Daming talker

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Lin Tailai, who was going to Suzhou City, knew nothing about the little tricks in the back of his family, and was immersed in the joy of getting money for nothing, ah no, investment.

Money is a good thing. With money, many things are easier to handle!County examination, government examination funds are in place!
He went to the city first, picked up the gown he ordered a few days ago, and changed it on the spot.

I don't know why, but with the wide long gown, I immediately feel that my class is getting higher and higher, so I don't want to take it off anymore.

Inside the coat, Lin Tailai was wrapped with a few large sheets of cowhide that were not neatly stitched together, like a small vest, which was stitched together by the old man's wife.

When the buddy saw it, he couldn't help but think of a sentence, the hidden armor has a different ambition.
Lin Tailai also wanted to make a few more clothes, fearing to scare the buddy, he kindly explained:
"The market is not peaceful recently. There are fights from time to time, and the yamen do nothing. I heard that dozens of people have been injured in Shangtang and Nanhao in recent days, so everyone must pay attention to personal protection."

After leaving the clothing store, Lin Tailai went to the school book office in Shangtang, planning to negotiate for venture capital.

But this time Lin Tailai didn't see Mr. Xu, it was Mrs. Fan who came forward.

"The money ticket has already been placed with me," Fan Niangzi explained: "But Manager Xu doesn't want to see you, so he entrusted me to negotiate with you."

Lin Tailai asked suspiciously: "Why doesn't he want to see me on such a happy day?"

Lady Fan: "."

Regarding the reason why Manager Xu doesn't want to see you, why don't you look in the mirror and see yourself?

After exchanging pleasantries, Mrs. Fan began to talk about the conditions: "The School Secretary Office wanted to recruit you to join, but because An Le Hall doesn't let people go, and you can't leave An Le Hall, so I can only hire you as a guest teacher."

"As I said, the teacher is too unlucky!" Lin Tailai said dissatisfiedly, "So I have to change the title, visiting professor! More specifically, it is visiting professor of literature!"

The main reason is that Lin Tailai will still be involved in the literary world in the future, and he doesn't want to be associated with such a vulgar title as a coach, otherwise it will be a dark history in the future.

There is no problem with the title of sitting in the hall. In this era, sitting in the hall is a kind of teacher, which is very cultural.

The same is true for professors of literature. Even if they become well-off in the future, they can still be regarded as romantic, elegant, suave and uninhibited.

In the late Ming Dynasty, the style of scholars in the south of the Yangtze River was very wild. I'm not afraid of your absurdity, but I'm afraid of your nonsense!

Look at Zhang Youyu's crazy appearance two days ago, and then think about the entanglement between celebrities and prostitutes in this period of history. It seems that there was a celebrity who rode a horse with two knives in his waist for the sake of personality, and ended up bumping and stabbing himself dead.

So Lin Tai came to make troubles without any pressure at all.

Even Mrs. Fan, who was used to Lin Tailai's strange affairs, was also taken aback at this moment: "Professor? Isn't that the name of the instructor of the prefectural school? Still literature?"

Lin Tailai explained: "Now there are doctors and imperial edicts everywhere, and this public office is still called the school book, why can't professors use it?
What happened to literature?As long as I'm here, it doesn't matter what it's called, right? "

Mrs. Fan felt that there was no need to entangle in a title: "All right, visiting professor of literature, Professor Lin, as long as you are happy."

Hearing Professor Lin's name, Lin Tailai couldn't help but sigh for a while.

In his previous life, when he traveled through time, he was not even rated as an associate professor because of his academic performance in the top ten in the country, but in this life, relying on a pair of fists and an iron whip, his dream finally came true.

In the future, in the rivers and lakes of the two major business districts of Shangtang and Nanhao, he, Lin, will also be a well-known figure!
This is the golden country where dreams are made. In a rural place like Hengtang fish market, he can't earn dozens of taels of silver a year, and he can't accommodate his progressive dreams!

Miss Fan finally reminded: "The money is not for nothing. If the public office needs you to come forward in the future, you can't shirk it, or your reputation will be damaged."

"I know, I know." Lin Tailai agreed, as long as he got the money, he could say anything.

Then Mrs. Fan took out 300 taels and gave it to Professor Lin who was fresh out of the cage.

Lin Tailai looked at the number on the money ticket, frowned and said, "Didn't you say 500 taels earlier?"

Lady Fan replied unhurriedly: "I'm afraid that you will lose all your money if you spend too much without restraint, so put the other 200 taels with me first.

When you really want to do something, I will invest the money in it.After all, the county government sentenced me to [-]% of the shares. "

Lin Tailai said dissatisfiedly: "Why do you sound like a housekeeper?"

