Chapter 301 Boycott
There were hundreds of domestic slaves brought into the hermitage by the four major families. After so many years of development, the number has reached thousands.

So many people live in hermitages and live unequal lives.

The outside world and the hermitage are not without communication.

The more disciples have been released over the years, the more people in the clan know about the outside world.

If it was still a feudal dynasty, or it was an era of war, people in hermitage would not yearn for life outside.

In these years, the external order is stable and people live and work in peace and contentment, but the people in the hermitage are still serving as slaves.The seeds of longing have already been planted, and it only takes one chance to stimulate their desire.

Don't underestimate anyone who has desires, they can give anything for it.

Strictly adhering to the Chenggai family rules is to avoid such risks in advance, otherwise, it will definitely become a bloody internal struggle.

There doesn't need to be so many people in the hermitage, and problems will inevitably occur after a long time.

When the time comes, people from the hermitage will flock out, which will definitely cause social turmoil.

Therefore, it is also the idea of ​​the outside world to let people who do not know spiritual practice in the hermitage be born.

As far as Yan Shoucheng is concerned, he also hopes that they can change their fate of being slaves for generations, have a life of their own, and stop being appendages of others.

The first batch of ten people released is the trial stone,
In the next period of time, outsiders will supervise these ten people, evaluate their adaptability, and ensure that they will not be abandoned by society.

Only by determining the appropriate reception plan based on the performance of these ten people can the reasonable placement of the subsequent personnel be guaranteed.

However, Yan Shoucheng will not disclose these for the time being.

Ten people are too few, and there are many people who disagree.

Yan Shoucheng patiently explained: "Your roots are all in seclusion. How can you survive outside? Do you have land? Do you have money? You don't even have household registrations that can prove your identity. If I don't mediate, you If you go out, you will be a black household, and what will happen to the black household, you know better than me."

Yes, they work so hard because they hope to be recognized by others. If they go out like this and become black households and live in hiding, they might as well stay in seclusion.

Everyone fell silent, Yan Shoucheng talked about the requirements for these ten people.

These ten people can be regarded as representatives of domestic slaves, and they need to be representative enough: "I hope these ten people are three families. After giving you three months to ensure that you can settle in the outside world, I will Then arrange for the next group of people to appear. Therefore, each family must have a labor force that can maintain the family's life, and needs to have a child or the elderly to adapt to the external environment. If you meet the requirements, please find me to register later. After that, I will We will conduct home visits to you and confirm the final list."

No one has any objection to Yan Shoucheng's request, but three months, they think it is too long.

Yan Shoucheng raised the volume and suppressed the noise around him: "Everyone here today, if I remember correctly, you should have never been out of a hermitage since you were born. How much do you know about the outside world? How much do you have access to? Yes, the people who are good outsiders have been educated by the family for more than ten years, and they are considered outstanding outside. Many of you don’t know a few big characters, so what can you do to support your family when you go out.”

"The outside world is not as simple as you think. Three months is an adaptation period for you. It gives you time to prepare to leave the hermitage. It is also an adaptation period for me. I need to pass these three months. We will consider how to arrange you in the future. I hope everyone can trust and understand more."

Under the excitement, people will always selectively forget some bad things.

Right now the strict rules have been raised, and everyone is silent. They are also afraid that their lives will not be as good as they are now after they go out, and they are very worried about whether they can survive after they go out.

Now, people were quiet, waiting for Yan Shoucheng's arrangement.

That's how it was settled.

When a satisfactory answer is obtained, the crowd will disperse.

Yan Shoucheng made a statement: "One yard is equal to one yard. As the head of the family, since I promised to let you be free, I will keep my word. But my tolerance is not the capital of your indulgence. In the past few days, everyone's fighting Smashing has already caused trouble for others. They are all from the same village, how can you live with your conscience if you do such a thing.”

"I asked the elders to set up a litigation hall. If you have grudges in your heart, you can find the elders to register and record. If it seriously affects the master's family, we will punish them according to the family rules. I hope everyone will take the initiative to report and admit their mistakes. If you don't Report it, and follow-up investigations find out, you will be deprived of the right to go out, and you will stay in the hermitage for the rest of your life."

