional training, seeing the big green face behind them and hearing his words, they still couldn't help but spit out .

"why are you laughing?"

(End of this chapter)

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