Hongwu Survival Guide

Chapter 259 Respectful Land, No Fighting

Chapter 259 Respectful Land, No Fighting

The layout of the spring workshop next door is similar to that of the watch engraving workshop that Zhu Yuan had just given a new name to, and not all of them here are making spring steel and the like.

In the outer courtyard of the double courtyard, Zhu Yuan entered the door. Apart from the house, the first thing he saw was a furnace for smelting metals of this era on the left and right sides. The craftsmen inside and outside the house were busy with various processes, scraps, blast , foundry, casting, forging, quenching and so on.

The gears, shafts and other components other than the mainspring required by the engraving workshop, whether made of copper or iron, are initially cast in the outer courtyard here, and then sent to the next door for fine processing.

Even for the production of engraved watch parts, the corresponding craftsmanship is still relatively common in this era. Zhu Yuan just walked around and came to the inner courtyard.

Entering the door here, there is only one furnace system, or several large and small furnaces that are closed or open, and although there are people working, they are obviously not as busy as outside.

While motioning Zhu Yuan to the west wing, Wei Ye took the initiative to explain the current scene: "My lord, it's not that I cherish my broom with my broom. I started to forge spring iron with my grandfather when I was eight years old... Well, it's this... spring steel. It's been 31 years now. Well, it is only with difficulty that my father and uncle failed to learn this craft, and the Wei family has only become me. Spring steel, from the selection of materials to the temperature of the fire, is a bit short...or it is elastic, but It is not possible to wind up the timepiece. Even if you go to the official... out of ten furnaces, only two or three furnaces are refined, and then the clockwork is made. During the forging and tempering, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes, and most of them will be discarded. .”

Zhu Yuan nodded in approval.

In this era, there is a lack of various standard processes and measuring instruments, so it is determined that many crafts are based on the experience of craftsmen.

This point is most vividly reflected in the firing of ceramics that has been involved before.

Besides, I didn’t know about the spring steel, but after pondering it from the fundamental level of my own habits in private, coupled with Wei Ye’s introduction, Zhu Yuan understood that if it is simple, it is very simple, but ‘materials’ and ‘heating’ are two things .

In particular, it is the top spring steel that can be used to make watch springs in this era, and the requirements for materials and heat will only be more stringent.

Lack of modern detection tools, lack of precise temperature monitoring instruments, lack of various clear physical and chemical knowledge as support, smelting and forging are all based on experience, even if each link has a 0.9% success rate, after seven or eight links, The original '[-]' must be reduced to less than half.

What's more, it's [-]% possible.

Having said that, he has already entered the west chamber, which is a warehouse, and turned to the south chamber, where there are seven or eight baskets of black ore in baskets.

In this era, ordinary iron ore obviously did not have the current treatment. Not only was it specially placed in a house, but it was also stored in baskets. The ore inside was also of uniform size, obviously carefully screened.

Wei also squatted down, grabbed a handful of ore and showed it to Zhu Yuan with a sense of treasure: "Please look, my lord, this is the ore needed for forging spring steel. It is still under the care of your lord. Only the lower officials can travel thousands of miles from Dadu. The ore was brought to Jinling, and when it arrived there were sixteen baskets in total, half of which had been used up, counting the previous accumulation of Shangguan, it was fortunate to supply the ten engraved watches."

Zhu Yuan stretched out his hand to take a piece of ore. Seeing that Wei Ye subconsciously took out a handkerchief from his arms as if he wanted to put it on, he shook his head with a smile, and carefully looked at the ore with some bright colors in the blackness in front of him: "Tell me Honestly, why this?"

"Why..." Wei also thought about it, and said: "This, the lower officials can't say it well, but since childhood, my grandfather taught me to choose materials first. At that time, I lived in Dadu. …I selected several times from the ore shipped from various places in the past, and I don’t want other yellow ore magnets, so I only focus on this one.”

