Chapter 186
It is still Xuefu Street on the north bank of the Qinhuai River. It is only a few stores away from Zhiyongzhai. Another more spacious five-bay two-story store officially opened today. What is surprising is still the plaque written by His Majesty the Emperor. .


Apparently, the name comes from the "Tao Te Ching" that "the highest goodness is like water, water is good for all things without fighting".

At first glance at the name, ordinary people still find it difficult to imagine what this shop sells, but after entering the door, one glance at the dazzling array of crystal clear, and immediately understand.

The key to this name is not 'Shangshan', but 'Ruoshui'.

Whether it is the glass or the natural crystal, they are all like water.So, looking at the name of the store, it has a good meaning. The person who can come up with this name must not be an ordinary scholar.

Who is this extraordinary talent?
Anyone who knows a little bit about the background of this shop can guess it.

In less than a year, he became the little prince's "send 500 years of Guozuo" world-class master.

The weather is still full of fine snow, but the inside and outside of the store are full of excitement. Ordinary people can't afford expensive things that are equivalent to gold. Standing outside the door and looking at it from a distance is also satisfying.

It really is ingenious.

The topic inevitably turned to yesterday, when Mingzhou's Yinghai Division presented the king hairtail, which was more than three feet long, and there were many more one or two feet long, which were carefully arranged and tied with red silk all the way from the Longjiang pier. They deliberately passed through Jinling City, and then entered through the south gate of the imperial palace.

Afterwards, the emperor was overjoyed when he saw the news, and he offered the hairtail fish to the Ancestral Temple as a sacrifice from Ying Haisi, and rewarded all the officials, and ordered a "hairtail fish banquet" to be held in the palace on the day of tomorrow's heavy snow solar term, wishing a good year.

There are also rumors that this winter's sea fishing, the Yinghai Division in Mingzhou can harvest 50 tons of hairtail at least.

50 tons, that is 5000 million catties.

Or 'speak less'.

Considering that the Jinling West Market is also a variety of inexpensive sea fish from Mingzhou, the little prince... just this meritorious service in the sea, he is worthy of his reputation of "giving 500 years of Guozuo".

No wonder His Majesty the Emperor is so favored that he wrote plaques for two consecutive shops.

As everyone talked and talked, they couldn't help but feel greedy. Some people have decided to go to the West Market to see if there is any hairtail fish for sale, and to try something new.

It's a pity, I heard that Ying Haisi also specializes in shark fins and other items, which are taken from giant sharks in the sea. Unfortunately, they are either enshrined in the imperial city, or sold in certain restaurants and shops in the city.

That's good stuff!
According to news from the Tai Hospital, men eat shark fin to nourish their health, women eat it to nourish their beauty, and even children can become smarter if they eat it. It is said that the little prince, who is like a Wenqu star, eats shark fin and eats it. from.

Although some doctors criticized this as nonsense, but is it possible that you are more capable than Tai Hospital?
Anyway, shark fins that were originally only a few hundred renminbi a catty, now the cheapest price has risen to 3 taels a catty.There are rumors in some restaurants in the city that it is the concocting method that came out of the little prince's mansion on the back lake. One cup costs 10 taels of silver.

That's it... It's not that you can eat what you want, you have to make a reservation.

This is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It has to be said that this is also a shortcoming of the little prince, he likes to do business affairs too much, it is disgraceful.

His Majesty the Emperor actually let it go and didn't care.

In Shangshanju, Qiao Wang, who personally served as the shopkeeper, greeted and sent him off, while looking at the accountant's flow of more than 1000 taels of gold in less than half an hour, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

This glass and crystal business has been actively suppressed by the adults again and again, until now, it has suppressed itself to the extent that only [-]% of the shares are left.

Although the adults have repeatedly told them that this business is too profitable, it is not a good thing to own too much, but, even if he understands the reason, Qiao Wang still cannot do what his own adults do. That free and easy.

Perhaps, this is why I can only be a steward.

Inwardly, he secretly built himself up again, and continued to stay in the shop until the end of the time, and personally entertained some guests who came to hang red congratulations as usual. Before noon, Qiao Wang left early and returned to Xuanwu Lake.

In the mansion of your lord, there is also a banquet at noon.

The main purpose was to greet Li Gui who arrived yesterday, and also entertain some other guests.

Back on Xuanwu Lake, we arrived at an outer courtyard of the Liangzhou mansion. It was very lively here. He Xuan, the servant next to the lord, and Zhao Xu, the chief guard, were in charge of entertaining. When Qiao Wang arrived, he also joined the procession. The father of the girl next to your lord has a son who has been promoted to the deputy commander of the fourth rank.

