Hongwu Survival Guide

Chapter 6 Zhu Yuan's Economics

Chapter 6 Zhu Yuan's Economics

Following Zhu Yuanzhang as he turned the screen, Zhu Yuan immediately saw the "Population Chart of Chinese Dynasties" that was magnified dozens of times compared to his own manuscript, and all the labels in simplified characters were accurate.

Zhu Yuanzhang stood with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the scroll in front of him.

These days have accumulated too many doubts, but after experiencing the right questions led by Zhu Yuan just now, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know where to start asking, so he just waited for the little scholar to speak by himself.

Zhu Yuan waited for a while, and then took the initiative to speak again: "Your Highness, looking at this picture, do you have a sense of ups and downs like a one-legged person jumping forward?"

Zhu Yuanzhang had no similar associations before, but after being reminded by Zhu Yuan, a corresponding image appeared in his mind, and he asked, "Why?"

Zhu Yuandao: "From the point of view of a villain, since the Xia and Shang dynasties, the reason why China has changed dynasties, and the cycle of reincarnation has been endless for thousands of years, the crux of it is that if you use a person to describe China, this person has only one leg. How can a person move forward smoothly, he will bump ups and downs."

The analogy of a person walking on one leg is too apt. Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the scroll in front of him again. Although he could not immediately understand the joints in it, he expected that what Zhu Yuan would say next should be to complete the problem of "the other leg".

Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at Zhu Yuan who was standing behind him, Zhu Yuanzhang urged with feigned displeasure: "Young scholar, don't fret, give me a refresher."

This is totally unrefined.

Zhu Yuan suppressed the unavoidable smile, clasped his hands together in a state of apprehension, and said, "Your Highness should have guessed something, but please let the villain explain it, starting with the leg I already have."

Zhu Yuanzhang also realized that he had lost his composure just now, put away his expression again, and nodded slightly.

Zhu Yuan turned to the picture scroll on the wall and said: "This existing leg can be summed up in one word, 'Li'. The so-called 'Li' is the invisible rules formed by China for thousands of years. The rules started from The Three Emperors and Five Emperors, through the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, were contended by a hundred schools of thought. In the Han Dynasty, although they only respected Confucianism, they actually integrated the directors of a hundred schools of thought and gradually perfected them. Until now, from the king to the common people, all behaviors and behaviors are based on it, so the country can be established. Running, endlessly."

Zhu Yuanzhang listened carefully, nodded slightly, and had another idea that there should be someone around him to record the whole process.

No action was taken.

Because I remembered the sentence in Xu Da's handwriting: This is the learning of emperors.

In recent years, Zhu Yuanzhang has read a lot of so-called studies of emperors such as "Book of Shang Jun" and "Han Feizi", but he doesn't quite agree with many of them.But at this time, what Zhu Yuan said was knowledgeable, and he didn't want others to know it for a while.

Zhu Yuan waited for Zhu Yuanzhang to digest for a while, and then said: "However, the word 'li' is only to determine the aspirations of our Chinese people, but it cannot protect the lives of hundreds of millions of people. It's what the villain said just now, China was missing a leg thousands of years ago."

If Zhu Yuanzhang realized something, he turned his head and looked at Zhu Yuan again, but he didn't speak.

Zhu Yuan suddenly changed the subject: "Has Your Highness ever read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was getting excited when he heard that, seeing that Zhu Yuan's words had turned, he said impatiently and steadily: "I've read some in my spare time."

Zhu Yuandao: "Sima Junshi wrote "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", hoping that the emperor of the Song Dynasty would "learn from the rise and fall of the past life and examine the gains and losses of the present" in order to rule the world. However, from the perspective of a villain, Sima Junshi's book is the most important The tester is only five characters."

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to be taken away by this little scholar, but he still couldn't help asking: "Which five characters?"

Zhu Yuan raised his voice slightly, and said solemnly: "Great hunger, people eat each other!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was silent for a while.

