Her family really has a mine

Chapter 124 Which team rented it?

Chapter 124 Which team rented it?

In the living room, everyone looked at You Haicheng without a word. When selling the house last time, Song Jinqing suggested that they just sell the whole house at once.

Director Ke You insisted that rare goods can be lived in, saying that the more profitable they are later, he had to throw them away.

This was great, they stood on the opposite side of the candidates all of a sudden.

"Director You, if you keep doing this, be careful that we'll be wrapped in sacks when we go out tomorrow." Jiang Cong looked at You Haicheng like he was looking at an evil capitalist.

You Haicheng pushed the glasses, the lenses flashed strategically again, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, as if disdainful.

So what is You Haicheng thinking?What he thought was that maybe tomorrow he could stockpile such a batch of houses and sell them at night.But next time he sells it, he has to hide the name of the Xinghai Jungle Team.

As for now, it is still necessary to explain to the outside world.

"The house was booked in the morning. At that time, the income could only book a house of 5 square meters. The house supply is limited, and the last two sets."

This time, You Haicheng really listed the two houses together, and also added an explanation, "The points increased in the afternoon, and the team changed to a bigger house, so they sublet these houses, and there is no malicious hoarding of houses. Hope you know."

You Haicheng's voice of explanation was drowned behind a group of chattering voices.

There are currently no bids on the house.

But this state didn't last long, and two more energy stones in the defense array were broken, and now only eight pieces are left to maintain.And the protective shields above the candidates' heads are fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hall 20 square meters of houses are rapidly decreasing.

The examinees turned their attention to You Haicheng again.At present, the starting price of the two houses is still 800 points, and those with quick eyes and hands are the first to bid.I originally wanted to wait for everyone to pay attention and not be here, so I could catch a leak, but no one is a fool, so I saw the price rising step by step.In the end, one set was sold for 1600, and the other set was sold for 2100.

That's right, at this time, there are no houses with 20 square meters and 2000 credits.

The Xinghai Jungle Team spent 1 points in exchange for a big house. After such a scouring, they earned nearly half of it back.

At present, everyone looks at You Haicheng's state, which is both dislike and admiration.

They are here to compete, and they are originally competing with other players.There is no need to put too heavy shackles on yourself to control the lives of others.

Thinking this way, everyone can feel at ease.

At nine o'clock in the evening, a fierce battle had already begun outside.

The protective cover was breached at many points, and countless dark night bats rushed in, not only messing up the tents of the candidates, but also injuring some people, and some people had to go offline early.

The news of XX going offline in the candidate group came one after another.

Finally, several leading teams united to formulate a series of defense corresponding specifications.

One of them is that everyone collectively pays points to buy energy stones.In this way, the person who took out the energy stone will not feel that he has suffered a disadvantage.

It was late at night, and everyone found that even with 12 energy stones operating at full capacity, after the number of bats in the dark night doubled again, they still couldn't bear it.

At this time, the leading people formulated a confrontation strategy again, and everyone took turns to attack the night bats outside the protective cover to reduce the pressure on the protective cover.

After tossing like that all night, when it was dawn, the whole square was full of people lying here and there, all of them were exhausted and paralyzed.

As for the Xinghai Forest Team, because the security of the room was so reassuring, the night watch became dispensable, and they all fell asleep after opening the protective cover.

After five o'clock in the morning, everyone got up one by one, had a super satisfying breakfast after washing, and started to meet the challenges of the new day full of energy.

After everyone went out, they were shocked by the tragic scene in the square.

After walking a few steps, they met the Wind Chime Squad again.

The Wind Chime Squad also lived in the room last night, so they are in good condition now.

The two teams came to the hall together to see if there were any refreshed tasks that could be accepted.

You Haicheng, Jing Xing, and Jiang Cong went to search for tasks.

Others checked the rental information again.

The paper product posters in the rental area have been replaced.

Today's Lease: The highest bidder wins.

Charge Details:





Auctions start at 11:00am, 3pm, 8pm.

(If the house is auctioned out in advance, subsequent auctions will be cancelled.)
The information on the poster has not changed much compared to yesterday, but the highest bidder wins, and the starting price is doomed to pay a much higher price today than yesterday.

"It's so dark, the organizer is even darker than Director You." Xie Yu, Song Jinqing, and Ling Cai, who were too lazy to pay attention to the task information and ate melon seeds, gathered together to complain.

At this time, masters began to come one after another in the hall.

Some of the teams that had suffered last night ran to the rental area before going to see the mission.

These people originally wanted to pick up a leak in a two-square-meter room, but when they saw the new rules, they couldn't help cursing, and the hall was filled with a "happy" atmosphere.

"Why is there one room missing in the biggest house?" Someone always pays attention to something strange.

"Could it be that a teacher from above came to inspect it, so it was taken back for the teachers to live in, and it can't be rented out anyway."

"It should be, after all, today's auction hasn't started yet."

For most teams that couldn't even get 500 points yesterday, it is a very magical thing to get 5000 points all at once, and just use it to rent a house for a day.

After watching, other people felt that this statement was relatively reliable. Anyway, this 120-square-meter house is too far away from them, so let’s take it back.

Unexpectedly, the staff quit.

He came over and explained, "Student, all the houses here are rented out to candidates, and there is no way they can be used for other purposes."

The staff smiled and stood beside the stunned candidates like a Buddha.

Someone asked weakly, "Which team rented it?"

"This is private, and we won't disclose it. But what I can tell you is that this team is very lucky to participate in our promotional activity yesterday, rent for two days and get one free." The smile on the staff's face is quite professional , the corners of the mouth kept a certain curvature, and there was no deviation of more than one millimeter, "Rent a house as soon as possible, there will be surprises, please be sure to come to today's first auction."

After beating the examinees, the staff returned to their jobs behind the counter.

"Rent two days and get one free, that is to say, yesterday the team took out 1 points to rent a house." Some candidates looked at the pitiful 300 points in their account, and once again felt the unevenness of life. "God, which team is this? Are they recruiting outsiders?"

(End of this chapter)

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