I build a floating city in the last days

Chapter 114 The Explosive Elemental Power

Chapter 114 The Explosive Elemental Power (Part [-])
"That should be enough."

After Fang Bai rushed to make a batch of lightning spell scrolls, he took back all the fireball spell scrolls in the hands of the patrol team, and replaced them all with lightning spell scrolls that could strike accurately.

After completing these trivial matters, Fang Bai once again immersed himself in the study of spell models.

The monsters were killed one by one by Fang Bai, and every time a monster was killed, it meant that the value of the monster had basically been drained by Fang Bai.

During this period, Wang Kai returned to Yihao Village around ten o'clock in the morning with several large snakeskin bags on his back. He first threw the equipment in the big snakeskin bags to Wang Xiong, and then came to Fang Bai by himself.

Fang Bai immediately used the crystal core that restored the power of the elements to guide Wang Kai into the state of cultivation.

Wang Kai practiced, Fang Bai studied.

At the same time, Fang Bai also noticed that the total training time of Wang Kai today and last night reached 36 hours and [-] minutes, which is a big improvement compared to the previous day, and Wang Kai's physical fitness has improved again.

After training, Wang Kai continued to hunt monsters.

It is very difficult to upgrade to a level above level [-]. You have to kill monsters by leapfrogging levels, or simply farm ordinary monsters honestly.

But now there are fewer and fewer ordinary zombies on the edge of Stone City, and now you have to go a little deeper to hunt down any ordinary zombies.

And a little bit deeper, the density of big zombies and mutated big zombies will increase, and there may even be monsters, and the danger level will rise instantly.

But maybe this is the root cause of the existence of ordinary zombies.

The ordinary zombies that are easy to kill are almost killed, and naturally only the hard to kill will be left. If you want to continue leveling, you must take risks and continue to go deeper
For this series of reasons, Wang Kai has not reached ten points of spiritual power yet.

As time slowly passed, there was a sudden explosion outside, Fang Bai turned his head to look, and under the scanning of mental power, Fang Bai found that it was Bai Qing and a bookish young man who were setting off firecrackers outside the city wall.

It's just that the power of this firecracker is a little bit bigger.

"Chemistry teacher Ding Shan?"

Fang Bai came to his senses immediately, and looked curiously at the bags next to him.

When the mental power penetrated through the paper bag and saw the inside, it was found that there were some yellow powder inside.
"Yellow gunpowder?"

Fang Bai was taken aback for a moment, but then realized that the preparation of yellow gunpowder is actually not difficult.

In theory, high school chemistry knowledge is enough to complete this step, but many people return this knowledge to the teacher after leaving school.

I just don't know whether these yellow gunpowder were temporarily prepared or Dingshan's stock.

Fang Bai watched the two experiment with interest. In terms of the power of yellow gunpowder, as long as the quantity increases, there is absolutely no problem in dealing with ordinary monsters. The power is not inferior to the fireball technique.

Of course, the premise is that the yellow flame must be sent to the monster to explode.

In comparison, the fireball technique is much more convenient at this level.

Fang Bai looked at it for a while before he had a thought, and his voice immediately rang in Bai Qing's mind.

"It's okay, think about it yourself. If the village needs such a person, and you can accept the input and output, then you can recruit him. This is up to you. After all, the internal affairs and production are all under your control.

In addition, whether you recruit or not, you can bring me here for a while. I am actually quite interested in the information in the city. "

When Fang Bai's voice directly appeared in Bai Qing's mind, Bai Qing was taken aback, but then he reacted and listened without changing his face.

Bai Qing's psychological quality is still stable.

After Fang Bai finished speaking, he withdrew his mental power. Compared with yellow gunpowder, Fang Bai was still more interested in spells.

In Fang Bai's view, there is no difference between fireball and yellow gunpowder.

One is a technological creation, which belongs to the crystallization of civilization.

One is the creation of magic, which belongs to the mighty power of the individual.

Under the same conditions, Fang Bai would naturally choose a spell that condensed his personal might.

After all, who hasn't dreamed of a little personal heroism?

Fang Bai concentrated his mind on the spell model again, the Warcraft sent over has not been studied yet.

However, Fang Bai's research was interrupted again not long after it started.

"Hello, my name is Ding Shan, I was a chemistry teacher at No. [-] Middle School."

"Hi, I'm Fang Bai, formerly a freelancer."

Fang Bai said with a smile to himself, Ding Shan was going to exchange some pleasantries, but Fang Bai said straight to the point.

"Time is precious in the last days, so let's stop wasting time. Let's ask each of us what we are interested in. One question per person, so we can chat comfortably."

Ding Shan also showed a hearty expression when he heard the words. Fang Bai saw that he was in his 20s and estimated to be around 30 years old, and he probably didn't like these gaudy ages.

"Okay, it's comfortable to chat like this, then village head Bai, you ask first?"

Fang Bai was also very straightforward, nodded and asked directly.

"I'm very interested in the situation in the city. Why did you all come out together last night?"

Ding Shan pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then said.

"In the city, the city probably looks like blood cocoons one after another. The days before the cocoons were a little bit sad, and the days when the cocoons were formed were a little more comfortable.

After the cocoon was formed, after the monster broke out of the cocoon, the situation deteriorated in an instant, and basically every day was a battle.

Although not every day, people die, but on average, there are basically casualties.

Of course, the level has risen very quickly because of this, as for the matter of coming out"

Ding Shan pondered for a moment and then continued.

"In the beginning, we all wanted to come out, but none of us had the ability to come out. Leaving the building would mean death. When we were able to come out later, we basically stood still. Suddenly, we wanted to increase our level advantage a bit before coming out. After all, the city All kinds of resources are too rich, whether it is monsters or food and drink.

This stay lasted until yesterday. As for why they came out collectively yesterday. In fact, some time ago, when the monsters broke out, people came out one after another, but these people who came out were not very strong, just like Li Tieshan and the others. There were also heavy casualties on the road, but nothing happened.

As for this time."

"I am not very clear about the specific situation, I only know what happened in the center of the city, and the monsters inside have become very violent.

The rules of monster territory and hunting time that we have figured out are all ineffective in front of the violent monster, and the monster's territory is all chaotic, which leads to huge casualties.

Since the information is all confusing, the first-order monsters are nothing more than a lot of second-order monsters running around. We really couldn't bear it and rushed out.

Only the four perverts and their respective teams are still inside. "

Speaking of this, Ding Shan was slightly moved, and then continued.

"I don't know the specific reason for the monster's rage, but I guess it has something to do with the sudden increase in the concentration of power factor in the air."

"Elemental power?"

Fang Bai asked aloud, Ding Shan was slightly taken aback, then reacted, nodded and said.

"Yes, the concentration of elemental power suddenly increased yesterday."

Fang Bai couldn't help falling into deep thought after listening to Ding Shan's words.

The concentration of the power of the elements soared?World of Warcraft mania?
Did something happen in there?
And there are still four people with their respective teams staying inside
What situation will cause the elements inside to explode?In other words, what can cause the power of elements in a large urban area to surge?

Fang Bai was slightly moved.

(End of this chapter)

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