There are always cannon fodder in quick time travel

Chapter 149 The Ghost Hunting Squad 8

Chapter 149 The Ghost Hunting Squad 8
Dongliang Mountain is a famous mountain in Wanxi. In the early years, there were scattered small villages at the foot of the mountain.However, a landslide happened 30 years ago, which directly buried a small village at the foot of the mountain.Because the landslide occurred in the middle of the night, everyone was asleep, and none of the hundreds of families in the village escaped.

Since then, strange things have often happened in Dongliang Mountain.More than one person saw the lights when they passed by the small village at night, and rumors of the haunting spread like this.

Among other things, the nearby small villages have been greatly affected, but those who are able have moved away, and there are only a few families left. I don’t know if they moved away or what happened. Anyway, now There are basically no people around Dongliang Mountain.

After the reputation of being haunted spread, many daring people went there to explore.But most of them didn't encounter anything, some of them encountered strange things, and some even disappeared, but these did not affect the others to continue to die.

In the eyes of Su Xi, who knew the plot, Miao Chuxia and the others' so-called Spirit Club was a model of death.It's fine for a group of high school students to recruit ghosts everywhere if they have nothing to do, but they dare to go camping in places like Dongliang Mountain without any preparation, and their hearts are big enough.

When we arrived at the foot of Dongliang Mountain, it was almost five o'clock.Fortunately, it's October and it's not dark yet, but the road conditions were very bad when we came here, and the road was terribly bumpy. The one-hour ride was more tiring than a day's car ride.

After arriving at the destination, a group of people found a deserted small village according to the map they got from no one knew where, and they planned to spend the night here and go to the mountain tomorrow morning.

This village has been abandoned for 20 years, and there are knee-high weeds everywhere. When the car drives in, you can hear the crackling sound of crushing dead branches from time to time.

The village is not big, many houses have collapsed into ruins long ago, and even the rest are covered with wild vines like ivy. It looks quite unique during the day, but it is a bit infiltrating at night. .

When the car entered the village, Su Xi felt that the whole village was shrouded in huge resentment.This resentment is very heterogeneous, as if countless large and small resentments gathered together.

Although they already knew that they were trapped by people this time, the small village marked on the map is the small village that was buried by mudslides 30 years ago and then excavated.But Su Xi didn't expect that the resentment here would be so complicated, it was like entering a ghost's den.

"This village is not right, don't leave me at night." Su Xi glanced at the black cloud of condensed resentment hanging over the village, and said with a rather serious expression.

"Is there a problem?" Wei Xun knew Su Xi's ability, and seeing her so serious, he immediately asked with a frown.

"It's not just a problem. If I'm not wrong, this is the village that was buried by a landslide in the legend. I don't know where I got the map of the Ghost Society. I just want to kill people." Su Xi shook his head and said. .

"Is it so serious?" Miao Chuxia couldn't calm down after hearing the words, and asked nervously.

Like Wei Xun, she has seen old man Su's abilities, and also knows that Su Xi has inherited the old man's mantle, so she has no doubts about what she says.

"Fortunately, it's a natural disaster and not a man-made disaster. Although there is a lot of resentment, if you don't take the initiative to provoke those things, there shouldn't be a big problem at night." Su Xi comforted.

"Are there really ghosts here?" Wang Yue, who had been silent all this time, grabbed Miao Chuxia's corner and asked timidly.

"Why don't we change places, it feels gloomy here." Zhao Sisi also said.

(End of this chapter)

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