Lady Fan sighed secretly, it was really not easy, and finally heard a nice word from someone Lin.

I heard Lin Tailai continue to complain: "Although you are helping to attract investment, isn't it too much to deduct two-fifths as a commission?"

Mrs. Fan approached Professor Lin, and said in a low voice, "You don't think that the money was really voted for you by the School Book Office, do you?
The school book office has been slapped by you and face, and it can't officially recruit you, so why spend 500 taels to buy a guest instructor who doesn't know if it can be used? "

Lin Tailai waved the money ticket and asked, "Then where did the money come from?"

Mrs. Fan said: "The 500 taels I voted for you are actually my personal money, but it's just in the name of the school book office!"

Lin Tailai said subconsciously: "What's the matter with this matter, why don't you just give it to me and it's over?"

Niangzi Fan almost cursed out a "bad pen", and said angrily: "Think about it with your pectoralis major, I also want face and fame!
The death of Wu Yikui's trash is related to you. Now that the bones are not cold, I will send you money. What do outsiders think?What do the brothers in the hall think? "

It's not that Lin Tailai is not smart, the main reason is that after using too much virtue and principles, there are some sequelae, and he is too lazy to think about problems that he doesn't care about.

Thinking back now, the girl sued the county government for compensation, and then entered into a partnership through the county government's judgment. This may also be considered in this regard.

Anyway, with the real money in hand, Lin Tailai, who was promoted from Dr. Lin to Professor Lin, didn't bother to think about it carefully, so he left.

Money is a man's guts, 300 taels are wrapped around his waist, and the Yamen hits his joints!

Familiar with the door and the way, went straight to the office of the grain department of the east courtyard of the county yamen, found the grain book Zhang Tingyan, and asked directly: "Does Mr. Zhang have any contacts in the government office?"

Zhang Liangshu was taken aback by this abrupt question, "What are you asking the government office for?"

Lin Tailai said richly: "If the county has tried it, how much will it cost to buy the government? Is 100 taels enough? If it is not enough, add more!"

So Zhang Liangshu was even more surprised, "Where did you get the money? That's how you earn money collecting protection taxes in the countryside?"

Knowing that Zhang Liangshu was careful, Lin Tailai did not want to be charged with "unknown sources of huge wealth", and answered truthfully:
"I just got it from the school secretary office. They spent some money and hired me as a visiting professor of literature."

As soon as Professor Lin finished speaking, he saw a teacup flying towards him, but he quickly turned his head away.

"Why are you angry, sir?" Lin Tailai asked.After thinking about it carefully, I didn't offend Zhang Liangshu these two days, or did he want to get a piece of the pie from me?

Zhang Liangshu asked sullenly, "Did you forget something?"

Lin Tailai was at a loss, he was so busy these days, either beating people or asking for money, there was something to do every day, did he really miss something?
Zhang Liangshu yelled angrily: "I said, before you go to Yidu to plant flags and grab the territory, I don't want to hear any more gossip about you!

I gave you ten days last time, and now there are only six or seven days left!If you can't do it, there are people who want to! "

Lin Tailai patted his forehead, almost forgot that he still has this job to do!

Zhang Liangshu warned: "Now I have reason to suspect that you don't even think about grabbing land in Yidu, you just want to use the name of the county government to go out and deceive you, and no one cares about you when you beat people!

Don't forget your part!Removing you as a scribe, conscripting you to do hard labor and build rivers, is just a matter of one sentence! "

"Absolutely no such meaning!" Lin Tailai quickly patted his pectoralis major, and said: "There is still half a day left today, I will set off right away, and go to work in the village of Yidu!"

Professor Lin, who had just made a small fortune and had only been proud for an hour, lamented in his heart. This is the disadvantage of "not going ashore", and it is too easy for the yamen to take advantage of a commoner.

Among other things, there is a special tax in the Jiangnan area called "white rice", which is a specific good rice, which is specially provided for the palace.

This type of tax cannot be converted into silver, but must be paid in kind. The Jiangnan region is rated at 21 shi a year, of which Suzhou government bears [-] to [-] shi.

Moreover, Bailiang cannot be transported by relay, and it does not rely on official movement like Caoliang, but democratic movement.

If the yamen wants to deal with you, they will sign you to transport white grain, and transport it all the way from Suzhou to the capital two or three thousand miles away, which can directly drive ordinary people to bankruptcy.

At least one has to be a scholar to avoid these troubles and threats, which can be regarded as leaving the civilian class and going ashore.

From the current point of view, Zhang Liangshu is the only person who can directly help in the first two steps of the three steps of going ashore, the county test and the government test.

 Don't worry, don't worry, start to speed up now, let's make up a chapter first.

(End of this chapter)

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