Zhu Yuan continued to look at the ore in front of him, thought for a while, and said: "It should contain some kind of special metal component, I mean, metals other than iron, this... oh, since you even have "Economic Science" Read all of them, which means that you are motivated. You just said that you are the only one in your family, which also proves that you are talented. So, take time to learn chemistry. Newcomers from the north are not qualified to study, but I will guarantee you once, and I hope you will not disappoint me."

Wei also didn't know what "chemistry" was, but after listening to what Zhu Yuan said was serious, and he was indeed a motivated person, he also discovered the new dynasty's different attitudes towards craftsmen in a short period of time. He still didn't understand his chance, and immediately knelt down on the ground: "Wei Ye is thankful for your cultivation, I would rather die than let you down."

"Get up," Zhu Yuan said, "I said, this knowledge involves court secrets, even if you can practice, there are still some deeper things that you can't touch, but even so, if you fail me, you can only Once you die, even your family will be affected."

Wei didn't get up in a hurry, and after Zhu Yuan finished speaking, he made another promise before finally getting up.

People around saw that Wei Ye had obtained another fortune in a blink of an eye, and they all looked envious.

Zhu Yuan turned his head and glanced at Jin Dahu, Zhao Xu and other artisan guards who had been accompanying him all the time: "You guys go out first, I'll talk to Old Wei, heh, he didn't say anything about it just now, and he didn't want to let his own craftsmanship You listen. You can't listen to what I'm going to say next."

When everyone went out, Zhu Yuan sat on the stool that Wei Ye brought from the outside, still holding the ore sample in his hand, thought for a while, and said: "Everything in the world, no matter the air we breathe or the soil under our feet, all matter. It is composed of elements, which is the foundation of chemistry. Elements can be divided into metal elements and non-metal elements. They are arranged according to their most fundamental atomic weight, which is only one billionth of the size of rice grains, that is, the so-called ' Periodic table of elements', this table, huh, there are more than a hundred elements in the world, I only remember the first twenty or so, which are 'hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron, carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon, sodium magnesium aluminum silicon phosphorus, sulfur chloride Argon Potassium Calcium' and 'Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc' after skipping five."

Having said that, Zhu Yuan turned to Wei Ye who was listening carefully: "In this periodic table of elements, how many familiar ones have you noticed?"

Wei also thought about it a little, and said: "There is 'charcoal', there is 'sulphur', there is 'iron', there is 'copper', and the 'zinc' used to be called 'Japanese lead'. It is also named by adults."

Zhu Yuan listened to what Wei Ye said, recalled it himself, and said with a smile: "You are very good, you have grasped all the key points, and you can know 'zinc' in such a short period of time, and you are really caring. Well, how old are you this year? ?”

"My lord, I am ashamed to be an official. I wasted 39 years."

"39 years old, not too old. In addition, the problem of being too modest has also been corrected," Zhu Yuan said: "You are capable, savvy, willing to work hard, and willing to make progress. You are still in your prime, and your potential is far beyond what you have now. In charge of a spring workshop, in the future...heh, if you have good fortune, you will be able to be the Minister of the Ministry of Industry."

Wei Ye subconsciously and modestly said: "My lord, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry...I don't dare to think about ordinary people that day."

"Indeed, whether you can become one depends on fate, but both the ancestors and I like you who are capable and willing to make progress. Well, let's not say more, I am not in good health and feel tired again , let’s talk about ore,” Zhu Yuan turned to the black shiny stone in front of him: “Do you think there is anything special about this thing?”

"If it's special..." Wei Ye hesitated for a while before saying, "The spring steel produced from this mine...seems...not easy to rust."

