Song Jinqing will have nothing to do next.

Regarding the countermeasures for the golden leaf dandelion, before they set off, the relevant industry experts had already made a detailed plan.All you have to do is follow along.In this plan, Song Jinqing was just a part of getting the crystal core, and now she just needs to stand on the sidelines and watch the battle.

The main task of this raid is to get the golden silk coil, so two things need to be paid special attention to. One is not to disturb other strange beasts, because the golden leaf dandelion will mature early if it is frightened.The second is not to make too much noise, scaring the dandelion will cause the same premature ripening effect.

But now, everyone has come face to face with Golden Leaf Dandelion, and it is no longer necessary and unlikely to continue to keep quiet, after all, a war is inevitable.

This place is wide enough to use mechs.

Jingyan and the two fighters, including Yang Wei, recruited their mechas.This was the first time Song Jinqing saw the upgraded one up close, and it was even more impressive than the one on TV.The white metal shell with blue fluorescent color is full of high-grade.

Not to mention the soldiers who dreamed of mechas all day long, even Song Jinqing, who had no interest in mechas, was amazed.

Song Jinqing peeked at Jing Xing next to him, and the boy looked up at the mech with a clear and sharp jaw line.Sensing Song Jinqing's gaze, Jing Xing looked over and saw the little girl grinning at him, brighter than the big golden ball in front of her.Jing Xing also smiled slightly, and reached out to pat her on the head.

Well, their Jing Shao has long been relieved.

The Akatsuki has already rushed to the defense range of the Golden Leaf Dandelion.

Even if the mechs are deployed now, Jingyan obviously doesn't want to make too much noise, as violent artillery weapons won't be used.He uses the epee that comes with the mecha, and still focuses on attribute attacks.

The golden-leaf dandelion was obviously much more difficult to deal with, and under the blow of the dawn, it only completed half of the quick-freezing.

The whole body of the golden-leaf dandelion began to emit intense light, and the light stream flowed backwards along the branches, converging towards the golden pompon at the top.

"It's starting to mature." Jing Xing said.

This is expected. When attacked, the Golden Leaf Dandelion will definitely react.And what everyone can do is to step up the attack and end the battle before it completely completes the energy accumulation.

After all, we have done an investigation and formulated a relatively detailed response plan. Dealing with this thing is much more organized than dealing with all the previous alien plants. Everyone is in their place and perform their duties.

Including people without mechas except Song Jinqing.Even the two student soldiers, Jing Xing and Da Xia, joined the battle one after another according to the previous requirements, becoming an important part of the formation.

Song Jinqing saw the mid-air from the ground, and felt that the grotesque and colorful battle scene in front of her was as unreal as an online game.

With everyone's efforts, the two sides wrestled with each other for about 15 minutes before the light of the golden leaf dandelion gradually dimmed.

Song Jinqing rubbed her wrists and stretched her muscles and bones, she knew it was time to do it herself.

As the Akatsuki jumped high and broke through the last defense of the Golden Leaf Dandelion, the golden light went out.

The battle is over.

"This is what is called a super xenograft?" Da Xia felt that winning was too easy.I am a little puzzled by the rating given by the Science and Technology Center, "I think it's just enough for S rank."

"That's because it happened just in time for it to mature." Wang Mingxuan was busy collecting precious plant data, and he didn't delay his refutation of Da Xia's words, "All the energy in the body has been supplied to the next generation, so it seems easier to deal with. If you want to meet its heyday, if you want to solve it within half an hour, there is no way."

Since the end of the battle, Song Jinqing has consciously started to use instruments to scan for crystal nuclei.

It is very strange that the crystal nucleus of this golden-leaf dandelion is not in the trunk. The crystal nucleus of most plants will be here, and it is not in the root.

Song Jingqing scanned from bottom to top until she reached the big hairball at the top...

The hairball is both its seed and fruit.Will there be plants that put the most precious crystal nucleus of the body into the fruit?
Song Jinqing first doubted herself for a while, and then verified again, confirming that the hair ball did indeed have the energy reaction of the crystal nucleus, and the reaction was relatively strong.

She promptly told everyone about the abnormal phenomenon she noticed, and simultaneously reported it to Jingyan who was still inside the Poxiao through the communication device.

"It's different from what is stated in the materials." Jingyan raised his eyebrows and glanced at the golden ball at the top. He had no objection to Song Jinqing's judgment, and was extremely convinced by the elementary school girl's professionalism.Especially after the little girl "communicated" with the two masters in the command center, Song Jinqing was already the no.1 gem appraiser in his heart.

Song Jinqing's judgment was correct, that is, there was a problem with the data, or there was a more complicated change in the situation they are currently facing.

Wang Mingxuan can be regarded as one of the more reliable botanical appraisers among the new generation.Of course, he was incomparable to a genius like Bai Lingwei. He was an ordinary top student who lacked a bit of top talent and was a little blunt.

After Song Jinqing mentioned that the location of the crystal nuclei had shifted miraculously, he became a little dazed.After about a minute or so, I suddenly woke up and shouted, "Not good!"

"Pseudo-death!" Wang Mingxuan said, the golden-leaf dandelion in front of him probably entered a state of pseudo-death.This is very common among some animals and plants, avoiding disaster by pretending to be dead.

"The maturity process may not have been interrupted, how many minutes have passed?!" He was busy looking at the time.

How much time has passed has no practical significance for now.Song Jinqing no longer cared about Wang Mingxuan's yelling, stepped forward and tapped the leg of Po Xiao Hao, and then pointed to the big golden ball.

Jingyan understood in seconds, and manipulated the Dawn to hold Song Jinqing in his palm, and then put it next to the golden ball.

Watching this big golden fur ball up close is even more shocking.From a distance, it looks like a small moon.After approaching, the little moon directly turned into a big sun, and it was still a big furry sun.

Song Jinqing likes furry things, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she really wanted to hug them.

Right now, hugging is too much, but touching is still okay.She stretched out her hand to radiate her mental power into the fur ball, and then found that the thing was still alive.

The crystal nucleus is at the center of the golden fur ball, and it is as big as a coconut.

At this time, the introverted crystal nucleus of the golden light is quietly emitting filamentous energy, and the energy directly extends to the furry velvet "umbrellas" around it.

If you don't penetrate your spiritual power, you won't feel any energy fluctuations.

What a smart and cautious plant.

What to do now?

They cannot interrupt the energy delivery of the golden leaf dandelion.

Song Jinqing even stretched out her hand to pluck this thing's hair, thinking that as long as it pulls out all the velvet umbrellas, wouldn't there be no seeds that need energy delivery?


"Don't do that, it will blow up." Jingyan warns and stops her in time, "It exists to reproduce, don't do anything that will damage the seeds."

Song Jinqing weakly withdrew her hand that was twisting the velvet umbrella pole.

If you can't deal with the seeds, you can only deal with the crystal nucleus itself.

"If you start stripping now, it's okay." She asked Jingyan, but when she asked, her hands had already started to prepare.

"Theoretically, according to the model deduction, in this case, it will not respond to stress, but will only speed up energy transmission and compete with you for time." After all, in order to continue the future generations, the meaning of the existence of the crystal nucleus is to give The seeds transmit energy, and if the seeds are intact, there is a high probability that they will not self-destruct.

So now, the pressure is concentrated on Song Jinqing.

See if she peels off faster or transmits energy faster.

The speed determines whether the final product will be a coconut, a grapefruit one size smaller than a coconut, or a smaller egg... or even nothingness.

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