Chapter 404 What Proves Loyalty (4K)

"The group of people in the Huaguo branch are watching closely."

Chen Xuan's expression changed, and then he frowned.

"Except for the four Tianzi teams, the others are nothing but local chickens and dogs."

Chen Wu said proudly.

"What about Lu Mingfei? Even if you lure him here, how do you kill him?"

Chen Xuan asked.

Chen Wu was silent, this problem is really not easy to solve.

Facing this powerful enemy, they have fully understood it through various channels.

With the character of the other party, it is impossible to agree to the request of being caught without a fight, without a weapon, and going to the meeting alone.

On the contrary, Lu Mingfei will definitely bring all his troops, horses, weapons and equipment, and come here with the intention of exterminating the Chen family.

As for the hostages, if you can save them, save them, if you can't, I wish their souls can return to the golden throne.

However, the step of kidnapping hostages still had to be taken, otherwise how could Lu Mingfei be lured into a trap.

"How about using that?"

Chen Wu said suddenly.

"Which one?"

Chen Xuan was puzzled at first, and then became furious.

"You are crazy, you used that, how should we deal with the investigation afterwards?"

He looked at his younger brother like he was looking at a madman.

Even a lunatic knows that throwing that on this piece of land is about the same as shitting on your face.

Even Chouguo and the former alliance didn't dare to do that in the end, what could the Chen family do.

"I didn't say to do it in Huaguo, it's fine to do it at Maozi's place."

Chen Wu explained.

"Oh? Hmm"

Chen Xuan froze for a moment, then fell into deep thought.

Indeed, as long as you don't cause trouble in the country, no matter how close you are, the nature is completely different, and the punishment after the event is also very different.

Although the Chen family's overseas influence has been severely hit, it still has a certain foundation in Da Mao.

Moreover, Da Mao is also close to the Chen family's base camp, so it is convenient to arrange.

"Are the few equivalents we have stockpiled enough?"

Chen Xuan asked with some excitement.

"Not enough. I read the information sent by Gattuso. That kid's power armor is frighteningly hard. If he wants to guarantee a sure kill, the equivalent must be increased by at least three times."

Chen Wu shook his head.

Chen Xuan is mainly responsible for strategic considerations, and he is in charge of specific affairs.

When the former alliance disintegrated, he spent a box of gold bars to get them from the Northern Fleet.

At that time, the situation was chaotic, people's hearts were fluctuating, and the monitoring of the Chen family was also relaxed a lot.

However, they didn't dare to go too far, they were all small-scale tactics and bombs.

If I had known it would be today, I should have gritted my teeth and bought a 500 million-ton equivalent, so as to ensure that no scum of Lu Mingfei and his battle group was left.

Although there are people selling it at Da Mao, they dare not buy it.

If the Chen family dared to buy that thing again, Changbai Mountain was surrounded by the army before the goods arrived.

"Hmph, isn't Gattuso boasting, saying he's right in Kassel, why can't he even get a power armor?"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly.

"Let's just say that Kassel is Angers' ban. It would be nice for Gattuso to bury a few nails. However, it's no wonder they are like this. Lu Mingfei is also on guard against Angers, and the pottery steel is shipped from Japan. , and the quantity is very stuck.”

Chen Wu shook his head.

With the technology gap between ceramic steel and 3K earth, it is difficult for the equipment department to find other alternatives even with alchemy.

"Ange just indulges Lu Mingfei like this?"

Chen Xuan couldn't believe it.

The relationship between Angers and Lu Mingfei is a bit like an emperor and a prince, but now Lu Mingfei not only raises dead soldiers (referring to the war group), fornicating ministers (referring to two female school managers), and colluding with foreign enemies (referring to the Bajia of Sheqi) ), and also privately kept armor (referring to Tao Gang and Xihe).

As a standard feudal remnant, Chen Xuan really couldn't understand why Ange still supported Lu Mingfei unconditionally as before.

In any dynasty, Lu Mingfei's behavior is enough to be banned or even killed ten times by Angers.

"Brother, don't count on Ange. I think he regards himself as Zhu Yuanzhang and Lu Mingfei as Zhu Biao."

Chen Wu snorted.

Since ancient times, the Tian family has no kinship, but Zhu Yuanzhang and his eldest son Zhu Biao are exceptions.

Zhu Yuanzhang has a violent temper and kills his courtiers at every turn. Only Queen Ma and Zhu Biao can persuade him to keep people under the knife.

And Zhu Biao has a gentle and honest temperament, but when he disagrees with Zhu Yuanzhang, he will say something to his father.

For example, once Zhu Biao advised Zhu Yuanzhang not to kill people all the time, Zhu Yuanzhang threw a thorny branch on the ground and asked him to pick it up.

