Chapter 129
Parents are unloving and their children are unfilial. Parents can’t keep a bowl of water level. Family conflicts will never be resolved.

The eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law of the Hua family also had a grudge for many years, and it only broke out at this moment.

Huamu and Huafu want their whole family to raise their sister-in-law, so they might as well cut off the relationship completely, so as to save a lot of trouble later.

After all, this sister-in-law is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The second sister-in-law had had enough of watching her mother-in-law's face at home, so she stood on the same line as the elder sister-in-law, and said, "Yes, we will separate, and we will live our own lives in the future."

The two elder brothers didn't say anything, and the lack of expression meant they agreed. They also wanted to separate their families. There are too many trivial things for a big family to live together, so it's not too annoying.

When Mother Hua heard that the family was going to be separated, she exploded instantly.

"Okay! It turns out that all of you have the idea of ​​​​separating the family behind my back. You think that the old mother is dead, and the family is separated when the parents are alive? Don't you just hope that your father and I will die soon? ? Conscientious stuff, let’s see what’s the use of having a son, in the end it’s not like a white-eyed wolf!”

The two elder brothers were hit hard, and felt that the things they had done for their family were futile in the eyes of their parents.

No matter what kind of parents they are, they will not say a good word to them.

Then what's the point of them staying in this house?
The sister-in-law is also straightforward, and she couldn't hide what she had to say, so she choked with Huamu on the spot.

"Mother, you have no conscience when you say this. We usually work hard for this family. All the money we earn is handed over to you and your father. Your two sons often take money from home. The family We are the ones who do all the hard work, big and small, so why do you still say we are white-eyed wolves in the end! If you didn't do things too much, we wouldn't be able to split up."

Hua Jiaojiao couldn't help it either, and stood up for her mother, her plump body slammed in front of her sister-in-law, "Sister-in-law, you should find out who you are now, you are my mother's daughter-in-law, how can you shout loudly to your elders as a junior?" Xiao Ming, where do you get so many complaints every day? I was born to my parents. I shouldn’t leave them any good things? My father is the head of the village and makes a lot of money. You can only work in the fields. , With just a few work points, do you think you can support your family?

You are living the life of my parents now. My parents are subsidizing you for eating, drinking and drinking. If you rely on others to support you, you are just admiring my family. You are not qualified to speak now. "

Hua Jiaojiao is fat and imposing, and she speaks in a soft voice to Cao Sicheng, but she speaks loudly to everyone else.

After this roar, people's lungs almost exploded.

Coupled with her arrogance like training a slave, the sister-in-law was so angry that she burst into tears.

"Since you say that, I'm not being polite anymore, Hua Jiaojiao, you eat too much and are lazy all day, you don't care about anything at home, even your second sister-in-law and I are responsible for washing the underwear that you take off, we as sister-in-laws didn't say anything about it, But you don't like us at all, you yell at us at home, and I don't care about you when people order you around, but you seem to be addicted, and you really treat me as a slave. I just marry into your family, not as a pawn for your family A cow makes a horse.

Also, I don't need to eat and drink for nothing in your house. The dowry and bride price I got when I married were 120 yuan, but all of them were given to my mother. The work points I earned over the years, plus your elder brother's The work points, and the money earned by your elder brother weaving baskets and doing handwork are enough for our family, and there is still a surplus, so you have no right to say that we eat and drink for free.I don't owe anyone in this family, but your Hua family owes me. "

Hua Jiaojiao didn't expect her always gentle sister-in-law to be so angry today, so she was a little stunned.

Mother Hua went on to the stage, "Why do we owe you, are we short of food or clothing! Isn't it just doing some housework at home, what? I'm wronged? Let me tell you, don't know what is good or bad, if you If you want to be this troublemaker today, get the hell out of here and go back to your mother's house."

The sister-in-law said, "You don't need to say, I will leave. I don't want to stay in this family for a moment, but before I leave, I must finish my grievances, otherwise I will not be convinced."

The sister-in-law wiped the tears from her face, and said word by word, "Hua Jiaojiao is your daughter, we don't say anything if you dote on her, that's your business, but her elder brother and second brother are also your children! You have never You didn't even think about them, no matter the big or small things, you just say that the elder brother and sister-in-law have to give in to the younger sister, and you can't care about her.

Okay, we don't care about it, and then you gave her all the good resources. Hua Jiaojiao's grades in school were a mess, and you gave her the job of the village scorekeeper. The village has a place in the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University. What I think of is not my own son, but your son-in-law Cao Sicheng.

You have provided Cao Sicheng from childhood to adulthood, and you have spent countless expenses, and you have to plan for his future. In the end, Cao Sicheng messed with women in the city and was driven back. All of this is for your daughter and son-in-law, and you have never paid half a cent for us.

You give Hua Jiaojiao delicious and delicious stewed chicken and duck every day. We don’t even deserve to drink soup. Your grandchildren want to eat some meat, but you beat them up. How can you be a grandma? ?You are not worthy at all. "

After the sister-in-law finished speaking at once, the grievances accumulated in her heart for so many years were immediately released, and she felt comfortable all over.

Sure enough, this person can't be too kind, he has to be unqualified and unreasonable.

After hearing these words, Hua Mu was in a bad mood.

Unable to hold back, he went up and grabbed the sister-in-law's collar, and slapped her with two "slaps".

The sister-in-law covered her face in astonishment, "If you dare to hit me, I will fight you hard."

The two immediately wrestled together.

Hua Jiaojiao also joined the fight at this time and went to help her mother.

The second sister-in-law also joined in.

The two elder brothers were so frightened that they hurriedly persuaded the fight.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

At this time, Cao Sicheng felt bad, so he quickly slipped away while no one was paying attention to him.

He didn't go back either, and went to find Xue Xiaohong again.

"Xue Ning is going back to the city tomorrow, do you know?" Cao Sicheng asked.

"Ah? Didn't she just come here, why is she going back again?"

"Go back to celebrate the New Year! Or go back and ask for money, after all, she spends a lot of money in the countryside all day long."

Xue Xiaohong snorted coldly, "She is used to being a young lady. Anyway, her family has money, so she can get something for nothing." It was very enviable.

Cao Sicheng was so heartbroken, originally he could rely on a tree as big as the Xue family, but now, he had to start all over again.

The man sighed, and asked tentatively, "Then when will you tell your family about us, what do they think, and what will be the dowry if we get married?"

(End of this chapter)

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