Li Gui was not there, saying that he was called to speak by an adult.

There are not many people in the yard at the moment.

In addition to the officials of the Yinghai Division who came back from Mingzhou together, there are also some guests who have been posting posts to visit in recent days, such as Gu Zhongren and his party from Fujian. It's the Gu clan, the Cui clan and the Chai clan, all of whom are local clans.I was reminded by my adults before, and I took the initiative to choose the children of the family to take part in the imperial examination.

In addition, there is also the Yao family behind the house where my adults stayed on Zhoushan Island in the summer.

The Patriarch of the Yao family, Yao Mian, also personally brought his children to Jinling to participate in the scientific examination.

Then there are many wealthy landlords in the southeast, and even some businessmen from outside the region, such as the Khorumos businessman Ibu Cinnaudro who bought thousands of catties of glass from his workshop. He didn't leave either, and followed him all the way from Mingzhou to Jinling.

But, from Qiao Wang's point of view, although all of them are wealthy, in general, these people... are not very worthy of the stage.

Just like this luncheon, it is already a courtesy to let most of the people present have a meal, and the adults obviously have no intention of entertaining them personally.Moreover, it was supposed to show his face, but since the lord has been ill recently, it is even more natural that he will not come out to see people this time.

It was lively here, in the main hall of the double courtyard in the middle of the mansion, Zhu Yuan was talking to Li Gui.

It's still about the ongoing winter catch in Mingzhou.

"...Fang Qianshi, and many colleagues, have always kept in mind the teachings of the adults, never to fish out of water, and this time they are quite careful. Hairtails have the characteristic of dying out of water. If you take out the young ones, you will not survive if you put them back again. If not, with the detection of the richness of fish schools, [-] to [-] tons of fish per day are within reach, but there will be a large number of bycatch..."

Zhu Yuan held a cup of warm tea, listened to Li Gui's narration, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "You will die when you come out of the water. This is because the hairtail is a deep-water fish. The water pressure in deep water is very high. Regarding the water pressure And air pressure, I told you. During the flood season, the hairtail swims to a relatively shallow water position, because it is still in the water, and can still maintain the pressure balance inside and outside the body. Once out of the water, the air pressure is much weaker than the water pressure, fast and strong Changes in pressure can cause blood vessels and organs to rupture... well, that's about it."

Li Gui nodded slightly, looking very serious.

Zhu Yuan took a sip of his tea, but in his heart he was slandering, he wouldn't even give it a hug.

Li Gui didn't get the mental activity of his own adults at all, and when Zhu Yuan put down the tea bowl, he said: "This sea fishing, after discussing with several people, is also quite cautious, because it is the first time fishing in the deep sea, only 1300 people have been dispatched for the time being. Yu Haichuan."

Zhu Yuan also knew about this matter, Fang Li and the others mentioned it before the sea arrest.

According to surveying and mapping, for example, the start area of ​​the hairtail fishing season in the sea off the Shengsi Islands is relatively close to the Shengsi Islands, but it is more than 300 miles away from Dinghai.

If it weren't for the official organization, in previous years, even on a relatively calm winter day, such a distant sea would be a restricted area for fishing in this era. Unless it is absolutely necessary, few fishermen would go that far.

Besides, the entire fishing season is basically outside the Zhoushan Islands.

Perhaps the distance of thirty or fifty miles later was nothing, and the one-hour journey by motor steamer may be a day at the moment, when the wind is not favorable.

Generally speaking, Ying Haisi is quite conservative in this winter catch.

Otherwise, within two or three months, if we go all out, it will not be a problem to catch more than one million tons of fish throughout the winter flood.

This conservative strategy was actually approved by Zhu Yuan.

The first winter fishing is mainly to accumulate experience and be safe. After all, the times are different, and if something big happens, it will be too late to regret.

After talking like this for a while, feeling a little tired, Zhu Yuan stopped at the right time: "That's it, so be it, I won't show up at the luncheon later, and you will also help entertain, and after dinner, you can find Talk to your sister."

Li Gui agreed, got up and bowed again: "Wen Heng is retiring, sir, you have to take care of your health."

You will be polite.

The corner of his mouth hooked, Zhu Yuan nodded: "Go."

After Li Gui left, Liu Bai who was waiting in the side hall came out, helped his little official onto the shoulders waiting behind, and walked all the way to the inner house.

The meal was already set up here, and Xieyi and his servants were eating. He also said that the blue and white porcelain ordered to be fetched earlier had been delivered to the inner warehouse.

Zhu Yuan became interested and asked someone to move here immediately.

So while eating, while enjoying.

Yuan blue and white.

