People in Marvel, start to marry the Scarlet Witch.

Chapter 118 Can't finish it, can't finish it at all

Chapter 118 I can't finish it, I can't finish it at all (fourth update)

At the same time, Li Chuan was sitting on the sofa at home with Wanda, eating potato chips while watching the same news video that Ross saw.

"I think this person named Rose must have a grudge against them, otherwise they wouldn't be so persistent."

Wanda watched Bronski, who was anesthetized in the video and still muttering "Ross, you idiot", couldn't help blinking twice.

"Yes, there must be hatred. I guess he is not a good person."

Li Chuan nodded seriously.

He deleted the memories of the six Blonskis as soldiers, stuffed them with false memories of singing as a dream, and added the Imperius Curse, which seemed to work very well.

The news about the arrest of a mentally ill singer in Times Square was over, and the second news popped up on the TV immediately.

"Tony Stark, the Iron Man who claims to be able to maintain world peace alone and whose steel suit technology has been surpassed by no one in ten years, encountered a strong enemy in the Monaco Racing Championship and almost died.

Next, let's see what happened at that time! "

As the host's voice fell, the TV began to broadcast the entire process of the Monaco incident.

At the beginning, under the cheers of the crowd, Tony got into the car in a racing suit and started the race with a group of professional racers.

However, in the middle of the game, an accident happened. A man wearing a simple homemade battle suit appeared on the field.

He split Tony's racing car in half with a whip and attacked Tony.

Fortunately, Pepper and Happy sent Tony's newly developed portable suitcase suit in time, and they defeated the man with the electric whip.

After the video was played, the camera turned to the host again, but at this time there was a middle-aged man in a suit next to the host.

"Regarding this incident, we have invited Mr. Justin from Hammer Industries. What is your opinion on this?"

"Oh, to be honest, I was there at the time, and the Russian terrorist almost killed Tony with such a crude device, and it turned out that everything was not as powerful as Tony said, he was not as powerful.

I suggest that another hearing be held, and it is safest to hand over the technology of the steel suit to the country, and we, Hanmer Industries, are researching similar suits for the country, and have already achieved great results."

At the end of the news broadcast, Wanda asked Li Chuan in confusion:

"Why did that person have been defeated by Tony, but he said it was Tony who lost?"

In the video just played, Ivan Vanke who attacked Tony, even though he was defeated by Tony in the end, still laughed and said that he won and Tony failed.

Li Chuan hugged Wanda and explained to him:
"Wanda, you know, if people find out that God is bleeding, then they won't believe in God anymore.

Tony has always shown an invincible attitude before. Every time he fights against terrorists, he can beat them to pieces with his battle suit and leave calmly.

So when he said that he alone could protect world peace and deter nuclear weapons, many people believed him.

But now, even though the guy named Ivan lost the fight, he let everyone know that Tony is not invincible. A terrorist wearing a simple device almost killed Tony. "

"Although Tony Stark is a bit annoying, I still don't want his technology to be taken away by the government. If all the soldiers in their army become so powerful, then the world may end."

There was a look of worry on Wanda's face.

As an orphan of Sokovia's war, Wanda deeply understands that if the military strength of this country far exceeds that of other countries, then there will be many countries in the world that will become the same as Sokovia.

Li Chuan touched Wanda's head:

"Don't worry, Tony is a good guy, and he won't give in so easily. If something really happens, I will help him."

Whip Suo Yifan is good, but it is impossible to really beat Tony, but it is certain that he will be pulled off the altar.

It doesn't really matter, because it will be a matter of time before Tony is pulled down from the altar, and it is impossible for him to handle the big events in the future.

And he also has his own things to do, and he doesn't have the time to waste time helping when he doesn't have enough interests.

However, if the U.S. government and Hydra want Tony's steel suit technology, he will definitely intervene, because it will be very troublesome for them to make a bunch of Hydra suits.

Upon hearing this, Wanda grabbed Li Chuan's hand:

"Forget it, it's too dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt."

Wanda is kind. She doesn't want another war like Sokovia to happen in the future, but in comparison, she cares more about Li Chuan's safety.

"Okay, I see, the time is almost up, we should go to practice magic."

After checking the time, Li Chuan turned off the TV, dragged Wanda to the closet in the bedroom, opened the door and stepped in.

Soft white light, emerald green lawns, various special metal targets, and some advanced technological equipment appeared in front of the two of them one after another.

It turned out that when he first returned to the main world of Marvel, Li Chuan cast the traceless stretching spell in a wardrobe, expanding the space of the entire wardrobe to the size of a football field.

Then it was handed over to his subordinates to renovate the wardrobe space to a certain extent, and it was just brought back today after the remodeling was completed.

This expanded space, which is similar to Newt’s suitcase, is made so that he can practice magic and ninjutsu at home anytime and anywhere, and the other is to cultivate Wanda’s combat awareness a little bit.

Learning a lot of magic and learning magic quickly does not mean that you can display good combat power. If your magic is not accurate or hits well, no matter how powerful it is, it will be useless.

There is also a knowledge of what kind of magic is best in what situation you encounter.

Wanda is usually an ordinary housewife who can't be more ordinary. She doesn't know anything about fighting. Sometimes she might trip herself up without looking at the steps when she goes out.

Of course, he will not train Wanda like he used to train Little Six and the others, and the amount of exercise at most is about the same as the usual badminton played by the husband and wife.

In fact, magic attacks are secondary, and the main training content is defense and escape, that is, to save life first, and then deal with the enemy.

After one hour of training, Li Chuan asked Wanda to go back to the bedroom to rest, and continued to train in the closet space.

In this way, a week passed quickly.

On this day, when Li Chuan was still studying and practicing magic and ninjutsu in the closet as usual, a large number of mission reminders suddenly sounded in his ears.

When he opened the panel and turned to the column of side missions, his expression suddenly became ecstatic:

"Damn it, there are so many tasks that reward Small World time, I can't finish it, I can't finish it at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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