Hongwu Survival Guide

Chapter 184 Crackling——

Chapter 184 Crackling——

After arranging the emergency relocation of the firearms department outside the city, Zhu Yuan has no intention of returning to join in for the time being, it's too scary.He continued to stay in the palace and talked about another matter with Lao Zhu. Regarding the batch of saltpeter mines, his opinion was that the first batch should not be shipped to Jinling, but sent to Fujian and Guangzhou as fertilizer.

Speaking of this, I also want to mention the previous guano island.

Things have been advancing, and more guano islands have been discovered. Yinghai Division has also mobilized manpower to study how to artificially gather birds to create guano islands.

For the guano island that was first discovered, Zhu Yuan initially ordered Ying Haisi to transport the guano to Jinling, but he quickly changed his mind and transported it to Fujian and Guangdong.

The main reason is that the season is not right here in Jinling, and it will be shipped now, and it will not be available until the beginning of spring next year.

Compared with Jinling, Fujian and Guangdong, there have been three crops of rice in this era, and it happened that the third crop of rice began to be sown during this period, and it is expected to be harvested in February and March next year. Liang wrote a letter and asked the two to personally take charge of selecting fields and experimenting with the effect of bird droppings.

This is another problem, bird droppings, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

There is also a lack of potassium fertilizer.

Coincidentally, the saltpeter ore discovered in Laizhou is potassium nitrate, which is actually a compound fertilizer that not only provides potassium, but also nitrogen.

Zhu Yuan didn't expect to use it widely at once, and there are not so many saltpeter mines.However, it is still necessary to test the effect of potash fertilizer on a small scale and to prove the theory he mentioned to Lao Zhu with facts.

Therefore, in the letter to Hu and Wu, Zhu Yuan also specifically mentioned that barren land should be selected for the experiment and comparison arrangements should be made.

The Northern Expedition has ended, and the short-term strategic goal is only one Shu, which also makes the military's demand for gunpowder temporarily not so great.

Zhu Yuan proposed to use potassium nitrate as a potash fertilizer for experimentation, and Lao Zhu immediately agreed. He also wanted to see the effect of the so-called "nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium" three elements.

After talking about the matter, and having lunch together, Zhu Yuan still did not leave the imperial city, but turned to his office in the imperial city, and summoned the corresponding officials from the household department to discuss the issue of currency minting and issuance.

Regarding the name of the 'Daming Central Bank', I discussed it with Lao Zhu during lunch.

In the feudal era, currency casting and issuance were generally managed by the Ministry of Households. The specific casting was called "Qianjian" in Tang and Song Dynasties. Yuan Dynasty promoted banknotes, and the money prison was abolished. Now, it is renamed "Baoyuan Bureau".

After some discussion, the previous "Baoyuan Bureau" and the "Mint Bureau" or "Currency Department" that the grandparents and grandchildren conceived did not sound grand enough.

In the end, it was agreed that it should simply be called the 'Daming Central Bank'. As for the rank, a Zhengsanpin was determined, which is equivalent to the Ministry of Households, and is in charge of the minting and issuance of currency, directly under Zhongshu.

Lao Zhu thought it was a good name.

By the way, Zhu Yuan also elaborated on the concept of "banking", and also suggested that when the time is right, four major banks responsible for specific financial operations can be established: Daming Agricultural Bank, Daming Industrial Bank, Daming Commercial Bank, and Daming Construction Industry Bank.

As a businessman, Zhu Yuan certainly knows the names of the four major firms.

this time……


Still for neatness!

Moreover, according to the name, there will be corresponding functions in the future, respectively targeting agriculture, industry, commerce, and infrastructure... Well, it should be Jianye.

What Lao Zhu values ​​more is the role of the so-called 'bank' in regulating and supervising the country's economy.

The emphasis is on 'regulation'.

As for the "Qianzhuang" that once appeared, forget it, the name may be easy to understand, but it sounds rustic!
Furthermore, the rules have to be set in advance.

Banking business, no matter now or in the future, can only be state-owned, and private individuals are not allowed to get involved.

Of course Zhu Yuan knows how profitable finance is.However, Zhu Yuan never felt that the financialization of the country's economy was a higher level than industrialization. On the contrary, this is obviously a step backward.

However, for various reasons, those who have the right to speak have shaped financialization so beautifully that it gives people the illusion that financialization is superior to industrialization.

Why am I rich?

Because my financial industry has a high proportion!

Why are you lagging behind, reflect on it, hurry up, industrial upgrading, de-industrialization, tertiary industry, finance, do it!
Believe me, just wait for the ball to finish.