Zhu Biao didn't dare to pick it up, so Zhu Yuanzhang said, you are afraid of the thorns and dare not pick them up, then I will clean up those thorns for you, wouldn't it be easy for you to pick them up?

What he meant was that if he got rid of those thorns, it would be easy for Zhu Biao to be emperor in the future.

Then Zhu Biao said, "Above is the king of Yao and Shun, and below is the people of Yao and Shun."

It means that there are as many subjects as there are emperors. Dad, you are too irritable, so you have a bunch of thorns.

Just this sentence, Li Chengqian is enough to be exiled to Pluto.

Of course Zhu Yuanzhang was also angry, picked up a chair and chased Zhu Biao, and then the latter took out the portrait of Empress Ma, and nothing happened.

And Ange's doting on Lu Mingfei is no different, so it is basically impossible to use a divorce.

"Huh, Gattuso is the same, if you don't suppress it earlier, you will be in trouble now."

Chen Xuan said dissatisfied.

"It's useless to say these things now, big brother, let's make a decision early. It will be too late when Lu Mingfei really comes to the door with the gang of dead white kings."

Chen Wu remonstrated.

"He dares! It's not what it was decades ago."

Chen Xuan shouted.

Dragons have no borders, but mixed races have nationality.

It's fine in foreign countries, Lu Mingfei really dared to invade with the Eight Sheqi Clans, no matter how good the relationship between the Huaguo branch and him is, it is impossible to allow this kind of behavior.

"What if they come in from the peninsula?"

Chen Wu asked back.

The Chen family regards Changbai Mountain as their sphere of influence, so the Huaguo branch handed over the defense of this area to the Chen family, and they only sent people to patrol.

And a part of Changbai Mountain is on the peninsula, if Lu Mingfei really brought people in from there, then the Huaguo branch might really turn a blind eye.

As for whether it is allowed on the peninsula, it can only be said that no country in this era can resist the charm of the US dollar.

"Do you think Lu Mingfei really knows we're here?"

Chen Xuan was still a little hesitant.

"It doesn't matter whether he knows it or not, but we can only take it as he knows it. Brother, last time we suffered such a big loss, if we don't do anything, others will really think we are dogs in the water."

Chen Wu said bitterly.

"Well, you're right."

Chen Xuan has a calm personality, but he is not without decisiveness. In the end, he was persuaded by his own brother.

The power of the country is the power of the family, and the decline of the Northeast these years has had a great impact on the Chen family.

Although there is an old foundation to support, those alchemy items and alchemy techniques cannot be directly turned into power and money after all.

If the nouveau riche along the coast saw their weakness and attacked them in the officialdom and the economy, the Chen family would have to guard Changbai Mountain.

They are all used to the life of wealth and honor, and no house can bear this kind of hardship.

In the end, if people lose their minds and go their separate ways, it will really be a disaster.

"If you want to do it, then do it absolutely."

Chen Xuan said viciously.

"Brother, tell me, how do you do it?"

Chen Wu asked excitedly.

"Didn't he want to slay the dragon? Let him go and slaughter him."

Chen Xuan sneered.

"Brother, you mean?"

Chen Wu wrote a word on his hand for him to read.


Chen Xuan nodded.

"That one is easy to let go or not to take."

This time it was Chen Wu's turn to hesitate.

"Then there's no need to accept it. It's not a loss to exchange one of the next generations for Lu Mingfei."

Chen Xuan said decisively.

"Okay. I'll arrange for someone to tie him back."

Chen Wu said that he was about to get up.

"No, those two families don't have to be tied up."

Chen Xuan shook his head to stop him.

With Lu Mingfei's heart, if the action fails, even with those two families in his hands, he will not let the Chen family go.

And if the operation is successful, kidnapping these two families will attract criticism from other families.

There are still many ways to lure Lu Mingfei into the bait.

"Let Gattuso cooperate with us, and it's time for them to contribute."

Chen Xuan said.


Chen Wu took the order and went.


In the Genji Heavy Industries Building and the reconstructed Xingshen Temple, the heads of the Eight Snaki families gathered together.

Yuan Zhisheng sat on the first seat on the left, looking at the empty main seat, he felt a little emotional.

Who would have thought that the patriarch who conscientiously led the revival of the Eight Sheqi Clans turned out to be the leader of the fierce ghosts, Wang Jiang.

What was even more unexpected was that the Japanese branch, which even the Secret Party hadn't been able to completely conquer, had an extra chapter leader who could kill him.

However, as long as Chong Lu Mingfei beheaded the White King who had cursed the Sheqi Ba Family for tens of thousands of years, Yuan Zhisheng was willing to recognize him as the master.

That man possesses the strength to surpass this planet.

"How is Ms. Sakai Akina doing?"

When Yuan Zhisheng opened his mouth, he asked about the idols of the war group.

