The leisurely life of the reborn daddy

Chapter 529: Fortunately I’m taking a leave of absence. I’m a little stuck, so I won’t write anymor

Chapter 529: Fortunately (7300) I’m taking a leave of absence. I’m a little stuck, so I won’t write anymore.
New Year's Day is approaching, and the year is coming to an end in the blink of an eye.

At this time, it feels like time is passing faster and faster. Many people look back and suddenly realize that this year seems to be coming to an end without doing anything.

It seems that I have made a lot of money, but when I look at my account at the end of the year, I have basically no savings.

During this period, Caojiazhuang was particularly lively.

Before Cao Shujie left, he and Cao Jianlong went to Wang Kun to talk about installing radiators. Seeing that a quarter of the winter had passed, the radiators in the three villages had not yet been installed.

Then the task of installing radiators in Caojiazhuang Kindergarten was added, and the Caojiazhuang Village Committee, Zhujiazhuang Village Committee, and Taodong Village Committee jointly contributed the money.

When divided, each family doesn't have much money.

The cost to buy coal is borne by the parents of all the children in school, 50 yuan per year. This fee is not high, relatively reasonable, and everyone can accept it.

These matters were all discussed in a village meeting and all details were announced at the meeting.

In this way, the whole village is grateful to these leaders of the village committee.

Many people's children have attended this kindergarten, and even their children have begun to attend this kindergarten again. Others who do not have children cannot guarantee that they will not come here if they have children in the future.

Whether it's the village committee's funding to repair the kindergarten's house or its funding to install radiators, everyone is very supportive.

After all, it costs less than 100 yuan a month for their children to attend kindergarten in the village. Compared with kindergartens in the city that often cost more than 1000 or more than 2000 yuan a month, this price is already very cheap.


On the second day after the villagers' meeting, Cao Shujie and the others held the last village committee meeting in Caojiazhuang in 2.

At this meeting, they summarized all the gains of Caojiazhuang this year. Even after excluding the pre-expenses, the public account of Caojiazhuang Village Committee still has more than 160 million cash flow deposits.

This is just the beginning.

When the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative generates income next year and the agricultural cooperative generates income in two years, plus the stall management fees, parking fees and other expenses during this period, the public deposits of the Caojiazhuang Village Committee will grow more and more. quick.

During the meeting, Cao Shujie specifically asked: "We don't owe any debts, right?"

At this time, Cao Jianlong, Cao Zhengcun, and Lu Ping, the elders of the two village committees, still felt a little embarrassed.

Accountant Gao Changyin quickly said: "Director Cao, our village has no debts."

"Well, as long as there are no outstanding debts, the Gregorian New Year will come in two days. Let's figure out what to buy today. Tomorrow we will go to the county town and buy something good for the villagers with the same standards." Cao Shujie suggested.

It was appropriate for him to mention this matter, but it would not have been appropriate for Cao Jianlong to mention it.

After Cao Shujie proposed it, the other four people agreed.

Several people were discussing what to buy.

There are a total of 371 households in Caojiazhuang. According to the standard of 200 yuan per household, it would cost more than 7 yuan.

This is also the reason why Cao Shujie did not agree when Cao Jianlong went to his house to discuss increasing welfare benefits on the day Cao Shujie just came back from Xinjiang.

Although it is very simple to provide benefits, it is a matter of one sentence, but when it comes to these 371 households, it is not a small number.

Even if the standard of 100 yuan is raised, nearly 4 yuan more will be spent, which is not a small amount.

In addition to the Spring Festival benefits, Caojiazhuang also has holiday benefits for August 100th, as well as benefits for the elderly to visit and express condolences. If the standards are raised, the more than [-] million in the Caojiazhuang Village Committee account is not enough.

Cao Shujie feels that this area is a benefit that the villagers of Caojiazhuang will enjoy after the overall development of Caojiazhuang, and should not become a burden to the Caojiazhuang Village Committee.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, so rice, flour and oil must be available, as well as fish and meat.

"Let's just buy corn oil. Especially for people with cerebrovascular diseases, corn oil is the best, but too much peanut oil is not good." Cao Shujie said righteously.

But the actual situation is that a 5-liter barrel of corn oil is about 40 yuan cheaper than a barrel of peanut oil of the same weight.

But when Secretary Cao talked about health, he was right.

"Oil is mainly for physical health. You can buy more other things." Cao Shujie made the arrangements clearly.

What he said was true.

Living conditions in Caojiazhuang have improved significantly in the past two years. Especially this year, the income of many families has increased, their living conditions have improved, and they have more food than before.

This also creates potential health risks such as high blood sugar and high blood pressure.

Thinking of this, Cao Shujie mentioned something: "Uncle Long, I think we can negotiate with the health center in the town and test the blood pressure and blood sugar of the folks in our village for free every year."

"Free test, are they willing?" Cao Jianlong was not sure.

But Cao Shujie knew that free blood pressure and blood sugar testing became very popular in the community. Free clinic tables were often set up in front of some pharmacies to measure blood pressure and blood sugar for free.