Just like, I remember a fabled story told by a super rich man: a group of financiers crashed on a deserted island, however, only a few people were engaged in production, picking or hunting, and the others habitually surrounded the pitifully small Production results began to be bought and sold, and a bunch of high-end options and futures were created. As a result, they all starved to death.

Speaking of this, in addition to the importance of the real industry, Zhu Yuan also saw... a poisonous plan.

If there is a conflict between the financial country and the industrial country, if the industrial country has the courage, it can cut off the financial country and enclose it on a "desert island".

That picture...

Unfortunately, not many people dare to think.

On the contrary, because of the long-term indoctrination of public opinion, people in industrial countries are more worried about being trapped on a "desert island" by financial countries.


Financial country is more high-end, I am low-end, I can't leave, if I leave, without finance, I will starve to death!

no way.

Otherwise, stand up, don't use your knees, use your brain, think carefully, who is more likely to starve to death?

At this time, there will inevitably be rebuttals: These things are very complicated, how can they be as simple as you think?
Do not!
Many things in this world are inherently simple, but there are too many people who deliberately complicate things for too many purposes.

Just like the economy, in the final analysis, 'production' and 'distribution' are just two things.


Also said finance.

In fact, business should be very simple, just 'buy' and 'sell', and more fundamentally, it is still a kind of 'distribution'.However, when things get complicated, there will be short buying, short selling, futures, VAM, and all kinds of messes.

It is undeniable that appropriate financial means can indeed promote economic development. The root of it is to stimulate production and regulate distribution through the rational use of social resources.

However, excessive financial means will inevitably screw up the economy.Because those methods, when dissected, are actually earning huge profits that shouldn't have been made in an unreasonable way.

This is a serious disruption to the normal functioning of the economy.

If there is a problem with either production or distribution, or both, the economy will of course have problems.

Even, in the context of a larger global economy, if one puts aside fundamental production and distribution and concentrates on grabbing unreasonable financial profits, the result will only be worse.Because, on the surface, it is lively and lively, but on the inside, it will damage the foundation of a country.

It is only a matter of time before the roots of a big tree are completely decayed and collapse.

In short, it is still a word: Liben, it is very important!
After holding a founding meeting of the 'Daming Central Bank' and making preliminary arrangements for some things, when Zhu Yuan left the imperial city, it was already Shenshichu, around three o'clock in the afternoon.

When I came to Jinling University in the north of the city, I didn't go to grade the papers. Instead, I held a meeting with several responsible persons including Tao An, mainly about setting up colleges and majors.

Recently, a preliminary plan has been drawn up. After discussion, it will be made public tomorrow, so that the more than 6000 students who participated in this imperial examination can have an idea and make certain independent choices.

Which colleges and majors you will actually be assigned to, you also need to combine the candidates' policy answer sheets and the specific needs of the court. It is impossible for you to learn whatever you want.

Of course, there is another one. This time, it is impossible to admit everyone.

Specifically, in addition to the results of this exam, age and qualifications are also related. Perhaps in the future, some scholars will be directly able to become teachers, and others will also be directly assigned jobs.

The reform of various departments and the spread of various affairs require a large number of manpower.

So it wasn't until after You hour, at five o'clock in the afternoon, that Zhu Yuan finally had time to pay attention to the examination results of the examination officials for the day.

I randomly selected some to review some in person, and if I feel good, I send them to be copied, and I plan to give them to Lao Zhu tomorrow.The reason for copying is because the test papers are still in a state of obfuscation, and they will not be unpacked until the review is completed.

After such a busy day, I returned home in the dark with good news.

A group of craftsmen recruited before, in just a few days, produced the steam engine model that Zhu Yuan needed.

Hearing the news, I didn't even eat dinner, so I hurried to watch it.

Because it is a secret, Zhu Yuan plans to arrange the craftsmen on the lake center island to the east of the mansion. After the lake was renamed Xuanwu Lake recently, the lake center island also has a name.

According to later, Zhu Yuan's mansion is located in "Liangzhou", "Cuizhou" in the east, "Huanzhou" and "Yingzhou" in the southwest, and "Lingzhou" in the southeast.

Qiao Wang had previously conveyed through Zhu Yuan's girlfriend that he wanted the glass workshop to be located on Cuizhou, but Zhu Yuan didn't agree, thinking there was no need to make it so mysterious, so he still chose it in the southwest of Hongshan, near the fountain pen workshop.

This time the steam engine is very necessary.

So it is planned to put it in 'Cuizhou'.

However, Cuizhou is still a deserted island at the moment, and it takes time to renovate and build houses. Before the completion, the corresponding craftsmen are directly arranged in the mansion on Liangzhou.