"Stainless steel," Zhu Yuan said: "That should be nickel. The alloy composed of nickel and iron has the property of being stainless. The so-called rust of iron is to react with oxygen in the air to form iron oxide, which is our The iron ore in my hand, but, um, come to think of it, there are many types of iron oxides. Ferric oxide is red, and ferric oxide is black. The ore in our hands is black, and the oxides of iron are Iron tetroxide. The ironmaking process is a reduction process, using 'carbon' elements and other aids to remove the 'oxygen' element of iron oxide and re-reduce it into a single iron, um... In short, you will learn all of these later.”

Not much, not much!
Feeling that the door of a new world is opening to him, Wei also almost subconsciously wants to say it. However, Wei also knows that the young man in front of him has such a noble status and his health is not good. charged with this crime.

He could only suppress the curiosity in his heart, bowed his body and nodded in agreement with a sincere tone: "The words of the adults also benefit a lot."


Zhu Yuan felt a sense of déjà vu, but luckily this time he didn't pay homage to the 'sage' again.

In the past two days, the more Zhu Yuan thought about this matter, the more ashamed he felt.

All kinds of knowledge at the middle school level were immediately sanctified.

So he turned back to the iron mine in front of him, and couldn't help but say another sentence: "Let's talk about steel and iron, do you know the definition of steel?"

Wei also thought about it, and said cautiously: "Steel made from hundreds of refinements?"

"This is a literary description, a completely unscientific statement," Zhu Yuan said with a smile: "I know one, steel, which has a clear definition, and the carbon content of iron is between 0.02% and 2%. The iron contained in it can be called 'steel'. Percentage, I guess you are such an studious person, you should already know it?"

Wei also firmly memorized the concept given by Zhu Yuan, and when he heard the last question, he subconsciously revealed a look of shame: "The lower official also read your lord's "Basics of Mathematics" in private."

Zhu Yuan nodded and asked with a smile, "What about "Sketch Techniques"?"

"I also have a look," Wei didn't hide it, and added frankly: "It's just that the lower officials are less talented in painting."

"It's enough to be able to draw blueprints. This will be very important in the future. You can ask Dahu in private." Zhu Yuan said, and then joked: "Just understand a little."

"Remember, sir."

"Finally, let's talk about the spring steel process," Zhu Yuan said, "I think you must know that this spring steel can not only be used for simple watch springs, but also can be used to make weapons and various mechanical parts. , the future will be the 'industrial age', the representative of the 'industrial age' is machinery, and spring steel is indispensable among machinery, so, are you willing to let go of your craft and help the court cultivate corresponding talents in large quantities?"

Wei also did not hesitate: "I am willing."

Zhu Yuan was surprised, and asked with a smile: "So simple... I know, if the family-inspired craftsmanship of this era is leaked to outsiders, it may be a treasonous act that can't even enter the ancestral grave?"

"Because I think clearly," Wei also said with a smile, "Even if I don't donate it, my lord knows the reason, and I can find someone else to make this spring steel, but it will take more time. When the time comes, The craftsmanship of the lower official is worthless. Therefore, the ancestors will not blame the lower official for doing such a thing."

"You really understand," Zhu Yuan said, "Actually, the essence of spring steel is not that profound. I even think that your family's obsession with this kind of nickel-containing ore has instead become your limit. Spring Steel... I think the alloy composition may be a problem, but if we are going to mass production, and, if not to such a high standard, it should just be a matter of craftsmanship, how to temper, how to quench, and so on , and finally achieve the goal of allowing steel to obtain springback properties. This is more inclined to change physical properties, just like steaming steamed buns, turning raw noodles into mature noodles. If I want a certain taste and shape, I just need to let people do it. But, and I can mobilize a lot of people, there will always be someone who achieves the goal. After the goal is realized, summing up the experience, I can immediately teach a large number of people. Compared with your small workshop production thinking, large-scale mass production, This is industrialization, which will bring us into the industrial age.”

Wei Ye nodded again and again, feeling that he couldn't remember some of the expositions, and he half understood them.

I really want to find a pen and paper.

