Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei Returns from Warhammer Retirement

Chapter 408 Level 9 Momentary Lu Mingfei (4K)

Chapter 408 Ninth-order Momentary Lu Mingfei (4K)

"Can you still stop me in your current state?"

The prince sneered.

"Of course I can't do it alone."

Lu Mingze said calmly.

Even if he can cancel the opponent's speech spirit, he can't seal the opponent's authority.

And Anemii, the king of sky and wind, is the fastest and strongest assassin among the dragon clan.

"Don't resist, brother, or it will hurt."

Lu Mingze said in a soft voice, and immediately recited the long and ancient ballad.

The nearly non-existent dragon blood in his body suddenly became active, Lu Mingfei frowned, and was about to mobilize spiritual energy to suppress it, but he got some enlightenment.

He no longer resisted, the dragon's blood boiled and turned into blood-colored vapor, penetrating into his limbs and bones.

Lu Mingfei opened his eyes, the scorching golden pupils were enough to melt all ice and snow.

He has awakened the spirit of speech, and it is the spirit of speech.

"Guess what level my brother's moment is?"

Lu Mingze said with a smile.

The prince didn't say a word, but his eyes were full of fear.

The reason why he dared to use his real body was precisely because Lu Mingfei didn't have the ability to speak, and he couldn't cancel his ability to speak.

But now, Lu Mingze can cancel his speech spirit, and Lu Mingfei can offset part of his power advantage after possessing the speech spirit.

Under the ebb and flow, the prince's advantage is very small.

"You really are willing."

He snorted.

In this state, forcing Lu Mingfei to awaken his Word Spirit would definitely cost him a lot.

"I don't want my younger brother to set me up with my elder brother. Do you still want to fight? If you don't hit me, let's enjoy watching the show."

Lu Mingze said with his pale face that was almost transparent.

"Even if it's the ninth step, it can't keep up with my speed."

The prince's expression changed several times, and finally gradually turned firm.

If Leviathan wins, that's all. They have a good relationship. At least they can join forces to kill everyone else first, and then decide the winner.

But if Kraken devours Leviathan, and the complete ocean joins forces with the King of Water and Lu Mingze, then he won't be able to bear it.

I really got hurt today, and I have to kill Kraken.

The prince didn't think about killing Lu Mingfei, this guy always had a bunch of weird hole cards, he didn't want to take the risk.

But he bet that Lu Mingfei would not use his hole cards for Kraken, whether Leviathan devoured Kraken or Kraken devoured Leviathan, it made little difference to Lu Mingfei.

But Lu Mingfei didn't pay attention to their verbal confrontation, just pressed his hands on the knife and gun, and the blue light of psionic energy shone in his golden pupils.

The 512 times speed cut is an unprecedented experience even for a thousand-year veteran, but with the blessing of psionic energy, it is not afraid of losing control.

The No. [-] sergeant was indeed a genius in the application of psionic powers, and it was a stroke of genius that the Primarch chose him as his psionic mentor.

With Number Five's psychic skills, one part of psychic power can do ten parts.

"Praise be to your wisdom, Father of Genes."

Lu Mingfei prayed in his heart.

The prince seemed to have made up his mind, fine lightning kept appearing and disappearing around him.

With his hands stretched behind his waist, lightning spewed out from an extended hunting knife, and alchemical runes symbolizing destruction were engraved on the blade.

The prince was about to launch a thunderbolt, and the sea changed again.

The sea water that was not frozen into a glacier in the distance suddenly parted from it, and a masked figure rode an eight-legged Pegasus and held a strange-shaped spear, splitting the sea.


The crown prince exclaimed, and Lu Mingze's expression also changed.

Today is such an auspicious day, the old black pens that I wish I could hide in the black hole on weekdays all come out.

The Eight-legged Pegasus rode the waves and stopped at the edge of the glacier.

The golden pupils under the mask swept across Kraken and Leviathan, then Lu Mingfei and the others, and then closed their eyes.

Although the other party did not take any action, the heavy pressure still came from across the sea.

Gungnir, the gun of karma that must be hit, even the perfect Dragon King would not want to be shot.

"It's really lively today, but it seems that we can't fight, so let's watch the show together. It's agreed, no one will end up."

Lu Mingze laughed and broke the silence, and the snowflakes in the sky began to fall again at some point.

"Fuck, why are there so many people popping up all of a sudden?"

Fifth month looked like he had seen hell.



