There are always cannon fodder in quick time travel

Chapter 362 There is a spiritual spring in the palm 7

Chapter 362 There is a spiritual spring in the palm 7
As for the character of Su Xi, she is the princess of a small country and also the saint of this religious country, she is the only pure and clean character in this film.

But it was such a clean person who dug a big hole for everyone after the country was destroyed and martyred, and set off a war between countries that lasted for more than ten years.

It wasn't until more than ten years later that the male protagonist unified the countries and ended all the disputes, that the world knew that the so-called prophecy and the so-called treasures that had gone to the country were nothing but a game set by the princess with her life.

And knowing that this is a game, except for the guard who used to be next to the princess, and the male second who spent his whole life to complete this game, only the male protagonist has vaguely guessed some.

Even for the male protagonist, he only guessed it in the middle stage, but in order to end the war and for the sake of the white moonlight in his heart, he didn't expose everything, but did a lot of work as the second male lead.

That's right, this is a story in which neither the male protagonist nor the second male protagonist loves the female protagonist, but only loves Bai Yueguang.

One can imagine how fierce the competition for the role of Bai Yueguang is.Probably no one thought that Su Xi, a newcomer, would be taken advantage of in the end.

"What did you say?" Song Wenhe couldn't believe his ears when he received the call from Su Xi.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to audition for the cast of the competition for the role of Princess Yao." Su Xi had no choice but to repeat.

"Where did you get the resources? There is too much competition for this role. You are a newcomer, so I dare not make a move." Song Wenhe exclaimed.

As the ace manager of Tianyu Film and Television, Song Wenhe's contacts are not to be said, but Su Xi is a newcomer after all, and he is a newcomer who is preparing for high school for three years and focuses on studies.As a manager, even if Song Wenhe could find a relationship, he would not dare to send Su Xi, a newcomer, over there.

"Grandpa Wang and the others felt that I had practiced acting for so long and needed to practice it. It happened that Director Wang's competition still lacked some dance skills, so they recommended me to go there. I read the script and the role of Princess Yao is very good. .” Su Xi said.

"That must be good. It is Director Wang's competition, and it is the most popular role among them. These old men really love you enough to let you practice this kind of role." Song Wenhe shook his head and said with emotion: "I will take over tomorrow." You go to the audition, since Mr. Wang has already spoken, this audition is probably just a formality."

"Uh, I understand." Su Xi also knew that as long as she could see through it, even for the sake of Mr. Wang, this role would be in her hands.

Sighing inwardly, after Su Xi returned to her place of residence, she went to the kitchen and you moved a jar out.

This is the medicinal wine that she concocted after she came here. Although both the wine and the medicinal materials are common, the formula is an ancient one, and Su Xi engraved a gathering spirit array on the jar.

Although the medicinal wine has only been steeped for a month, under the effect of the Spirit Gathering Formation, the medicinal wine is almost ready to drink.

This medicinal wine was originally prepared by Su Xi for Mr. Sun and the others. It was originally planned to be delivered when Huihui City went to school, but now it is going to be delivered in advance.

Su Xi doesn't like to owe favors, but she always remembers those who sincerely treat her well.This medicinal wine is nourishing and healthy, very suitable for the elderly.

If you want to give it away, you can't just give one away. Fortunately, Su Xi has prepared a bunch of porcelain bottles before. If you share one point, one bottle for each of these old people should be enough.

Of course, Su Xi didn't just brew this pot of medicinal wine, but the longer the time, the better, the other Su Xi didn't plan to unseal it now.

On the second day of the audition, Song Wenhe drove over to pick up Su Xi himself, along with a small assistant.

This is a 20-year-old girl, she should be a newcomer, she was a little nervous when she saw Su Xi, and she stuttered a bit when she even introduced herself.

"Juzi is my cousin's niece, she is more reliable than others, and she will be your assistant in the future, if you have anything to do, just let her do it." Song Wenhe introduced it like this.

"You guys haven't eaten breakfast yet. These are the steamed buns that I had frozen in the refrigerator before, and I just steamed them this morning." Su Xi greeted Ju Zi, and handed over the lunch box in her hand.

"Thank you!" Juzi didn't dare to pick it up at first, but after receiving Song Wenhe's signal, he took it over.

Su Xi's cooking skills are specially brushed up. I really don't want to say that it is not the first time for Song Wenhe to eat Su Xi's cooking skills, so he knows her cooking skills very well, but it is the first time for him to eat oranges. Swallow your tongue.

"It's delicious!" The orange was sucked by the hot steamed bun soup, but still reluctant to let go.

"Susu's culinary skills are nothing to say, you can take her as an assistant." Song Wenhe said with a smile.

Although he was driving, he still found time to stuff a bun into his mouth.It's good to have a decathlon artist, but the disadvantage is that every time he eats Su Xi's cooking, he always feels that everything tastes wrong for two days when he goes back.

In this world, the Chinese film and television industry is very developed. There are two major film and television holy places in the world, one of which is the Qianshan Film and Television Base of the Chinese Dynasty.

The current filming location of Zhulu is at the Qianshan Film and Television Base.

Because the competition has been officially launched a few days ago, it is now in a state of closed filming. Song Wenhe communicated with Director Wang in advance, and when the time comes, there are already people from the crew waiting outside, otherwise Su Xi and the others may not be able to can get in.

When Su Xi passed by, he happened to see that the male lead and the female lead were filming a scene of a confrontation under the court.The two actors who play these roles are from the younger generation, and their acting skills are relatively good, but with a few eye movements and a few lines, they instantly create the feeling of verbal confrontation.

After watching it for a while, Su Xi felt that Director Wang really deserved his reputation for strictness. The actors he chose were all in line with the character design, and their acting skills were all online. This was not easy.

"Come here, you go to make up first, and then directly shoot the scene of offering sacrifices to heaven." Director Wang turned around and greeted Su Xi after filming the scene where the male and female protagonists confront each other.

"Okay." Su Xi originally thought that she would have to try the mirror no matter what, but she didn't expect Director Wang to let her put on makeup directly, but she didn't say much, and went directly to the dressing room with Tangerine.

After she left, Director Wang chatted with Song Wenhe.

In fact, it was not the first time Director Wang saw Su Xi. He was dragged by Mr. Wang to the theater before, but he was lazy and hid aside.Su Xi was there that day, she didn't see Director Wang, but Director Wang had seen her and knew her situation very well.

Otherwise, even if Mr. Wang spoke, Director Wang would not just give the role of Princess Yao, who can be called the soul, to a teenage rookie girl so casually.

Of course, the biggest reason Director Wang decided to use Su Xi was because he had seen her dancing skills, and felt that this little girl was very suitable for the role of Princess Yao, and her acting skills were good.

Another point is that the age of the little girl is about the same as Princess Yao in the script, they are both fifteen or sixteen years old.

There are many young girls of this age in the entertainment industry, but there are not many who have excellent dancing skills and online acting skills. After meeting Su Xi, Director Wang also looked down on others.

(End of this chapter)

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