Zhu Yuan sorted out the information in his mind a little bit, and then said: ""Zi Zhi Tong Jian" started in the 23rd year of King Weilie of Zhou, and ended in the 360th year of Emperor Shizong Xiande of Zhou Dynasty after the Five Dynasties, with a history of 41 years, a total of more than 33 million Among them, there are 40 occurrences of the word "big hunger", and [-] occurrences of the word "people eat each other". It can be seen that China has thousands of years, only recorded in history books, every three to forty years, there are human The most tragic thing happened. Guanzi said, "The granary knows the etiquette." If the world has reached the state of "people cannibalize each other", how can the etiquette survive? If the etiquette does not exist, the world will automatically be in turmoil!"

As Zhu Yuan was talking, his tone unconsciously showed a bit of sadness, and Zhu Yuanzhang felt the same way, ignoring for a moment how this little scholar could know how many passages there are in the millions of words in "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" Big hunger', several 'human cannibalism'.

Unknowingly put down his hands, Zhu Yuanzhang turned to Zhu Yuan, and said sadly: "Little scholar, I was so hungry that I couldn't survive, so I became a monk, and then joined the rebel army, and even today. What you said, I don't know what to say." How can you not understand. If you can really ensure that all the people in this world are 'preserved', I will give you whatever glory and wealth you want."

Zhu Yuan saluted and bowed. After getting up, he turned to the picture scroll on the wall again, and said: "What is contained in this picture is the other leg that the villain wants to dedicate to His Highness to solve the problem that has plagued the people of China for thousands of years. , called 'The Science of Economics'."

Zhu Yuanzhang repeated softly: "The study of economics?"

Zhu Yuan nodded: "Economists are economical and economical!"

Hearing the words of "economical economy and people", Zhu Yuanzhang's first reaction was that Zhu Yuan boasted a bit.However, thinking of all the feelings I had from looking at the picture scrolls on the wall before, I suddenly realized that this should be the kind of knowledge that I had been looking forward to for a long time, which he had never heard of.

Zhu Yuan has already continued: "The study of economics is just a generalization. Just like the "rituals" that I have formed in China for thousands of years, the study of economics has existed since ancient times, but no one has formulated it into a system. From the perspective of a villain , ranging from state taxation and taxation to street vendors selling, there are relevant principles of economics everywhere. Therefore, even if "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" writes 300 million words, it is still inexhaustible."

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't understand this time, and asked in confusion: "Little scholar, according to your words, this knowledge is too great to be explained?"

Zhu Yuandao: "I read "The Analects of Confucius" recently. There are sons and words. There are great evils. In the same way, the economics of the villain also has its roots, and it is two things, called "production" and "distribution". Apart from this, all other branches of economics in the future will not come from Those who do both."

Zhu Yuan had already thought about fundamental social and economic issues in his previous life.

In the process of climbing up step by step, Zhu Yuan browsed a large number of economics books, but as his status became higher and his wealth accumulated day by day, Zhu Yuan became more and more suspicious of many mainstream economic theories at that time.

Until he scoffed.

Because, after seeing it through, you will find that many economic theories in the previous life are basically just a tool, a PUA tool. The indoctrination of the strong country to the weak country, and the indoctrination of the strong to the weak will eventually make people believe in those so-called economic theories Like a mathematical theorem, it is a law of nature.

Then use these theories to achieve a certain purpose.

Is this really the case?
such as……

Forget it, without giving an example.

Not pleasing.

With the continuous accumulation of personal knowledge, Zhu Yuan gradually got rid of the shackles of various traditional economic theories and began to think about some fundamental issues.

The argument about 'production' and 'distribution' is exactly what Zhu Yuan finally came up with by combining his past life thinking and summarizing all the way before.

To put it simply, the thousands of years of human society history, regardless of any dynasty, regardless of any system, the fundamentals of social operation, in Zhu Yuan's view, are nothing but two things: 'production' and 'distribution'.

Any country can produce more materials and feed more people only if its productivity continues to increase.Otherwise, when the production capacity cannot support the consumption of the people, the society will inevitably collapse.

In any country, while continuously increasing productivity, only by properly handling the issue of distribution can social resources be prevented from becoming more and more concentrated to a very small number of people, so that no matter how high the productivity is, it will not be possible for everyone to live in peace.If the people cannot survive, the result will inevitably be the collapse of society.

(End of this chapter)

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