Anyway, the house is big enough, with a total of 28 courtyards, and it is more than enough to pick out two craftsmen.

Take the shoulder car to a courtyard to the south of the mansion.

Sure enough, it's done.

The small boiler made of all copper, the small cylinder, the transmission connecting rod, the reciprocating wheel, and even a small hammer that Zhu Yuan imagined to be used for forging iron, seem to have been completely removed from the blueprint.

All you need is a candle, add water and light it, and soon, similar to Gatling... well, anyway, it's a small thing like a miniature steam engine model, and it starts to move.

At first glance, Zhu Yuan found it incredible.

Think about it for a while, I have seen the clock-style 'engraving leak' whose internal structure is many times more complicated than this simple steam engine model, for the top craftsmen of this era, it gave the principle and the idea, Even the blueprints are given out, so it's really easy to do.

In the final analysis, it is still the same sentence. The wisdom of the ancients is no worse than that of modern people. What they lack is a clear direction.

This is exactly what Zhu Yuan can give.

After fiddling with it personally for a while, Zhu Yuan was impulsive at first, and then temporarily gave up the idea of ​​showing it to Lao Zhu tomorrow. He planned to go further, discuss with a group of craftsmen on the spot, and then put forward some ideas, planning to let them make a few "finished products". Give it to Lao Zhu again.

Simple blacksmithing models and some practical finished products give people a different feeling.

After giving such orders, Zhu Yuan also rewarded the craftsmen with 10 taels of gold on the spot, and painted cakes, and finished the finished products, which satisfied His Majesty the Emperor. Next, there will be no shortage of high-ranking officials and generous salaries for them.

Excited, he went to see the progress of the normal-sized steam engine in another yard, which was also very smooth, and then finally returned to the inner house under the constant urging of He Xuan and Xie Yi.

After dinner, I continued to write some plans for the establishment of Jinling University of Technology and Jinling Military University, browsed through a sample draft of "Margaret Xiaoyu's Personal Biography" sent by Loulan, and then chatted with Luoshui about the new " When the creation details of the story of A Chinese Ghost Story finally came to a halt, it was already approaching Haizheng, ten o'clock in the evening.

Probably because of the good news about the steam engine yesterday, I still got up early in the new day.I couldn't help but have someone bring the model and play with it while eating breakfast.

This is the fifth day of October.

I didn't go to the palace again today, I just sent some copies of the test papers.

Staying at home in the morning is not for rest, but to deal with a pile of official documents accumulated in recent days. After being promoted from first-rank Zhongshu Pingzhang, Zhu Yuan failed to get rid of a bunch of third-rank officials.

Even Lao Zhu's saber is still with Zhu Yuan.After recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan, they were solemnly enshrined in the ancestral hall.

Behind every position, there are actually various things. The corresponding department will send a bunch of documents every day, not to mention that there are still officials who will come to the door directly. one sight.

Among the piles of documents, the one that Zhu Yuan paid more attention to today was the official opening of winter arrest in Mingzhou.

It is already the season of light snow.

According to Zhu Yuan's arrangement before leaving Mingzhou, last month, after the beginning of winter on September [-], preparations for winter sea fishing officially began, and the fleet went to sea one after another.

The document in Zhu Yuan's hand was sent from September [-]th.

Fang Li wrote.

According to Fang Li's account of the current people at sea, in late September, hairtails began to gather in the Shengsi Islands. The team of the Yinghai Division followed up and checked everywhere to confirm the location of the fish. On September [-], the fishing officially started.

It is mainly the two methods of netting and hooking that have been confirmed before. In order to avoid juvenile fish in shallow water and catch adult hairtail in deep water areas, the proportion of sea fishing with lower hooks is even greater.

Only on September 1300th, the 6000 large and small fishing boats that Yinghai Division went to sea this time, roughly estimated to catch about [-] tons of fish.

This time, only official arrests were counted.

According to past experience, the hairtail floods gather near the Shengsi Islands and draw an arc along the outer seas of the Zhoushan Islands until near Xiangshan. The whole process will last two to three months.

The 6000 dan fish intake on the first day was just a test of the water, and the daily high point would definitely exceed 1 dan. Including the fishing season, it is expected to last for two to three months. Fang Li gave a rough estimate. Conservatively estimated fishing volume will reach about 50 tons.

Even, if everything goes well, seven or eight million shi is not impossible.

Zhu Yuan clearly remembered another figure. In the previous summer flood, the total number of government and civilian arrests was only 43 tons in more than two months.

This winter flood will definitely be surpassed.

