She is very righteous.

Father Mu opened his mouth to say something, but finally closed it.

He felt that 100 yuan was not much, and he didn't say much because he thought that the dead would be the most important thing.

It was precisely because of his calm attitude that Second Aunt Mu became more aggressive.

Mu Chenghe is not used to her.

"We won't pay the money."

He has a tough attitude and there is no room for negotiation at all.

Mu Chenghe is not as easy-talking as Mu's father, and Second Aunt Mu can't handle him either.

But when it comes to money, she can't be rational.

"Why, you are so rich, you can't give up this hundred soon, are you embarrassed?"

Mu Chenghe looked at Second Aunt Mu coldly.

"Are you still asking us how sorry you are? Don't you know what you did?"

"When we came back, she had been dead for three or four days. In these three or four days, you didn't buy her a shroud or a coffin, so you just parked her on the ground. We came back to make arrangements. Is there anyone like you?"

"Also, can it be possible that you forgot about our separation? You and her forced us to pay 100 yuan for the separation fee. Could it be that you forgot? You can forget, but I can't."

"Let me tell you, if we can come back this time, we have done our best. Forget all the previous expenses, and we will not pay the next 100 yuan."

100 yuan is not too little for rural people.

The money that Aunt Mu has saved for a long time is only 100 yuan, and none of the children in the family has married a wife.

She looked at Father Mu, wanting him to say a few words.

Father Mu also listens to his son now, he does whatever his son says, he doesn't make decisions.

Second Aunt Mu was so anxious that she wanted to hit someone: "If you don't pay, then I won't do it. I will just wrap him in a bed and bury him in a mat and drag him down."

Mu Chenghe said harshly: "Then try it, if you dare not spend the money, you don't want to bury her, just let her body rot in your home."

These words are simply outrageous, but Mu Chenghe is not afraid, he is not a good person in the first place, and he didn't treat the people inside as his grandmother, so he just said it.

Second Aunt Mu was dizzy with anger.

"You rascals and robbers, aren't you trying to force people to death?"

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let them come back. I thought I could take advantage of it, but now that the advantage is gone, I still get a lot of it. How angry!
Second Aunt Mu directly played a rogue, sat down on the ground, and started crying.

"All of you, come and comment, and see how bad this bastard is. The person lying in there is his grandma! He is not afraid of being struck by lightning for saying such vicious words!"

"Even if the old woman has done many wrong things in the past, it's all in the past. Everyone is dead, so why can't you forgive me? Don't forget, the blood on your body belongs to the old woman. Without the old woman, there would be no you."

Since ancient times, people who do not observe filial piety will be cast aside.

Second Aunt Mu just wanted people in the village to scold Mu Chenghe. If he wakes him up, wouldn't there be no need to pay?
"Oh, can you be reasonable? When you bullied Chenghe before, your attitude was very tough. Back then, Chenghe's family was in trouble, and you forced people to give money. Chenghe's return is already giving you face. , you still want to cheat other people's money, you are really thick-skinned!"

The villagers were not used to Second Aunt Mu, and began to lecture her.

Second Aunt Mu never expected that the villagers would not help her.

Sure enough, now that people have money, dogs have to come and lick it.

Second Aunt Mu had no choice but to admit that she was unlucky.

But it would definitely not work for her to spend so much money, she had to skimp on the banquet, so she couldn't lose money no matter what.

That's how the farce ended.

Second Aunt Mu didn't feel embarrassed either, she acted as if nothing had happened after that, she just scolded Mu Chenghe half to death in her heart.

I really didn't expect Mu Chenghe to have such a great fortune outside.

Not only did he make money, but he also married Jiao Didi in the city, what luck.

Thinking of his two single sons, he couldn't help but hate Mu Chenghe even more.

It must be that he stole her son's good luck, which caused her two sons not to marry a wife.

Otherwise, this Jiao Didi would also be her daughter-in-law!

Second Aunt Mu looked at Xue Ning for a while, then hurried to pull her eldest son over.

"Xue Ning, you are from the city. You must have many cousins ​​in your family. Look at my son. He is handsome and tall. He is definitely a good hand at work. Hehe, is there anyone in your family who is the same age as him? Sister, we are also relatives now, so you can introduce me."

"Both of my sons are not married, so you can introduce two of them, but I also have requirements for each other. The woman's family must not have a younger brother, and the woman must have a job. In the future, her salary must be paid, and she must be able to have a son. "

Did Second Aunt Mu really regard his son as a treasure, and she had already picked a woman before she even started?

Whoever wants to marry into her family is really a bloody bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Mu Xiaolong is much fatter than four years ago, he is dark and strong, no different from a black bear spirit.

Xue Ning rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

"Your son is really a celestial being. It's a pity to marry a wife. Keep the town house for yourself!"

Second Aunt Mu clicked his tongue: "What do you mean, is it possible that you still look down on us rural people? No, you really think that you are superior to others because you are from the city!"

Xue Ning only hated that what he said just now was not straightforward enough, which gave her a chance to piss people off.

"Don't insult the rural people. I just don't like you. I don't know if you are really blind or pretending to be blind. Can't you understand your son's virtues? Why did you pick him? You are really thick-skinned. "

"Hey, why do you speak so badly!"

"If you don't like to hear it, don't dangle in front of me, stay away."

Second Aunt Mu was really angry today: "You little bitch..."

"To shut up."

Mu Chenghe immediately yelled at Second Aunt Mu.

That look wanted to kill someone.

Second Aunt Mu had no choice but to give up.

He dragged his son and left.

Three days later, it was the day for Mrs. Mu's burial.

The mourning time is five o'clock in the morning.

Mu Chenghe and Xue Ning also left early.

It was just dawn, and the fog in the air was still heavy.

The dry grass on the side of the road is also full of dew.

The tomb was chosen on the mountain.

The coffin had to be carried all the way from home to the mountain.

It was dark and the roads were bad.

The process of carrying the coffin was not smooth.

The coffin almost tipped over halfway.

Fortunately, the burial ceremony was successfully completed in the end.

Mu Chenghe didn't participate in this process at all, so he gave the old woman three kowtows in the end.

Xue Ning also went to kowtow, and then Mu Chenghe took her back.

The road down the mountain was even more difficult, and the inside was slippery, so Xue Ning almost fell down.

Mu Chenghe supported Xue Ning and squatted in front of her.

"Come up, I'll carry you."

"Are you kidding, this mountain road is very steep."

Mu Chenghe stubbornly put Xue Ning's hand on his shoulder, and carried his wife on his back so easily.

"You must have forgotten that I grew up in the mountains. Everything here is not difficult for me. I can carry you with ease."

His back is very broad, even on the way down the mountain, he walks smoothly and smoothly.

Xue Ning lay on the man's back with peace of mind, enjoying Mu Chenghe's special care.

The sky is already bright, the sun is slowly rising from the eastern horizon, and the air in the mountains and forests in the morning is extraordinarily fresh.

"Mu Chenghe, looking for you in this life is the most correct thing I have ever done. I am very happy to have you here."

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