Chapter 34 34. Stepping Stones

What Yan Shoucheng did, he didn't tell Su Yao, and Su Yao didn't specifically ask what he did outside.

The two of them closed the door and lived their lives in peace, until the tenth day of the first lunar month, when they walked out of their house.

Early in the morning, after watching Yan Shoucheng leave, Su Yao went into his own space.

It has not been taken care of for nearly a month, and the corn in the space is already harvested.

In the cornfield which was a head taller than Su Yao, two corns were hanging on the half waist. The yellow corn kernels opened the corn leaves, beckoning Su Yao to take it quickly.

It has to be said that the water and soil in this space are good. For the same corn seeds, the corn outside is shriveled and dry, but the corn in the space is juicy and plump.

When sowing seeds before, Su Yao had already discovered that the more he planted, the more land there would be. In this era when there is food and mothers, Su Yao has grasped the lifeline.

Su Yao didn't wait too long, seeing that the time was right, he started working from left to right.

According to the order of harvesting corn, Su Yao broke off the corn from the corn stalks, and after tearing off the excess leaves, Su Yao hung up the corn.

When Su Yao planted the corn in the two plots, he didn't even use up half of the bag of corn seeds.The collected corn was covered with three wooden poles two meters high.

After Su Yao was busy working on a few plots of land in the space, she suddenly realized that four days had passed, and it was the Lantern Festival in a blink of an eye.

Out of the space, Su Yao wandered around the village, and at some point, every household had already hung up lanterns.

Different from the later generations, the streets and alleys are full of red. In this era, the lanterns of each family are made of paper by themselves, red, blue, green and purple, in various colors, coupled with the dim candlelight, Su Yao always has a goosebump Pimple feeling.

At any rate, it was lively once in the first month, and Su Yao didn't spoil everyone's interest, so he started doing it when he got home.

If there is no red paper, just use the unused red cloth from the wedding to cover the crooked skeleton, and it looks like the same thing.

On the fifteenth night in the village, there is a meeting, and the old and young people in the village will follow the team and walk around the village.

Su Yao followed at the door of her house.

Compared to later generations, firecrackers were banned, and during festivals they stayed at home as dead houses. This was the first time Su Yao felt the excitement of Lantern Festival.

After that night, Su Yao became more understanding towards the village, and treated the villagers a lot more politely.

Before the end of the first month, Yan Fusheng, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, suddenly boarded the door of Su Yao's house.

Seeing Yan Fusheng, Su Yao held back the humming tune: "What do you want me to do?"

With a hint of impatience, Yan Fusheng questioned: "The loudspeaker called you to go to a meeting, why didn't you come?"

Su Yao raised his eyebrows and replied: "There are so many people in the village, you don't call anyone, just ask me to go alone, who knows what's going on."

Yan Fusheng was angry at the bottom of his heart, but thinking of Yan Shoucheng's warning before he left, he forced himself to calm down and explained to Su Yao: "In the first month, there was a meeting in the town, saying that there were no conditions before, and many people couldn't afford it. They don’t even know a few books or characters. In order to keep up with the development of the times and eliminate illiteracy, each village is required to organize literacy classes.”

"I know a few words, but I still have a long way to go to teach others. Thinking that you and Zhiqing Xia are the most educated in the village, I wondered if we could discuss this matter with a charter."

Su Yao didn't answer immediately.

The literacy class, if Su Yao didn't remember, this matter is an important part of the heroine's fortune in the original book.

Su Yao rummaged through his memory, and it took him a while to remember the ins and outs of the incident in the original book.

In the original book, the literacy class started around this time, and Yuan was still living in the compound at that time.

It's different from Yan Fusheng's visit to invite someone this time. The original body got the news from Yan Fusheng and Wang Hongying's chatting while picking a corner.

The original body didn't wait for Yan Fusheng to mention it by himself, and volunteered to recommend himself during dinner the next day.

At that time, Xia Yulu had already been reborn, and she was determined to make a good impression on the villagers, and she was also determined to win the literacy class.

Knowing that Yan Fusheng would prefer the original body, Xia Yulu also started planning early to brainwash the young people in the village and instill her goodness.

But no matter how good popularity is, it can't compare with relationships.

Yuanshen and Xia Yulu were so red-faced at the discussion meeting, they were only a fuse away from fighting.

The two quarreled for an hour, but Yan Fusheng finally made the decision and handed over the matter to Yuanshen.

The original body was complacent, thinking that he had won a game against Xia Yulu, and he kept showing off in front of Xia Yulu, but he didn't know that he had unknowingly become Xia Yulu's thorn in the side, and this time, it was destined to become a thorn in Xia Yulu's side. Xia Yulu's stepping stone.

Many people in the village are illiterate all their lives.My grandparents were illiterate and did not read for generations, and they all survived. When it is my turn, I don't think it is a special thing not to read.

After the opening of the literacy class, everyone hastily entered the classroom, went through a cutscene, turned around and left.

The literacy class was held for a week, and there were very few people who participated, and most of them came because they wanted to see their original bodies make a fool of themselves.

The literacy class was unsuccessful, and Yan Fusheng went to the town for a meeting and was caught and criticized as a typical example.

After Yan Fusheng returned to the village, he put the pressure on Yuan.

In desperation, Yuanshen thought of encouraging everyone with food.

When they heard that they could distribute food when they went to class, the villagers became more enthusiastic.From the 80-year-old old man with dim eyesight, down to the baby boy who can't even speak, and even the bachelor who takes a dog as his family, they all joined the literacy class in a beehive.

The original body was complacent looking at her achievements, but within a week, her dream was shattered.

Those who participated in the literacy class turned their heads to exchange for food in person, but they never thought that exchanging food in class is just a gimmick. There are only two liters of rice in total, and there are only a few grains distributed to each head.

Without incentives, the villagers stopped participating in literacy classes, complained about the original body, and under the instigation of caring people, went to the gate of the compound collectively to collect debts from Yan Fusheng.

Yan Fusheng was proud all his life, thinking that he was an official, leading a whole village, but he didn't expect to lose such a big face when he was old.

Fortunately, Xia Yulu stood up and advised Yan Fusheng, persuaded Yan Fusheng to open a warehouse to release grain, and settled Su Yao's old debts.

It also provides a way to earn work points by attending classes, encourages villagers to participate, and does not waste too much food.

The behavior of Yuanshen and Xia Yulu could be seen by comparison. Yuanshen knew that he had become a stepping stone, so he was so ashamed that he didn't go out for a whole month.

"Have you considered?"

Yan Fusheng interrupted Su Yao's meditation.

Su Yao suddenly came to her senses, and refused without hesitation for a moment: "I'm not interested. In terms of education, Xia Yulu is higher than me, and in terms of work, Xia Yulu is more reliable than me. You can just go to her directly."

(End of this chapter)

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