The favorite of the generation group, Xiaojiaojiao makes the rough man's heart tremble

Chapter 131 How can a girl say this kind of chapter, you give me 1 point

Chapter 131 How can a girl say such a thing, please calm down

The girl directly hung her whole body on Mu Chenghe, as if she had no bones, and gave all the weight to the man.

Xue Ning has always had a very faint fragrance, which belongs to her alone, probably body fragrance, and Mu Chenghe couldn't help but tremble when he smelled this smell.

"It's thousands of miles away from the Shanghai stock market, and it takes two or three days on the train. You, a girl, must be worried outside."

Under the circumstances, he didn't dare to look into Xue Ning's eyes when he spoke.

He kept his neck up all the time, his eyes wandering.

Although Xue Ning was attached to him, the height difference between them was so great that Xue Ning couldn't reach Mu Chenghe's mouth even if he wanted to kiss Mu Chenghe now.

Dissatisfied, he pressed his neck hard, "You lower down, I can't even see you."

Only then did Mu Chenghe lower his head.

Xue Ning hooked the corners of his lips in satisfaction, and smiled like a flower on his delicate face, "Hey, Mu Chenghe, do you love me very much now?"

Girls just like to prove their status in the hearts of men, like to listen to nice words, and like sweet words.

Mu Chenghe's heart became hot again.

He was really embarrassed to answer such a bold question.

"Stop making trouble, it's getting late, I'll get you the dagger."

As if shy, Mu Chenghe pulled Xue Ning's hand away, and really went out.

Xue Ning puffed his cheeks and felt a little depressed, this person is really getting more and more ignorant now.

It's not as good as when the two of them didn't have a partner.

Xue Ning raised his fists and flaunted his might to Mu Chenghe's back, "Hmph, the mensao man is just a piece of wood, just wait, sooner or later, I will show you your true colors."

Mu Chenghe came back soon, and actually took a dagger and handed it to Xue Ning.

It doesn't look very delicate on the outside, but the blade is still very sharp.

Mu Chenghe said: "I made iron by myself. Although it is not as good-looking as I bought it, it is very sharp. You must keep it close to you so that you don't lose it."

Xue Ning put the dagger under the pillow and took it away when he left tomorrow.

She took out another passbook from under the pillow and handed it to Mu Chenghe, "This is for you."

The last time Xue Ning showed Mu Chenghe this passbook, Mu Chenghe naturally knew that all the money in it was the money he gave Xue Ning these days.

His heart sank suddenly, and an unspeakable sourness welled up in his throat.

It suddenly occurred to Xue Ning that maybe he really wouldn't come back.

This passbook is the best explanation for breaking their relationship.

Mu Chenghe's expression gradually became stiff, his fists clenched, trying to make himself look calm, "I don't want it, you put it away yourself."

No matter what happens in the future, it is absolutely impossible for him to ask for a penny in it.

Xue Ning said, "I didn't intend to give it to you. I asked you to keep it for me. You said that there are many people on the road who are distracted. Wouldn't it be troublesome if I lost the passbook?"

Mu Chenghe was still stubborn, "What's the trouble, the passbook is not cash, just get it after you lose it." Anyway, he wouldn't want it.

Xue Ning frowned, "What's wrong with you? You feel weird today!"

Although I can't say what's wrong, I just feel that something is a little bit wrong.

"It's not weird, don't think too much, let's go! Go to eat, you made so many delicious food today, wouldn't it be too bad not to eat."

"But that's what I did for you."

"Stop rambling, let's go!" The man pushed Xue Ning out involuntarily.


The next day, there was still no snow.

After Xue Ning and Mu Cheng had breakfast, they hurriedly set off.

Now there is a world of ice and snow everywhere, and the road has long been buried by thick snow. If you are not familiar with the road conditions, you will not be able to find the road at all.

There was no way to ride a bicycle in such bad weather, so the two had to walk to the train station.

With his backpack on his back, Mu Chenghe led Xue Ning to lead the way ahead.

His tall body shielded Xue Ning from a lot of wind and snow.

Xue Ning followed behind him, stepping on the footsteps of a man exploring step by step.

In less than a moment, the two of them were covered with white snowflakes.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. It took two hours and finally arrived near the train station.

As they expected, quite a few people from the train station had already come and waited ahead of time.

All wearing thick cotton-padded clothes and trousers, hats, scarves and gloves, or sitting or squatting in the corner to pass the time.

On the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, the atmosphere of the Spring Festival is very strong.

Even if those people carry heavy burdens and face the wind and snow all over the sky, they can't resist the way home.

Mu Chenghe was naturally reluctant to let Xue Ning wait outside, so he went to the guest house to get a room.

What they didn't expect was that the guest house was also overcrowded.

"Are you a couple? There is only one room now?" asked the receptionist at the guest house.

Mu Chenghe replied without hesitation, "It's okay, just open a room, I won't live here."

It's not cheap to stay in a hostel for one night. Even if he has a little money now, he doesn't dare to spend it recklessly.

Xue Ning took a look at Mu Chenghe, didn't say anything, and went through the check-in with the household registration booklet.

When Mu Chenghe wanted to send Xue Ning to the room, the receptionist said, "People who haven't checked in can only stay for 5 minutes, and there will be a fee for overtime."

There is hot water in the guest house, and the fear is that those who do not stay will use their hot water in the room.

Mu Chenghe said, "Okay, I'll come out right away."

Mu Chenghe led Xue Ning to find the room, opened the door and entered.

In a remote place in a poor country, the environment of the guest house is very simple.

There is only a 1.2-meter single bed, but fortunately there is a bathroom inside.

The bed sheets are made of pure white bedding and quilt covers, which have a strong visual impact.

Xue Ning and Mu Chenghe stood in the room, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

It's not like I haven't stayed in a room before, and I don't feel anything.

Now that I'm outside, I suddenly feel a little guilty.

Xue Ning glanced at Mu Chenghe, and said deliberately: "This is our first time having a room, do you have anything to say...or do?"

The blood in Mu Chenghe's body boiled instantly.

Damn, lonely men and widows, can this be said?

Girls nowadays are completely ignorant of the dangers of society!
Mu Chenghe glared at Xue Ning, and warned fiercely, "How can a girl say such a thing, please calm me down outside."

Xue Ning frowned, "You're so fierce, I didn't treat other men like this, Mu Chenghe, why do you feel weird today! How did I provoke you?"

It was only then that Mu Chenghe realized that his emotions had gone a little too far. He came to his senses and quickly apologized, "I...I'm just...sorry, I'm not trying to hurt you."

He didn't know how to explain it.

Scratching his head, he put down his luggage, and then went to check whether the doors, windows and water heater in the room were in good condition.

(End of this chapter)

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