People who originally wanted to be a shrinking tortoise are now worried about being detained. The crowd, who were still noisy, lined up to find the elders to register.

Yan Shoucheng saw that everyone's emotions were calmed down, so he didn't say any more, and let them go in to register with the elders.

If it was in the past, the person who filed the complaint would take into account who the judge would be. After all, if the relatives of the supernatural being were sued, what would they do if they were tripped by someone?Now, with the backing of Yan Shoucheng, people no longer have any worries. They report the truth and tell what happened to them in detail.

It was too late to try one by one, and some cases were too old at the end of the year, and still needed to be verified. Most of the cases, the elders only registered, and did not issue punishment results.

But when all the records were finished, it was dark.

Half of the cases registered today are related to elders.

Yan Shoucheng could clearly see that the faces of the elders were getting worse and worse.

Some things have to be done while the iron is hot to be effective.

The elders knew about their own situation, and Yan Shoucheng wanted to hear their opinions.

Before the elders could speak, Su Yao brought food and set up a table in the front hall.

After drinking for three rounds, some people are ready to leave.

Yan Shoucheng said: "So many things happened today, elders, don't rush to leave, let's have a good chat, how do you feel?"

After the words fell, Yan Shoucheng saw that several elders kept moving.

Mr. Zhang didn't speak, Yan Shoucheng said alone: ​​"Today's case was recorded by you, and you personally heard what the person said. Didn't you notice any crisis?"

Some people are born on the top of the tower and have no worries about food and clothing all their lives, but some people are born on the muddy ground, and they have to work harder than others to survive.

The former elders and family heads were born at the top of the tower. They themselves lived a prosperous life, and they should feel that other people are like him, living a carefree life.

What happened today undoubtedly made them see the world.

My own children are domineering and have caused so much harm to others, it seems that those people can understand how to vent their anger.

What Yan Shoucheng said was right, the longer the time passed, the more anger they felt in their hearts, and it reached the point where it could not be eased, and the only way out was to pay their lives.

At this moment, the elders understood Yan Shoucheng's painstaking efforts in this big move.

Yan Shoucheng looked at them coldly, and continued to ask: "I would like to ask everyone to think about it in another way. If you were them, you would have suffered so much here. One day, I found someone who can get rid of this matter." method, what would they think?"

"If you can't figure it out, let me tell you, there will be riots, and one person's flesh and blood will be sacrificed in exchange for future generations to be free forever."

For the first time, the mighty elders really bowed their heads.

"The head of the family is wise."

Yan Shoucheng didn't want to listen to their flattery.

"The grievance has its head, the debt has its owner, and the house slave is now a free man and enjoys equal rights with us. I will work hard tonight, elders, and list the crimes of each family. We will have a public trial tomorrow."

Many of the registered cases are their relatives and friends.

If there is a real trial, where will the face of these elders be put?
Yan Shoucheng saw their hesitation, and pointed it out: "How long do you think you can cover up, have you forgotten the riot that just ended?"

"Public audit, compensation and apology can solve the problem, why do you have to wait until the time to go to war. My opinion is here, you can think about it for yourself."

The elders finally bowed their heads for the sake of their juniors.

The Yan family's trial began, and the formerly invincible son of the master's family apologized with his head pressed, which made the slaves feel relieved. Although they could not replace the pain of the death of their loved ones, they also had sense of humor and did not intensify the conflict.

On Yan Shoucheng's side, the ten people who were born were also confirmed. After several rounds of assessment, these ten people were sent out of the hermitage.

The actions of the Yan family in the past two days had a great impact, and other families naturally received the letter.

On the second day after sending people out, the Ming family led the alliance meeting of the four major families.

This meeting has not been held for a long time.

When the four families got together, Yan Shoucheng was obviously the one who was isolated.

As soon as the meeting started, several other Patriarchs took turns to run on Yan Shoucheng.

"The four major families have agreed to advance together and retreat together. Is your Yan family doing this to put the rest of us on fire?"

Yan Shoucheng replied: "Two years ago, the three of you jointly signed the family covenant. Have you considered the situation of Yan's family? You can't accept it if you change places?"

"We are for the development of the family, and you are destroying the family."

