Chapter 385 The Necronomicon
The black coated paper was stained with spray-like blood.

Coupled with the weird title, it looks like an ominous book at first glance.

"Did those bloodstains come with you when you bought them?"

Fingal asked curiously.

He was thinking about how the blood was sprayed on it, sacrifice, suicide, or fight?
"Oh, no, I made it up myself."

Klein said.

"You want to sacrifice blood to summon the evil god?"

Lu Mingfei's eyes sharpened.

"No, I just think a little blood on the cover is more stylish. And it's chicken blood, I went to the village to get it."

Klein explained.

Hmm. OK, reasonable.

Lu Mingfei didn't want to delve too much into the mental journey of this kind of person, which would make him farther and farther away from normal people's thinking.

He opened the Necronomicon, and there were strings of sharp-edged words on it.

"Xihe, translate into Chinese."

Lu Mingfei took a photo with his mobile phone.

"The text in the picture is in Arabic, but a special writing method is used, and it will take some time to decipher."

Xi He immediately replied.

The translation software also gave the results of forced translation, all of which are meaningless garbled characters.

"It's such an advanced software, is there a fee?"

Klein asked excitedly.

Although he is proficient in multiple languages, having this software saves a lot of effort.

"No charge."

Lu Mingfei replied.

"Can you share it with me?"

Klein is very happy, the free software is good software.

"You can't use it, it's our internal software."


He said with some disappointment.

"However, if you can become an advisor to our warband, I can authorize you to use this software."

Lu Mingfei thought for a while and said.

Since the other party is not a cultist or a degenerate hybrid, coercive measures cannot be taken.

But he couldn't be allowed to continue his research, just in the name of installing software, let Xihe monitor him.

"Okay, but you still have to charge according to the difficulty of the consultation."

Klein readily agreed.


The two parties exchanged contact information, and Lu Mingfei asked Xihe to install relevant software on Klein's phone and computer.

"So you know what the special way of writing is?"

Lu Mingfei asked.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be able to understand this book. However, I can't tell you how to decipher it."

Klein shook his head.

"I can pay."

"It's not about money. This book has power beyond your imagination. It's not a big problem if you don't understand it or read the translated content directly, but knowing how to decipher it will make you be targeted by that power."

he said seriously.

This is why Klein is willing to show them the Necronomicon directly. There is no way to decipher it, it's just a decoration.

"So you have old seals all over your body?"

There was a little more appreciation in Lu Mingfei's eyes.

This young man looks like a bit of a money fanatic, but unexpectedly he is quite principled.

"That's right. But I'm used to it. Knowledge is both a power and a curse. To study it is to bear it."

Klein said frankly.

"Is there any performance after being targeted by that kind of power?"

Lu Mingfei asked.

"This, I don't know how to describe it. The feeling is different every time."

He said with some distress.

"Sometimes I feel pain like a red-hot iron rod being inserted into my brain, and sometimes I feel chills all over my body, and sometimes I suddenly understand a long history, even if I Never learned that before."

Klein described.

"Is there no more concrete or realistic representation?"


He shook his head.

They are all spiritual manifestations, which is hard to define.

It may be possessed by a real evil god, or it may just be done research and get mesmerized.

Even in the 40K universe, it is difficult to distinguish whether a scholar has a mental breakdown due to poor research, or has been disturbed by Tzeentch.

Of course, it is not difficult to deal with it.

A bolt shot or tossed into an incinerator are good choices.

However, judging from the information currently available, Klein's words are at least half likely to be true.

"Have all the researchers in your school had this kind of experience?"

Lu Mingfei asked.

"Look at the research direction and academic level. The freshmen in recent years are not good at all. They can't even read cuneiform."

Having said that, Klein sighed.

The University of Michigan is the same as other universities, doctoral students also need to help guide students.

And his tutor, Professor Amanisis, was also very keen on accepting students, but he and a few of his classmates were the ones who took them.

Every time Klein saw the stupid eyes of those newcomers, he would have the urge to quit school.

"However, the absolute number is quite large, after all, we are the University of Michigan."

He said quite proudly.

At Michigan, the degree of madness is almost equal to the academic level.

And when it comes to how to keep yourself awake, everyone has their own unique skills.

Lu Mingfei was noncommittal to Klein's words, but he already labeled Miskatonic University suspicious in his heart.

It just so happened that they wanted to expand the source of students, and when the time came, they would send a group of undercover agents from the Japanese branch to monitor the school.

Of course, he wouldn't tell Klein about this plan.

"You haven't told me the translated content of this page."

Lu Mingfei returned to the topic.

"Oh, let me read it to you."

Klein cleared his throat and read in a psychedelic tone.

"Our Cthulhu in the sea, may your name be exalted, may your kingdom come, may your will be done in R'lyeh, as in Iha Ensley."

"Sounds like some kind of prayer."

Lu Mingfei frowned.


Klein expressed surprise at his level of knowledge, and then explained in detail.

It turns out that Cthulhu in the prayer is the object of a certain minority belief.

According to his research, it is only on the islands of New Zealand that there are some indigenous beliefs in this unknown deity.

Klein took great pains to piece together the image of Cthulhu from the myths passed down by word of mouth and cultural relics whose authenticity is unknown.

It was a huge green creature, vaguely human in outline, but with an octopus-like head with many tentacles.

Its body is like a scaly jelly, with huge claws and a pair of long, narrow wings behind it.

Its bloated body was dripping with mucus, like a rotting mountain.

"Cthulhu is not its real name, but the name I translated. It is said that if you can recite its real name, you can enter your dream and see that magical palace, Raliyah. Unfortunately, I There has been no clue of his real name."

Klein sighed.

This was originally his doctoral dissertation, but there has been no progress, and in the end he just changed his research direction.

"If there is any progress, or if you need help, you can contact me."

Lu Mingfei was very enthusiastic.

He also didn't know whether he should dissuade Klein from continuing to study this issue.

After destroying the dragon clan, the next goal of the battle group is to clear the remnants of the age of mythology.

If Klein produces results from his research, the battle group will be able to obtain information in advance.

But if the other party is alarmed, the original plan will be disrupted.

In the end, Lu Mingfei decided to maintain a wait-and-see attitude and strengthen his knowledge.

He continued to look through the "Necronomicon", but found that the back was completely blank.

"It was like this when I bought it. But it's very strange. After I deciphered the first page, every time I dreamed, I would dream about some of the content behind it, but I couldn't remember anything after waking up."

Klein sighed.

Seeing his regretful expression, the corners of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched slightly.

In terms of the spirit of death, this folklore researcher has the demeanor of the group of equipment guys.

"Give him a word of speech, the emperor."

He looked at Fingal.

(End of this chapter)

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