Zhu Yuan knew that the blue and white blue and white flowers of the later generations had a lot of hype, and even for the sake of hype, the industry even concocted a lot of fake news, such as a famous plum vase sold by Xiao Heyue chasing Han Xin for 8 million, which is completely nonsense. , the treasure of the town hall of the Nanjing Museum, let it be auctioned for you?

Who dares to sell?
Who dares to buy it?

However, it is true that Yuan blue and white flowers are valuable. Even if a few of them exceed [-] million yuan, auction prices of tens of millions of yuan are very common for some fine works.

In the previous attack on Dadu, in addition to the Yuan court royal family, the assets of the royal family and nobles were also taken over by Lao Zhu.

There were so many good things in the mighty fleet when we came back.

Speaking of this, it is true that Lao Zhu is frugal, but it is also true to keep money.About this paragraph, Ma Shi actually talked about it. There are so many treasures in the Yuan court, your majesty should not be obsessed with them.

Because of the "leaking" of the clock, Zhu Yuan wanted to come with a list, and he has been browsing through it recently.

Here we have to talk about Zhizheng Emperor.

Regarding the "Carpenter Emperor", many people will immediately think of Zhu Youxiao when this word is mentioned, but to a certain extent, Zhizheng Emperor is also considered a "Carpenter Emperor". Appropriate, since this person also enjoys making all kinds of gadgets.

For example, the Crystal Palace engraved leak that was equivalent to a clock before.

In addition, there are many KitKat curios.

However, compared to the engraving of the Crystal Palace, the other associations for Zhu Yuan are mainly the craftsmen behind it.

It has to be said that, on the one hand, the Yuan court suppressed the social status of craftsmen, and on the other hand, through squeezing, it really stimulated the creativity of craftsmen.

For example, in Dadu, a large number of elite craftsmen gathered from all over the country have a variety of manufacturing lists, many of which, in the words of later generations, are truly luxuries that ordinary people can't afford.

Zhu Yuan has already written to Lao Zhu that the 3 people he brought back were not enough, and all the craftsmen in Dadu had to be sent to Jinling.

By the time……

That's a bunch of new companies!

Besides, five or six blue-and-white porcelains were carefully moved in by the attendants one after another. One of them happened to be Xiao Heyue chasing Han Xin's blue-and-white plum vase who was later buried with Mu Ying and later became the treasure of the town hall of Nanjing Museum.

Frankly speaking, compared with some porcelains produced by mechanization and precision in later generations, the paintings in front of us are even rough at first glance.However, Zhu Yuan knew that in this era, this was the highest craftsmanship of blue and white porcelain, and even though there was blue and white porcelain in the Song Dynasty before and the Ming Dynasty after that, none of them could surpass it.

Zhu Yuan asked people to bring these blue and white porcelains here, but of course he didn't want to keep them for himself.

At present, although it is also a treasure, it cannot be sold for too much money.

Not as good as your own glassware.

If it is to be passed on to future generations, not to mention how many generations it can be passed on, if it is too deliberate, there will be too many in the future, and it is hard to say whether it will be valuable.

Seeing these, Zhu Yuan mainly thought of one thing, culture.

Culture is actually money!
Is it a bit vulgar to say this?
Do not!
If I have a leather bag, just because it is produced in one country and one brand, I can sell it for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, and earn a lot of profits to support my own people. Is this vulgar?

Not only is it not bad, but it is also very real.

Very solid.

Of course, the premise is that a country, a nation, must hold its own culture high.

Probably... Come on, lie down on the ground and look up at me!
Just like some people later, I am a lump of pickles, and I am also a national cultural boutique.

This is actually quite true.

Furthermore, more typically, Western clothes, shoes, bags, etc. are constantly praised and praised, and finally have a later status.

I'm worth hundreds of thousands.

If you don't buy it, it means you have no style, you are inferior, you are poor, if you can't even afford a bag, you can't enter the 'upper class' circle.

That's probably how it came about.

However, it is a pity that, also later, there was such a heterogeneous.

Other countries, other nationalities, are desperately trying to elevate their own culture, but there is one, inexplicably, like to belittle their own culture because of some historical reasons.Well, of course it's not inexplicable. To be precise, it should be called internal response and external cooperation.

After all, it is more suitable to continue to squeeze a country or a nation if it is belittled.

For the same bag, I sell it for 100 million, and you sell it for 100 yuan.

That's it.

From the perspective of economics, what is it called?
This is called exploitation!

The reason is simple, it is more suitable for exploitation when it is lowered enough.Even after being demoted for a long time, the exploited also feel that they should be exploited as a matter of course, and they can't pull themselves up.

(End of this chapter)

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