He said: "How can I know whether they agree or not if I don't try it? I think it doesn't cost much. We can communicate more with the town health center."

"How about you do this?" Cao Jianlong was unsure of himself.

He rarely even tests this thing himself, so asking him to operate it is obviously making things difficult for him.When Cao Shujie saw Cao Jianlong's embarrassed look, he smiled and said, "Okay, I'll handle this matter."

When Cao Zhengcun saw Cao Shujie's cheerful appearance, he couldn't help but sigh. Since Cao Shujie became the village director of Caojiazhuang, he has really done a lot for Caojiazhuang.

It also secured a lot of benefits for the villagers of Caojiazhuang.

Without him, Caojiazhuang would not have the benefits it does now.

It's just a dream!

In the following time, they discussed many things, and the five people voted one by one, and finally began to assign tasks.

For two consecutive days, they finally bought the benefits they were going to pay out from the county before New Year's Day.

A 5-liter barrel of corn oil, a 10-jin bag of dumpling powder, a 10-jin bag of rice, 10-jin hairtail fish, and 5-jin stuffed sausages.

Taken together, it's a bit beyond the standard, but no one mentioned it at this time.

On New Year's Day, the loudspeaker in the village committee compound rang again. Cao Shujie's voice came from the loudspeaker, reminding all the people in Caojiazhuang to arrange for one person to come to the village committee compound to receive New Year benefits on a household basis.

Starting from the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, they have received benefits three times so far.

But every time they come to collect it, they are still very grateful.

Especially when comparing Taodong Village and Zhujiazhuang, we can feel the superiority of Caojiazhuang.

The villagers of Zhujiazhuang and Taodong Village seemed to know that Caojiazhuang was going to distribute welfare today. The villagers of these two villages seemed to have discussed in advance that they would not come to Caojiazhuang on New Year's Day.

Even if they come here, they leave in a hurry without stopping at all.

I always feel that Caojiazhuang is full of malice towards the villagers of their two villages.

After paying out the benefits, Cao Shujie returned home with his parents' share and his family's share. As soon as he put down his things, Cao Shujie told his wife that he would go to town to treat Xue Jianwei and his gang to dinner today at noon.

"Go ahead and drink less at noon. When you come back in the evening, there will still be a meal at home." Cheng Xiaolin warned him.

"Don't worry, you won't drink too much." Cao Shujie agreed.

After finishing speaking, Cao Shujie put on his coat, took his handbag and walked out.

Cheng Xiaolin saw that her husband did not bring the car key, and wondered: "Shujie, how do you go to town?"

"I'll just take the bus there. If I drink some alcohol in the afternoon and can't drive, I'll take the bus back then." Cao Shujie thought clearly.

"Then go ahead." Cheng Xiaolin said no more.

Cao Shujie came out of his home, took a handbag and went to the bus stop to wait patiently. He had plenty of time and he was not in a hurry.

First, I called Xue Jianwei and told him that he would be waiting at Fuxing Hotel later.

They didn't drink much at noon that day, but Cao Shujie invited the employees of Dikang Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. to have dinner, so that the people who worked for him would think of him well.

Xue Jianwei and the others didn't drink much, mainly because they were considering going back to the factory to work in the afternoon.

This time Cao Shujie was so frightened that he couldn't do any work after drinking.Isn’t this because there are too few safety incidents?
"Gong Xue, you guys have a half-day off today. Just go back to sleep. Over at the factory, I asked Brother Shulin to lock the door directly so you don't have to go there." Cao Shujie said domineeringly.

Hearing what Cao Shujie said, what else could Xue Jianwei say.

The fat boy Wang Xing sitting next to him couldn't help but look at Cao Shujie a few more times.

He thought to himself that it would be great if the bosses of other projects in their company could be like Cao Shujie, so that when they went to work in each other's factories, they would always feel that they owed others the same and would not feel comfortable anywhere.

"Boss Cao, let's move forward as quickly as possible to meet the construction deadline and try not to delay your production as much as possible." Xue Jianwei said.

"Okay, work slowly and carefully. Don't worry about it before the end of the year." Cao Shujie said in an innocent tone.


Cao Shujie went to settle the bill and asked Xue Jianwei and his party to rest at the accommodation. He waited at the stop sign on the roadside for the country bus to come.

At this time, there were fewer people on the bus.

After Cao Shujie got on the bus, he found a seat away from the window.

It's already January, and it's extremely cold at this time. When the car windows can't be closed tightly, the cold wind blows in through the cracks in the car windows like a knife, blowing on people's bodies and making them shiver with cold.

Many drivers on this line know Cao Shujie. During the peak season every year, they still count on Cao Shujie for their livelihood.

Today's driver was no exception. When he saw it was him and there were not many people in the car, he called Director Cao without looking back while driving, and the two started chatting.

Speaking of the upcoming Chinese New Year, the driver who was driving was very grateful to Cao Shujie: "If it weren't for Director Cao's tourism in your village being in full swing this year, we people wouldn't be able to eat this year, let alone receive benefits at the end of the year."

 I thought about it and decided not to write Chapter 3 today because it’s a little slow.

(End of this chapter)

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