Chapter 100 Broken Leg (Part [-])
"Ange, Ange, what's the matter with you, wake up quickly..."

Under the tree in the backyard, a gray-haired old lady was crying sadly with her arms around an unconscious little boy.

Presumably this is Chen Dong's wife and grandson An Geer.

Xiao Jinyue walked over quickly, "Mother-in-law, let me show Brother An where the injury is."

Chen Dong's family also said anxiously, "This girl is good at medicine, old lady, let her show Brother An quickly."

When Chen Dong's wife heard this, she didn't care to cry anymore, and said to Xiao Jinyue with hopeful eyes, "Okay, please come and help my grandson."

After checking the pulse, An Ge'er's right leg was slightly broken. Xiao Jinyue gave him medicine, and helped him connect the bone, and asked Chen Dong's family to find two boards to fix An Ge'er's leg.

As soon as it was done, An Geer woke up, complaining that his leg hurts at one time, and at the other time he was afraid and wanted to find his parents.

Chen Dong's family and his wife comforted him for a long time, but An Ge'er still looked terrified and kept crying.

Xiao Jinyue was worried that if he continued to cry, it would make his broken leg hurt even more, so he gave him painkillers, and Mrs. Chen coaxed him for a long time before gradually falling asleep.

Chen Dong's family saw that even though his grandson was asleep, his little hands were still tightly holding on to Mrs. Chen's sleeve.

Sighing inwardly, he brought Xiao Jinyue and his party into the yard to talk.

Chen Dong's family stood in the yard, glanced at the pomegranate tree in the yard, and said sadly after a while, "Brother An is thinking about her parents again."

It turned out that An Ge'er often cried to find his parents, but his parents were gone. Chen Dong's family had no choice but to coax him that his parents had gone out for something, and when the pomegranate tree bloomed, her parents would come back.

Perhaps Angle took advantage of Mrs. Chen to enter the house, and secretly climbed up the tree to look at the newly blooming peach blossom. Unexpectedly, halfway through the climb, that strange sound suddenly sounded, and Ange was afraid, so he stepped out of the tree. fell down.

When Mrs. Chen heard the weird sound, she ran out of the house in fear of scaring her grandson.

It's a pity that she was still a step too late. After all, she was old and weak. No matter how fast she ran, she couldn't catch it. She could only watch helplessly as Ang fell from the tree.

Xiao Jinyue sighed. Fortunately, she didn't climb very high, and she only broke her leg when she fell. If she fell on her head, it would be unimaginable.

This is also a fortune in misfortune.

"Chen Dong's family, although I have taken medicine for Brother Ang, his legs still need ointment. After I go back and prepare it, I will send it to you."

Chen Dong's family said gratefully, "Girl is kind-hearted, thank you for being here this time, otherwise the old lady and I would be in a hurry."

Xiao Jinyue shook her head, "It's just a matter of little effort, so Dong's family doesn't have to take it to heart. I want to ask Dong's family, how do you plan to sell this shop?"

Chen Dongjia looked surprised, "Girl, you also heard that weird voice, this... you still want to buy this shop? Are you not afraid?"

Xiao Jinyue smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm not afraid of ghosts. At worst, I'll find a group of eminent monks to collect it."

"Girl, you really want to buy this shop, aren't you kidding my old man?"

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Xiao Jinyue nodded again and said, "Don't worry, Boss Chen, I really want this shop and I'm not lying to you."

"Girl, why don't you think about it again?" Chen Dong's family really couldn't believe that this girl actually dared to buy his shop.

It's no wonder that he was suspicious, since he put up the signboard for pawn sale, not thirty, at least twenty people came to buy the house.

But when those people heard that his shop was haunted, they all ran very fast.

Seeing that Mr. Chen's family still didn't believe it, Xiao Jinyue had no choice but to laugh and cry, "Mr. Chen's family might as well make an offer. If it's suitable, I'll buy the shop."

Chen Dong's family met and asked several times, but the girl didn't change her mind, and her heart was mixed for a while.

After a while, Mr. Chen's family looked around the yard with nostalgia, and then at the room where his grandson was, and finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Since the girl is not afraid and really wants the old man's shop, then the old man will sell you this shop for 100 taels."

100 two?

Seeing that Dong Chen's family was serious and not joking, Princess Minghua and the two maids were all surprised.

This is Kyoto, where every inch of land is expensive. Such a big shop, with a backyard, only sells for 100 taels. How is this different from giving it to Xiao Jinyue?
Seeing that Xiao Jinyue wanted to speak, Mr. Chen waved his hands and said, "Listen, girl, I will sell this shop to you for 100 taels. First, I am grateful to you for saving my grandson. Second, I still have two requests."

Xiao Jinyue was a little surprised, but still motioned for Mr. Chen to continue.

Within her ability, Xiao Jinyue didn't mind meeting his request, but if it was beyond her ability, she would not buy this shop no matter how good it was.

"The shop is sold to the girl, and the old woman and I will bring our grandson back to our hometown to live in. If one day, my son can come back to the shop alive, I will ask the girl to tell him where we are going.

What's more, I hope that the girl can keep the pomegranate tree in the yard instead of cutting it down, so as to leave a memory for my grandson. "

Of course Xiao Jinyue would not refuse such two small requests, so she nodded and agreed.

But she didn't agree to Dong Chen's offer to sell her the shop for 100 taels.

Although she wanted to buy the shop, she would not take advantage of it to rob it.

She was going to pay 5000 taels to buy the shop.

In Kyoto, even if it costs 5000 taels for such a big shop with a backyard, she is taking advantage of it.

"No, the old man said that 100 taels is 100 taels. My old man has been running a store for many years, and I dare not say how rich he is, but he still has money to support his wife and grandson."

Even so, Xiao Jinyue also has her own principles of life.

Princess Minghua and the two maids really didn't know what to say when they saw that Xiao Jinyue and Chen Dong's family were pushing back on the price of the shop for a long time.

It was the first time they encountered such an outrageous thing that the seller offered to lower the price, but the buyer took the initiative to increase the price.

The two pushed back for a long time, and Chen Dong's family finally only wanted 500 taels, and sold the shop, the backyard, and the land to Xiao Jinyue.

Seeing that Xiao Jinyue didn't accept it, Mr. Chen could only say that if she didn't agree again, he wouldn't sell the shop.

Seeing Chen Dong's firm attitude, Xiao Jinyue had no choice but to agree.

After she decided to go back, she prepared the ointment as soon as possible and sent it to An Ge'er to treat his legs, and then gave him a prescription for recuperation.

Originally, Mr. Chen's family only planned to sell the shop, and they could redeem it when the time limit expired.

Seeing that An Ge'er was frightened by the weird voice and fell from the tree and broke his leg, Xu Shi decided to sell the shop.

The absolute sale is different from the pawn sale, which can be redeemed after the pawn sale expires.

But the absolute sale is a complete sale and cannot be redeemed again.

Once Chen Dongjia made up his mind, he acted immediately.

He first got the shopkeeper of the nearby grocery store to be a witness, and then got a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and drew up the contract in triplicate. He took Xiao Jinyue's 500 taels of silver and handed the drafted contract to her.

(End of this chapter)

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