Finger and Chu Zihang discovered their enemy and immediately drew their weapons.

And Ling stared at Lu Mingze intently, with a quiet smile on his face.

The little devil secretly reached out his hand and pinched her face.

The two giant beasts also sensed the aura of the same kind, and their huge eyes scanned the crowd back and forth in surprise.

Everyone was not good at shooting due to various reasons, and a terrifying balance was formed for a while.

"Don't look, let's fight."

Lu Mingze spoke lightly.

Before the words were finished, Kraken twisted violently, and the tail thicker than the bridge threw out an afterimage, pulling towards Leviathan's flank.


Chu Zihang asked in a low voice on the communicator.

Lu Mingfei shook his head and didn't say much.

Seeing this, everyone in the battle group could only suppress their restlessness and wait quietly.

The prince was about to draw his sword, but when he saw this, he let go.

As for Odin, he kept his eyes closed all the time, and only the slightly tilted tip of the spear reflected that he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

The battle quickly became intense, and the two giant beasts fought selflessly, completely ignoring the powerful enemies around them.

It was as if they were born sworn enemies rather than brothers who depended on each other.

"Aren't they twins? Why did you beat them so hard?"

fifth month asked puzzledly.

"This is the essence of the Dragon Race. Whether it is our creator or our brothers, they are just enemies or food."

The prince said with emotion.

"That's your essence, not mine."

Xia Mi said coldly.

"How do you know that the relationship between you and Fenrir was not set?"

The prince smiled.

"Death God Hela is the strongest dragon king, so the twins have the best relationship. Sea God Agor is the weakest, so the twins have the worst relationship. Do you think this is a coincidence?"

There was deep sarcasm in his tone.

Needless to say about the relationship between Xia Mi and Fenrir, even in the face of death crisis, they would not be willing to devour each other.

The relationship between Constantine and Norton is also very good, but when Norton dies, Constantine will still devour his keel cross and evolve into a complete dragon king.

From this point of view, the relationship between the four pairs of twins is indeed progressive.

"So what? I'm just willing to raise that stupid thing. You calculate and calculate, and you are still in the calculations of others. I can see it clearly. It is better to find a solid job and work honestly than to start a business." too much."

Xia Mi said disdainfully.

Even if she's just a locksmith, it's still a work force, which is better than flexible employment like the prince and Odin.

The crown prince didn't bother to refute her spineless statement, as different ways do not conspire with each other.

Everyone stopped talking and watched the giant beast's death fight quietly.

Without the spirit of speech and alchemy, the two dragon kings just hit and bit each other with their teeth and body.

Thick blood dripped and then evaporated, endless cold air spread to the surroundings.

Facing the cold wave of death, Lu Mingze ignored it. Odin raised his left hand, and the city wall made of seawater blocked the cold outside.

The prince summoned a high-speed air current to blow the cold wave back.

But everyone in the battle group used this method, and even the alchemy furnace could not resist this level of cold.


Lu Mingfei shouted.

Zero, who was in a daze, immediately moved, picked up the horn in his hand and blew it.

The siren horn made a loud sound, and all the water in the area centered on zero was expelled.

Without water, which is a good heat conductor, the power of the cold wave is greatly reduced. In the fifth month, I quickly added a few liters of aviation gasoline to the alchemy furnace, and the temperature immediately rose to an acceptable level.

Seeing this scene, the Prince's expression was a little strange.

These two seem to belong to the Chen family, the horn was given to Lu Mingfei by the Chen family, and now the Chen family has been wiped out by him, does this count as burning oneself to warm others?

The battle between the twins was gradually coming to an end, and Leviathan had the upper hand regardless of size or condition.

Although Kraken has stronger combat awareness and richer skills, it cannot make up for the advantage in hard power.

Although it is the one in control, it has suffered too many injuries before, and the food resources near Black Swan Harbor are far inferior to the fishing grounds near Greenland.

And it didn't dare to stay too far away, otherwise its brother would rush over if it smelled it.

Feeling the pain from the wound, and looking at Lu Mingze surrounded by enemies, Black Snake finally made up his mind.

The bottle hidden in his mouth was bitten by him, and the boiling spring water poured into his body.

This is the spring water of Hvagmir Spring, which contains a poison that even the Dragon King cannot resist.

This poison is not aimed at the body, but at the spirit.

Drinking the water of Hvagmere will heal any injury no matter how serious it is, but at the same time, it will also lose the ability to cocoon.