Zhu Yuan just played casually. After saying this, he threw away the ore in his hand: "Whether this contains nickel or not? At that time, you can also study it together. Regarding this, metal oxides can be dissolved in acid. Acid solutions of different metals have different colors. As for how to separate iron and nickel, I know a replacement reaction. However, iron and nickel are too close in the periodic table of elements. Well... think about it this way, iron and copper In short, try it yourself. As I just said, the best feature of iron-nickel alloys is stainless steel. Think about how widely used steel will be if it can remain stainless.”

Of course Wei could imagine it, and thought it was... quite unbelievable.

It’s been a long day, and Zhu Yuan feels really tired, so he doesn’t say any more, gets up and goes out, and listens to Wei Ye’s general introduction of the forging process of spring steel. Even if it is discarded, it cannot be used as a clockwork, but it is still made of high-quality steel. I can't help but remember another idea that I have been thinking about.

"These... are stretched into silk and made into springs with a diameter of two inches and a length of three inches. Is it okay to make one or two hundred?"

Wei was also listening, not knowing why: "My lord, what is the specific purpose?"

"Sofa, mattress, etc." Seeing that Wei Ye was still puzzled, Zhu Yuan gestured with a smile: "Just make a mattress, one foot long and one foot wide, stuff a spring in the middle, and cover both sides with coarse cloth or leather. , It will be soft and comfortable to lie on and sleep on.”

Wei also understood, and said decisively: "My lord, give the next official three days."

"Don't worry, you can't delay the business, just use these corners for the materials." After Zhu Yuan finished speaking, he continued: "In addition to mattresses, you can also make sofas, which are big chairs with similar methods. This is not limited to I enjoy it alone, and it can be turned into an industry in the future, whether it is a mattress or a sofa, it can be sold at a very high price, and you can also benefit from it.”

Wei also knew that the young Pingzhang in front of him was very interested in business affairs, and he didn't feel surprised to hear Zhu Yuan's words were full of interest, so he just agreed again earnestly.

After leaving the two adjacent workshops, more than half an hour has passed.

Approaching Shenzheng.

About four o'clock in the afternoon.

When I walked out of the gate of the spring workshop, I don't know if it was because of the lack of wind, or because the kiln just started firing nearby, and there was a faint smell of fireworks in the air.

In order to accommodate the craftsmen who came from the capital, and several universities were built, from the north of Xuanwu Lake to the surrounding area of ​​Mufu Mountain, at least hundreds of brick and tile kilns of various colors were opened, and bricks and tiles were fired non-stop.

This area originally belonged to the mountainous and hilly terrain on the outskirts of Jinling City. Zhu Yuan looked up at the smoke visible to the naked eye in the air, but thought that after the completion of this not-so-small infrastructure construction in this era, it is estimated that the surrounding area will become a plain. , not to mention the hills, many hills may no longer exist.

Also, the issue of environmental protection should be paid attention to now.

After entering the sedan chair, a certain sack waited quietly in it, helped Zhu Yuan to sit up, and Nizi leaned close to her, so that her adults could hug her as a pillow.

Zhu Yuan didn't do this, but pushed, and the girl stepped back a little, wanting to kneel and sit at his feet.

Zhu Yuan held back again, just in time to get up the sedan chair, but Lin Xiaoyu's body only tilted a little, and he stood still easily, letting his adults hold her soft waist wrapped in thick clothes, her eyes were bright, with ask.

When the sedan chair was stable, Zhu Yuan pulled Nizi in again, kissed that small mouth, saw the girl's blushing face, and teased her: "Say something, I'll kiss you again."

Lin Xiaoyu opened her mouth obediently, without even making any ahhh, it was an obvious gesture.

Zhu Yuan laughed: "It's too perfunctory."

But still couldn't help kissing again, the girl's body was fragrant, coupled with that clear face, it really made people want to bully, Lin Xiaoyu also obediently let her adults "bully".