Yan Shoucheng sneered: "Development sucks the blood of the Yan family, divides up the Yan family's resources, and develops you, isn't it also destroying the Yan family? Anyway, it will be destroyed anyway, so there is nothing to worry about."

The strong have the right to speak, and the weak can only obey orders.

So the Yan family was led by the nose in the past.

Now this obedient follower is disobedient, and the solution is to stop treating him as a weak person, or solve him completely.

Obviously, the three families have reached an agreement, intending to solve the Yan family as the goal.

"The behavior of the Yan family has seriously affected the peace of the hermitage. You are not suitable to be the head of the Yan family. You are limited to solve this problem within a week and restore the domestic slave system. Replace the young head, or we will make the Yan family history."

The reactions of the three families were within Yan Shoucheng's expectation.

His eyes fell on Ming Shaojing who was behind the Patriarch of the Ming family.

The corners of Ming Shaojing's mouth raised slightly, and he smiled lightly.

Yan Shou made it clear, and directly refused: "The Patriarch of the Ming family needs to keep his word. There is no possibility of withdrawing the family rules that have been implemented. If you have any thoughts, just come. Don't be afraid. This hermitage hasn't reached the point where you can say anything."

After finishing speaking, Yan Shoucheng left the venue angrily, and Yan Shoucheng didn't care about the reactions of the others.He is ready to live in seclusion and change the world.

Yan Shoucheng, who returned to the Yan family, immediately called the elders to guard against the offensive of the three major families.

Yan Shoucheng thought that the three major families would fight in a more or less serious manner.Who knew that the three major families were shameless and engaged in chemical attacks.

In just two days, the entire Yan family collapsed, and someone put poison in the water source.The more serious ones lost their lives, and the milder ones were bedridden.

Yan Shoucheng was also recruited, but with spiritual spring water hanging, Yan Shoucheng's spirit was a little better,

Su Yao has space supplies, and Tuantuan is temporarily safe.

Yan Shoucheng was nourished with spiritual spring water, and Yan Shoucheng got better day by day.

This crisis is facing the entire Yan family. If Yan Shou is alone, it will cause even greater commotion.

Yan Shoucheng was worried that the Yan family would be dragged down by the internal struggle without waiting for the three major families to intervene strongly.

When Yan Shoucheng was sick, Su Yao took over all his work.Su Yao carefully analyzed the situation of each family, "The three major families will not do anything, I have already given advice to Ming Shaojing, let him seize this opportunity."

"Ming Shaojing's idea is to disrupt the order of the hermitage, and then he will be the savior to save the people in the hermitage from fire and water."

"The person who stirred up emotions at the gate of Yan's house that day was found, and he was sent by Ming Shaojing. Now is the most suitable time for turmoil, and Ming Shaojing will not miss this opportunity."

From the beginning of changing the family rules, Yan Shoucheng and Su Yao wanted to lure Ming Shaojing into action.

It's just that I didn't expect that Ming Shaojing hadn't opened the market yet, and the others couldn't hold back.

Yan Shoucheng's idea coincides with Su Yao's.

Lingquan has an inhibitory effect on the medicinal properties of this poison.

Yan Shoucheng cooked a decoction and gave it to several doctors of Yan's family.

If the doctor is saved, research on the antidote is on the agenda.

After the first version of the antidote was distributed, the patient's condition was stabilized.

Inside the Yan family, because of the poisoning incident, it was quiet for a while, but outside the Yan family, it fell into chaos.

The Qin family was the first to be in chaos.

One early morning, while the Qin family was still sleeping, the door was kicked open.

Outside the door are house slaves with clubs.

In the same situation as Yan's family, the slaves don't care whether you are a good person or not. Years of grievances made them start to attack indiscriminately.

Those with spiritual practitioners at home resisted by force. For a while, countless house slaves were killed or injured.

And the families of those who did not practice spirituality suffered disasters, the main family was injured by the beating, and what was more serious, the main family died directly.

The Qin family followed the example of the Yan family and would inform the public.

Hope to appease the emotions of the slaves.

But he didn't know that Yan Shoucheng deliberately promoted the Yan family's slaves.

All the reactions were within his expectations, but everything in the Qin family happened suddenly, and there was someone behind him who fanned the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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