Let’s talk about the fishing target of 200 million to 300 million for the next year. Perhaps, Fujian, Guangzhou, Shandong and other big camps do not need to work hard. Only one place in Zhejiang will be enough to achieve it next year.

After reading Fang Li's report, while joyful, Zhu Yuan was even a little worried.

I'm worried that Ying Haisi will mess around again, exhausting the water and fishing.

Immediately replied to the past, and repeatedly told Fang Li that the important thing is not the quantity, but the quality, and he must not discriminate between big and small fish in order to pursue production.

After the exhortation, he also agreed to Fang Li's proposal to send a batch of hairtail fish to Jinling to showcase the fishing results of Yinghai Division, which is also considered an invitation for credit.

Ying Haisi has done such a good job, it is right to show off.

Therefore, it is approved to send a boat over there. At that time, not only the palace, but also all civil and military officials will give some as gifts.

After processing the accumulated documents in this way, Zhu Yuan rushed to Houhu Medical College near noon.

Sun Shouzhen and Dai Sanchun, the left envoys of the Imperial Hospital, have said several times that as the right envoy of the Imperial Hospital, Zhu Yuan has an obligation to his own department and cannot let go!

Today I finally took some time to go over to discuss the future plans of Tai Hospital and Houhu Medical College.

At noon, we had dinner at Houhu Medical College.

In the afternoon, when I came to Jinling University, I still didn’t mark the examination papers. I first met with General Secretary Shan Anren to discuss about mining iron ore and building an iron factory in Taiping.

Afterwards, the firearms director Zhong Hanyu discussed the next firearms research and development.

When the day was about to end again, I was finally able to fulfill my duties as the chief examiner and browse some test papers.

However, not long after the beginning, someone came to find him.

Kang Maocai.

The Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is from the same knowledge of the first-rank governor and the camp field envoy of the third-rank.

Kang Maocai arrived in Jinling yesterday, met Lao Zhu in the morning, and came here in the afternoon.

Although I have served as a field envoy before, but this time, the brand new field department must be different from the previous ones. Moreover, this part of the affairs was assigned to Zhu Yuan by Lao Zhu, who once made a big fool of Chen Youliang' Lao Kang came to discuss with Zhu Yuan how to proceed.

This is the big deal.

Zhu Yuan, who was already feeling exhausted, could only put down the test paper in his hand and brace himself to deal with Kang Maocai.

Kang Maocai, who was supposed to have passed away in recent years, is actually only 55 years old now, and his health is not very good due to years of fighting.

At first glance, he looked like a thin middle-aged man, so the first suggestion Zhu Yuan gave was to let Kang Maocai cultivate for a while.

In the short term, the main business direction of the Yingtian Division is in the northern provinces. It has already entered winter, and it will have to wait until the spring of next year to start farming.

Of course it is necessary to prepare in advance, but there is no rush.

The body is important.

The two of them had worked together in Shandong before, and when they met, they were very familiar with each other, but they still had to talk about the specifics.

Of course Zhu Yuan had thought about this.

Jinling University, in an office belonging to Zhu Yuan on the hillside of Hongshan, in order to show kindness, the two sat at the table in the reception room, and Zhu Yuan held a cup of warm tea and talked freely.

"...Tuntian, in the final analysis, is actually three things, people, land, and things. Traditionally, there are military villages and civilian villages. However, in order to improve efficiency, this time, we will implement militarized management. It is regarded as military villages. This is also the ancestor One of the reasons for entrusting the burden to you. The manpower of the farm will be drawn from all armies, and landless refugees from all provinces across the country will be gathered one after another..."

"...As for land, Zhongshu will carry out a new round of land registration in the near future, mainly in the northern provinces that have just been taken. After that, any land that is not registered will be classified as farming..."

"...The last thing is things, farm cattle, farm tools and so on. You know, you can be in charge of purchasing farm cattle next. Zhongshu will provide enough budget. As for farm tools, Taiping just happens to build an iron factory. In the early stage, it will be Make every effort to build farm tools..."

After roughly talking about their thoughts, the two began to consider specific details.

Probably because he was tired, while talking, Zhu Yuan felt a little dizzy, as if he was about to float up.

The past few days have been too continuous, so I have to take a break, take a break.

As I muttered in my heart, at a certain moment...it seemed to be...squeaked.

What is broken?
I just picked up the tea and wanted to take a sip of it to my mouth to refresh myself. After that sound I don’t know if it was there, I only felt that the teacup was so heavy, and I dropped it on the ground without breaking it.

Before falling over, Zhu Yuan could only vaguely see Kang Maocai standing up, and hurriedly helped him up.

(End of this chapter)

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