There are always cannon fodder in quick time travel

Chapter 115 The Legend of Rebirth 23

Chapter 115 The Legend of Rebirth 23
As for other guilds, helping one is still helping, and it is not troublesome to help a few more.Moreover, these guilds are rich and powerful, and the bids are quite high.

But Su Xi is not short of money, so let these guilds exchange materials, if there are not so many, just remember, and it is no problem to give them in batches.

It can be said that with the help of these major trade unions, Su Xi will no longer be short of materials for practicing life skills in a short period of time.

Su Xi happily downloaded the dungeon, but Qin and Yu, the rebels, were not so happy.

After being reborn, Qin and Yu thought that they could use their more than ten years of experience to deal with the prophet of "Exotic Land", and by taking the opportunity to snatch other people, especially Bai Suyan, so as to trample him under their feet and stand on the ground that they could not even imagine in their previous lives. Dare to imagine the location.

However, the reality is different from what he thought. Nothing in "Foreign Land" has changed, but there is an extra Baishui Suxi who has never shown his face in the game in his previous life.

Qin and Yu knew that this Baishui Su Xi was Bai Suxi, the only daughter of Bai Suyan's younger sister, the Bai family.In his previous life, he had only met this young lady from a distance, and his only impression was that she was beautiful.

It never occurred to him that the young lady of the Bai family, who was like a vase in his heart, would disrupt all his plans after rebirth.

Originally, Qin and Yu thought that they could be one step ahead of other players and become the first players to reach level 10 by virtue of the hidden missions in Novice Village and hidden monster spawn points they knew in their previous lives.

However, he was only less than level 4, and Bai Suxi was already level 10, and he also loosened a lot of equipment for Bai Suyan, allowing him and his fiancée to take the lead and take away the top three places.

In "Foreign Land", similar to this achievement, only the top three are eligible to be announced in the world and receive system rewards. His No.4 has nothing.

And he also failed to get the first kill of the boss he wanted. There were only ordinary bosses in Xinshou Village. This first kill was taken by Bai Suxi. From now on, only elite bosses, leader bosses, lord bosses, king-level and even monarch-level bosses will get the first kill. .

Among these first kills, the first one is the easiest, and the rest are all powerful and difficult to kill, almost all major guilds must fight for it. Before he has the confidence to compete with those big guilds, he has no chance at all.

The same is true for life skills. He knew that Novice Village had a hidden task that could be passed on from a super blacksmith master. As a result, before he finished it, Bai Suxi had already posted it on the world announcement.

For a moment, both Qin and Yu thought that this Bai Suxi was reborn just like himself.

However, when she was reported and the mastermind of "Foreign Land" released some information about Bai Suxi that could be made public on the forum, Qin and Yu realized that she was lucky and didn't need to be reborn at all...

The only race, the only profession, let alone the god of nature and the son of the elf goddess, the god son of the elves, and the other half of the blood is from the godslayer.

Others don't know who the Godslayer is, but the reborn Qin and Yu know it very well.

In "Foreign Land", the godslayer is a powerful existence from the mysterious oriental family, and he started the battle of the gods with his own power.

After that battle, even though the godslayer fell, there was not even a single one of the gods in the sky, and the remaining two sporadic gods were all weak and secluded gods.Even so, under the threat of the godslayer, they all sealed themselves and fell into a deep sleep.

It can be said that the godslayer is the most powerful existence in "Foreign Land".Even if they fell, they still left their souls, which made it difficult for those players who were doing the main quest to chase the secret of the disappearance of the gods.

Until Qin and Yu were reborn, the main line was still stuck at the godslayer's soul, and even the top ten guilds united with many great gods like Bai Suyan, still failed miserably.

(End of this chapter)

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