As we all know, the most troublesome thing about dragon kings is not their powerful words, but their constant rebirth.

Losing the ability to regenerate for the sake of temporary physical strength is no longer tasteless, but drinking poison to quench thirst.

But the black snake still used it, because in this way it could defeat its brother, evolve into a complete dragon king, and help the master it believed in, the real emperor.

The wound torn by Leviathan healed quickly, and the black snake roared in pain and joy.

Two big bulges grew from its back, and two huge fleshy wings grew out of them.

And two sharp giant claws grew out from the bottom of the big wing, and the nails on the tip of the claws reflected a metallic luster.

Kraken vibrated his wings violently, his figure rose immediately, and then swooped down, passing Leviathan.


The dull and loud screams resounded through the sea area, and there was a bottomless wound on the side of the white whale, blood flowed out like no money, and seeped into the ice under it.

Unsurprisingly, a large number of dragon creatures will mutate in this sea area and form a new ecological circle.

"not good."

The prince's original leisurely attitude was completely gone, and his figure immediately disappeared in place.


The sound of countless hand-to-hand encounters was deafening, the falling snowflakes were blown away by the air waves, and the ground was shaken and trembled continuously by the powerful force.

In the sky, two bolts of lightning, one blue and one silver, were entangled with each other, and finally dissipated into nothingness.

"Lu Mingfei, I really underestimated you."

The dust and smoke dissipated, the prince said with a gloomy face.

"On the contrary, I overestimated you, Alien."

Lu Mingfei's tone was five points indifferent, three points mocking, and two points careless.

He was not a highly respected leader of the battle group from the very beginning. Before Lu Mingfei's head was full of service nails, his bad mouth and sword skills were also widely spread.

The prince's face was green, but he couldn't refute it.

It's not surprising that Lu Mingfei's speed can keep up with him, after all, it's a ninth-order moment, and it also has the bonus of power armor.

But Lu Mingfei can completely control this speed, which is hard for people to accept.

That's 512 times faster. With his physical fitness and the addition of power armor, it's a humanoid spaceship.

Is it reasonable to use a human brain to control a spaceship?This is unreasonable.

But no matter how unreasonable it is, the facts are in front of the prince, this human has really done it.

He looked at Lu Mingfei's left arm, where there was a pierced wound.

But inside the silver star steel gauntlet, a strand of golden hair was blowing in the wind.

That was the reason why Lu Mingfei was injured, but the price was worth it.

The crown prince's true identity is a mystery that even the secret party can't find a clue. This strand of blond hair will become a breakthrough.

"Lu Mingfei, do you really want to help him? Do you know what he is?"

The prince cast a sideways glance at Lu Mingze and said.

"I'm not trying to help him, I'm just stopping you."

If it wasn't for Lu Mingze who helped him unlock the ninth-order moment, Lu Mingfei really couldn't beat the full King of Sky and Wind.

If he were to devour Kraken again, it would be even more difficult to control.

The prince snorted, and looked at Odin in the distance again.

If it wasn't for the opponent's attack, that lightning bolt would have knocked Kraken paralyzed.

Unfortunately, no if.

It's just why the other party tends to Kraken?

Could it be that Lu Mingze reached a deal with him?
Taking advantage of the prince's hesitation, the black snake seized the opportunity again.

Two paws grabbed Leviathan's back, and the big wings flapped violently, pulling the giant whale out of the sea.

It swung violently, throwing Leviathan onto the ice. Leviathan let out a cry of pain and broke countless bones.

Taking advantage of the victory, the black snake swooped down and tore open Leviathan's heart with its sharp claws, exposing the huge heart inside.

Also, the beating figure in the heart.

It lowered its head, bit its heart, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Leviathan let out a final cry, and his flesh and blood continued to turn into ice crystals, merging with the surrounding glaciers.


Kraken let out a happy dragon cry, glanced at everyone, and got into the sea.

It wants to dive into the deep sea where human beings cannot reach, so that the process of merging will not be disturbed.

"You're lucky this time, Lu Mingfei."

The prince said grimly.

Frenzied lightning covered his figure, Lu Mingfei drew his sword and slashed, but only got a piece of flying snow.

He looked down and saw that strand of blond hair had been turned into black gray by the electric shock at some point.

"I'm leaving, brother. Where will we meet next time? I'm really looking forward to it."

Lu Mingze blinked at him, then disappeared.

On the surface of the sea, Odin had already parted into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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