Although the Inuyama family is mainly responsible for this area, the assistance of other families is also necessary.

He mentioned it on this occasion to emphasize the importance of this matter.

"It's going well. Sakai-san's latest single "Can't Fight, Can't Breathe" has entered the top [-] of Oricon's weekly rankings."

Inuyama replied.

Oricon is the most well-known music chart in Japan. It is already very impressive for a newcomer to be in the top [-] of the week.

"That's not enough. Mr. Lu attaches great importance to Ms. Sakai Akina's idol career. This is not only a matter of the Inuyama family, other families should also give their utmost support, understand?"

Yuan Zhisheng said clearly.

He was originally the young master and Amaterasu's life of the Sheqi Ba Family, and it was justified to take over the position of the master.

In addition, Lu Mingfei also valued him very much, and asked him to participate in the action to exterminate the King of Bronze and Fire, and even sat in the Star Fire Pavilion several times.

Yuan Zhisheng's current prestige has gradually surpassed the original Tachibana Masamune.


All the Patriarchs responded in unison.

"Patriarch Fumo, I've heard some rumors that some people think that being a security guard at a concert will lose his status as a ninja."

he said suddenly.

"Hi Yi, I'll personally cut off his little finger as an apology."

Fuma Kotaro got up and bowed.

With his qualifications, there is no need to act like this, he bowed for Lu Mingfei to see.

Not far from the long table, a tengu in a gorgeous kimono was standing silently under the light.

He is Lu Mingfei's bright eyes.

"Has the list of personnel for the Kanto Branch been drawn up?"

Yuan Zhisheng asked again.

"It's all drawn up, please review it, parents."

Sakura received the lists from the Patriarchs one by one and handed them over to him.

Yuan Zhisheng flipped through it quickly and nodded with satisfaction.

After the Kanto branch was wiped out by Lu Mingfei's airborne regiment, the organization has been hanging there, but there is no manpower to make up.

Yuan Zhisheng originally wanted to cancel it, but after going to Dongnan's house to expel the Chen family last time, he had other ideas.

For such a large-scale dispatch, it would inevitably be troublesome to temporarily deploy the staff of various families, and it is not good to directly use the name of the executive bureau, so another unified organization needs to be established.

The Kanto branch was originally a department directly under the head of the family, but now it has become an empty shell, and it is perfect to be used as a unified organization.

So he gave an order to let the remaining five families send people to hang under the name of the Kanto branch, and they can be transferred directly when needed.

From the looks of it now, the Patriarchs of each family are quite cooperative, and the people on the list are basically elites.

"Very good. Where is the Yanliu Research Institute? Are all the weapons and equipment ready?"

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Shio Miyamoto.

"It's ready, enough for all members of the Kanto branch to complete the change."

Shio Miyamoto replied.

The output of ceramic steel has not been high, but the output of plastic steel has been growing.

Lu Mingfei obtained a batch of plastic steel from the equipment department and gave it to the Yanliu Research Institute. He added a small amount of pottery steel and other materials to make a batch of carapaces.

The defensive performance is definitely incomparable with the star steel carapace, but it is far superior to military body armor.

As for the bolt gun, it is even simpler. The equipment department has completed the localization, highlighting a powerful brick fly, even the Yanliu Research Institute can achieve mass production.

How to say this 3K knockoff gun model, anyway, it needs to be powerful in appearance, powerful in ammo capacity, powerful in portability, and powerful in accuracy.

Many of the gun testers in the Japanese branch complained that it would be better to replace it with a grenade launcher, which was agreed by many people.

But complaints belong to complaints, and they should be used.

Without enough field testing, a practical 3K bolter could never be designed.

Lu Mingfei in the executive department has no right to ask them to use it, so he can only let the Japanese branch be a volunteer.

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, I want to see the people on the list and the corresponding weapons and equipment appear in the building of the Kanto branch."

Yuan Zhisheng said seriously.

"Hi Yi."

"My lords, Your Excellency Lu Mingfei helped us eliminate the traitors, lifted the curse, handed us the cross-age technology, and let us break through the blockade of the secret party. What should we use to repay his kindness?"

He said in a low voice?


Shio Miyamoto said immediately.

He and Yanliu Institute are now Lu Mingfei's loyal fans.

"Yes, loyalty. Now, the time has come to prove loyalty to the Chapter Master with blood."

Said in a vigorous voice.

In order to perform today's play well, he watched the video of the leader's speech for two days.

"Master, who is our enemy?"

Genichiro Ryoma asked.

The matter of going out to fight has been blowing wind in the Japanese branch for a while, but the specific content has not been disclosed.

"Chen family."

The laser pointer in Yuan Zhisheng's hand pointed at the curtain.

On the map projected by the projector, a red skull shines brightly at the position of the chicken head.

(End of this chapter)

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