After kissing for the second time, I didn't continue. I just held the girl in my arms and asked, "Are you feeling bored?"

Lin Xiaoyu blinked.

The adults said strange things again.

In Pingzhang's mansion, apart from occasionally going out with her adults, other... only she is free.

Myself, but the fifth.

Zhu Yuan understood the little girl's little expression of "my lord is moaning without illness again", and felt that he was looking for trouble, and he was indeed bored, but this was unbearable, so he glanced down at the girl: "You are not as big as Zhongli. "

Lin Xiaoyu laughed again, and gently pushed her body forward, and left in a hurry.

Zhu Yuan understood again.

The girl said that she still likes her more.

This is narcissism.

My lord, I am so obsessed with women, how could I be restrained by a little girl, so I punished him by raising my hand and giving me [-] cents.


Not only was she weak, but she also made Nizi laugh.

Zhu Yuan also laughed, until he became angry from embarrassment, caught the girl, and left a light tooth mark on her chin, you are still proud!

Waiting to go back and be cleaned up by the jealous Liu Bai.

The girl also understood, but she was not afraid.

Sister Liu Bai has been embroidering her wedding dress recently, and she doesn't go out.

This time, I didn’t go to the west of Hongshan. I just ordered to visit the printing office, and then turned to the campus of Jinling University in the east of Hongshan.

After interacting with the sack girl a few times, Zhu Yuan turned to the car curtain on one side, and Nizi stretched out her hand to push the curtain aside, carefully hiding herself, and only let the adults look away.

Zhu Yuan just wanted to take a breath, and there happened to be a few students standing beside the road guarded by the guards. Seeing Zhu Yuan showing his head, they suddenly cupped their hands together and seemed to say something: "I have seen Mr.... "


This one is not as exciting as the 'sage'.

But, it feels pretty good.

Improper, yet very reasonable.

Zhu Yuan also understood that it should be due to the dissemination of "The Study of Economics". Obviously, many students of Jinling University have already dabbled in it in just a few days, and thus realized Zhu Yuan's transformation from "Pingzhang" to "Mr. 'shift.

He didn't think about deliberately lifting the curtain to make people call him, so he asked Lin Xiaoyu to put down the curtain, hold the sack girl again, and planned to interact.

Where did you bite this time?

Before making a decision, Zhao Xu's voice came from outside the sedan chair again: "My lord, there's another incident at the printing press."

Lin Xiaoyu lifted the curtain on the other side where the voice came from.

Zhu Yuan was even more puzzled...why did he say 'again'?
Looking outside the sedan chair, Zhao Xu explained briefly, only to realize that there was another fight.

Last time it was Tan Qu and... that who, the ending was not too bad.

this time……

It is said that after the news that the "production chapter" of "Economics" allowed booksellers to print, it happened that the two booksellers were at Jinling University. There was a dispute over the printing rights of "The Science of Economics", and then they went to the publishing house, also hoping to purchase a batch of this month's "Da Ming Monthly".

It was already in the middle of the month, and there were not many monthly magazines left, but the sales had been very good. Coupled with the previous dispute, the two booksellers fought.

After Zhao Xu finished speaking, Zhu Yuan was speechless.

Did you do it on purpose?

Thinking wildly, I came to the courtyard of the Printing Bureau located in the southeast of the campus. This time it was even worse. A large tank for storing water and fire prevention in the courtyard was smashed, and the running water all over the ground had been cleaned up, and the mess could still be seen.

Then there are two people who are like tied rice dumplings.

Zhu Yuan didn't continue his good temper this time, and directly ordered the two to be dragged down, and they each played [-] boards, and compensated for the loss by the way.

Furthermore, Zhu Yuan was a little suspicious.

This printing office...

Is it because Feng Shui is bad, once or twice, why are there always people fighting here?

As a result of deliberation, someone simply made a sign and hung it at the gate of the publishing house: Gentle place, no fighting!
(End of this chapter)

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