I'm a chef in Infinity Thriller

Chapter 105 Ancient Temple

Li Chong greeted Qiuli with a smile, and Qiuli was done with her work. After they finished their breakfast, the finishing work was handed over to the two young monks. She took Zhaodi back to the lecture hall together.

The meals for the past two days were all made by Qiuli herself, and the monks she met along the way with Zhaodi all showed their favorability shiningly on their heads.

Qiuli's "Gourmet Halo" progress was stuck at 88% before, but it loosened up a bit later, and looking at it now, it has reached 95%.

I don't know how this professional skill will perform after upgrading, Qiu Li expressed his expectation.

Li Chong took 36 lay Buddhists to walk clockwise in the lecture hall again. It was after a meal to digest food. Everyone was chanting scriptures, and Qiu Li followed behind. , The whole body is comfortable.

Li Chong knew how to combine work and rest, so he let everyone rest for another 10 minutes. Seeing how many futons there were, Qiuli took Zhaodi to sit in the last row.

After a while, Li Chong lightly tapped a copper object with a small hammer, and a chime sounded.The laymen who were walking around in the auditorium sat back on the futons one by one.

Today is the first day of Zen Seven, and we will talk about the rituals of Zen. The last step of the whole set of rituals is to meditate.

Qiuli imitated the way of recruiting Di, and crossed her legs.In less than 10 minutes, she was numb and unable to hold on. She opened her eyes and looked at the other people in front of her.

Qiuli suddenly felt that she could still save her. After rubbing her legs, she tried her best to continue crossing her legs. Zhaodi beside her was sitting motionless, as if she had fallen into tranquility.

She looked at Chen Liang again, he was sitting close to the pillars of the auditorium, his legs were bent, his back was leaning on the stone pillars, his eyes were closed, and he was already asleep.

The wind outside the door picked up, and the few verses pasted in the auditorium rattled.

Qiuli looked at the time, and probably won't be speaking scriptures today.

When it was time for recess, Qiuli saw the obstacles and other problems encountered by several lay Buddhists who came to Li Chong for advice before they meditated.

After a while, a large circle of people surrounded Li Chong.

Qiuli looked at each of them and put herself in another place. If she was a player, today would be the second day, and she would have to move to complete the task, so the person who actively asked questions might also be a player.

But she listened for a long time, and all these people asked about Buddhism.

She looked around, could it be that Chen Liang is the only player among these people?
Just thinking about Chen Liang, he suddenly opened his eyes. After falling asleep, his demeanor was obviously relaxed. He looked at Master Li Chong who was answering questions on the stage, and suddenly squeezed past the crowd.

Taking advantage of a gap between questions, he asked: "Excuse me, why did the abbot suddenly pass away? I think he was less than 70 years old."

As soon as the words fell, the surroundings were silent. Qiu Li was sitting in the last row. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Zhao Di had the same expression as the other believers, staring at Chen Liang.

As if Chen Liang's question was out of line, Chen Liang felt something was wrong, he took a step back, and stepped on an old man's shoe. The old man didn't seem to feel any pain, and he still looked at him blankly.

Chen Liang quickly explained, "I feel sorry for the abbot, Namo Amitabha!" He put his palms together and recited a Buddha's name.

The frozen atmosphere around him suddenly relaxed.

As soon as the chime sounded, everyone gathered around the podium returned to their respective seats. The next round of rituals was about to begin. Qiuli felt chills in her heart and sneaked out through the back door.

In front of the lecture hall is the Sutra Pavilion, and downstairs is the Suiyuan Pavilion, which sells auspicious pendants and peace symbols that have been opened in temples.

The two masters inside already knew her, Qiuli pointed to the upstairs, "I'll go to the Sutra Pavilion to read some books."


Their attitudes were very kind. Qiuli looked at the 21% favorability above their heads. This meal was not in vain, and the favorability rose quite quickly.

Going upstairs along the wooden stairs, there is no one in the Sutra Pavilion. The layout here is exactly the same as the last time I saw it, without any changes. The door near the innermost side is still closed.

When she was about to walk back to the desk by the window after taking the scriptures that she hadn't finished reading last time, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the closed door in the back hall of the scripture library.

If it wasn't for the dizziness, she seemed to have seen a gap in the door just now.

Looking at it again, the door was clearly seamless, and I was probably dazzled by being too tired last night.

She put down the scriptures and sat on the chair, and suddenly she turned her head to look at the door again.

There is a vague urge in my heart to go in and have a look.

She was a little restless, and finally stood up with a "teng".

When she reached the door, she twisted the doorknob with her hand, and the door opened easily with a "squeak".

She touched the back of her head. If she had known it was unlocked, she could have gone in to have a look last time.

She poked her head and took a look inside. The space inside was unexpectedly large. The bookshelves inside were lined up in order and neatly arranged. Two oblong windows opened on the opposite wall, and there was a revolving wooden ladder at the end. It is a duplex structure, and a smell of old books blows over us.

She woke up and walked in, a little guilty, and quickly closed the door.

Most of the books here are Buddhist scriptures, which are placed in different categories. There are labels on the bookshelves with the names and types of books. She touched the top of the books with her hand, and there was no dust. It seemed that they were cleaned frequently.

She turned around and looked at the revolving wooden ladder by the window. She raised her head, and the upper floor was only about half the size of this room, and the light was very weak.

Probably those books are more precious, after all, the ultraviolet rays in the light will damage the paper quality of the books. She looked around and saw that they were coming, why not go and have a look.

The foot stepped on the wooden ladder and made a "creaking" sound. This building should be some years old. The handrails are smooth and moist, but the color has faded.

Upstairs, only half of the walls have books.

She saw the books she was interested in, and there was a book "The Past and Present of Red Sea City" placed at the top.

Dragging the wooden footstool next to her, she stood up and reached out to take down the book. The book next to her then fell, and fell to the ground with a "slap", stirring up a layer of floating ash.

Isn't the second floor cleaned?Qiuli held her nose and waited for the choking dust to return to the ground before carefully walking down and picking up the books on the ground.

It is a leather book without a title.

She turned the first page, it was blank, the second page... until the last page was blank.

Qiu Li felt strange that even the annotation text when she touched the object did not appear.

Is this just a blank notebook with no attributes?
She walked back to the stool and put it back in place.

As soon as it was plugged in, it fell to the ground again.

Qiuli looked down at the leather book from a high position, thought about it, and asked softly, "Have you gained self-awareness?"

As soon as I asked the words, I felt that I had a problem with my brain, so I had a conversation with a book.

A few seconds later, the book suddenly turned automatically without wind, as if answering her question, it opened a page.

Qiu Li suddenly felt creepy, she got off the stool tremblingly, and asked from a distance of one meter: "Do you want to come with me?"

The book turned a page again.

Qiu Li gritted her teeth, bent down and picked it up, quickly stuffed it into the "carry-on food box", and went downstairs with the copy of "Red Sea City's Past and Present" in her hand.

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