It can be said that on the day when the new king Zhao Zhuan ascended the throne, Liyang, which had already lost Beiliang, Shuzhong, Qingzhou and other places, was completely torn apart.

It was under this situation that Beimang sent a hundred thousand troops from Juzizhou to launch a fierce offensive against Jizhou.

The first to bear the brunt was the eldest prince Zhao Wu, who had an army of [-].

However, relying on the thick walls of the city, it can barely support it.

But Beimang has over a million troops. This [-]-strong army is more of a test than an attack.

Once in Liyang territory, there is not enough support, Beimang will not hesitate to break into the Liyang border from here.

After all, it’s all the way south, whether it’s southwest or southeast.

Of course, the terrain in Jizhou is steep and narrow. If you choose to enter Liyang from Jizhou, it is naturally not as flat as the terrain in Beiliang, which can allow a large enough army to enter Liyang unimpeded.

But compared to Beiliang, whose attitude is unclear now, Jizhou couldn't be easier to control.

What's more, with Liyang's current situation of being torn apart, how could the eldest prince Zhao Wu's [-] troops alone be like Beiliang, blocking his march south from Beimang?

Jizhou was attacked, and the emergency battle report naturally quickly reached Tai'an City.

However, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and the current emperor Zhao Zhuan were embarrassed.

There are soldiers in Tai'an City. In addition to a small number of imperial guards who are directly in the hands of the royal family, there are more than 20 elites in the hands of Gu Jiantang.

This is also the force that guards the entire Tai'an City.

Based on Jizhou's terrain, dispatching a hundred thousand troops was basically enough to block Beimang's offensive.

But the question is, who will lead the army? Once these [-] troops are transferred, will the four feudal kings who are already ready to take action directly attack Tai'an City?

The hall was silent.

Until Zhang Julu stood up.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the most urgent task is to prevent Beimang from going south."

Zhao Zhuan was frightened, but he couldn't help but feel speechless when he heard the words.

"Of course I know that this matter is urgent, but in the current situation, the 20 troops in Tai'an City must not move. Those rebel kings are always watching me. How can I stop Beimang from going south?"

Zhang Julu looked calm and said slowly: "Your Majesty, have you ever heard of the idea of ​​making friends from far away and attacking close by? As long as Beiliang is willing to take action against Beimang, the crisis in Jizhou will naturally be resolved."

As soon as Zhang Julu said these words, everyone in the court was in an uproar.

Since the day Beiliang was sentenced to Liyang, almost no one in the entire court dared to say the word Beiliang easily.

Now, trying to use the power of Beiliang to solve the crisis in Jizhou seems a bit fanciful no matter how you look at it.

Zhao Zhuan clearly realized that this was indeed the best solution to the crisis in Jizhou.

He looked at Zhang Julu with a bit of hope.

"Master Prime Minister, is there any way to get Beiliang to take action?"

Zhang Julu said calmly: "Preventing Beimang from going south has been Beiliang's responsibility and mission for many years. Even now, it cannot be given up easily. Your Majesty only needs to send an envoy to clarify the interests of Beiliang and promise that Beiliang will take action."

Zhao Zhuan hesitated for a moment, took a deep look at the expressionless Zhang Julu, and said slowly: "Then this matter will be left to the Prime Minister. I will give you my full support!"


In Beiliang, Xu Xiao took a bright yellow secret decree and handed it to Li Yishan.

"Sure enough, Tai'an City still sent a letter asking for help."

Li Yishan read the secret decree again with an expression that was half-smiling but not smiling.

"One word: king side by side, nine thousand years old, you dare to promise such a title, it seems that this young new king is a little anxious."

He casually put down the secret decree and said: "As Mr. Zhuge said, in this battle we will not only fight Beiliang, but also beat Beimang painfully. Your lord, have you really made up your mind?" Xu Xiao was silent for a moment and said: "Now that things have happened, I, Beiliang, have long been helpless. Is there any way out?"

As he spoke, his eyes sharpened, and an unprecedented murderous aura arose in his whole body. It seemed as if the aura of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood filled the air.

"After holding on to Beiliang for more than ten years, the world may have forgotten the name of my Beiliang Iron Cavalry. This battle will show the world what a true iron-blooded army is!"

Li Yishan's eyes were in a trance, as if he had seen the high-spirited man Tu Xuxiao who destroyed the Six Kingdoms again.

His heart trembled slightly, and he stood up and bowed down.

"I would like to go with the general."

Xu Xiao laughed, and the sound almost echoed throughout Tingchao Pavilion.

On this day, Beiliang's 30 cavalrymen were ready to go. After hearing Xu Xiao's order, they rushed north.

At the same time, the 20-strong army in Shu that once shocked the world left Shu after several months of silence and went straight to Zhao Bing, the most powerful of the four vassal kings.

Following closely behind, there were five more armies, numbering around [-], heading in several other directions.

No one in the world thought that Beiliang would suddenly come out in force and launch an attack on Beimang.

In just one day, Gusai Prefecture on the Beimang border was defeated. Three days later, half of Gusai Prefecture fell.

And no one thought that Shuzhong would suddenly take action against King Yan She.

The 20-strong army launched a surprise attack on Yuzhou with thunderous momentum.

King Yan She's 30-strong army was defeated.

However, Shuzhong did not launch a battle of annihilation. Instead, intentionally or unintentionally, it drove the 30 troops to flee towards Fengzhou.

There were even troops belonging to Shuzhong appearing along the way, so that although King Yan She's army fled all the way, it did not collapse.

And every time King Yan She came to the territory of other vassal kings, seeking help and preparing to fight back, Han Xin would always defeat him forcefully again.

Until the four feudal kings gathered together, the number of the fleeing army became larger and larger.

But because they fled all the way, they were getting closer and closer to Tai'an City.

On the other side, Beimang was naturally shocked because Beiliang invaded Gusai Prefecture.

Quickly began to mobilize troops to prepare for a counterattack.

However, Beiliang only left some men at a few dangerous passes in Gusai Prefecture, and then headed straight for Longyao Prefecture.

After repeated collisions and battles, the entire world was almost in a state of war.

And because of the approach of the four major vassal kings, it was difficult for Tai'an City to be alone.

An army of 20 troops was stationed outside to prevent the four major vassal kings from taking advantage of the situation to invade Tai'an City.

But what they feared even more was the seemingly endless supply of troops in Shu.

According to the summary of intelligence from various places, the initial 20 troops in Shuzhong have already multiplied several times.

According to incomplete statistics, there are probably close to one million people.

No one can figure out where exactly Shuzhong raised such a massive army.

And how to rely on the power of Shu to support the terrifying consumption of an army of nearly one million.

At this moment, there was only one month left before the one-year deadline for Li Chengqian to send a message to Zhuge Liang.

On this day, the four vassal kings, the new king Zhao Zhuan, and the Beimang Empress all received an invitation, or threatening letter, written by Zhuge Liang at the same time. (End of chapter)

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