Be the liver emperor in the zombie game

Chapter 39 The Land of the Scorching Sun

Chapter 39 The Land of the Scorching Sun
After hurriedly saying hello to the docking staff, the group boarded the suspension vehicle and came all the way to the distant border of country A.

The land of the blazing sun.

This place is really the same as in the dream, there are no green plants, it is full of scars, and it is red.

The dust was flying up, almost blinding the eyes of the supernatural team.

The coordinator is Xiaozhang, who is an archaeologist stationed here after the Ministry of Security received a secret request from country A for help.

He is very familiar with this place, and while introducing them, he took them to the station.

"The pollution here is serious, and there is no way to grow green plants, and there is also a lack of water."

Sang Yan frowned and asked, "Didn't country A invite you to come here? Why is there still a shortage of water?"

Xiao Zhang smiled wryly and shook his head, "Country A doesn't know why, it has been extremely short of water in the past few months, our place is already pretty good, and several areas have been dry for a long time."

"It's so serious..." Ran Yuanyuan murmured.

Gu Ziyu looked at the red sand desert around him, and suddenly asked, "When did this drought start?"

Xiao Zhang thought about it carefully, "The first three months."

Sang Yan knew what he was going to ask, and continued: "You have been here for so long, did the ruins really only be excavated not long ago?"

The few of them instantly understood that the two of them suspected the drought caused by the development of the ruins.

I saw Xiaozhang shaking his head in a daze and said: "No... Actually it started half a year ago. The high-level officials of country A quietly sent people to investigate, but they all died in the end."

No wonder.

"The supernatural beings sent by the Ministry of Security have all disappeared, right?" Sang Yan knew the seriousness of the matter, and the ruins were indeed very strange.

"That's right...there are only ten of us archaeologists in the station now."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhang clasped his hands together and prayed: "I hope they are all right...and I hope you are all well too."

Lian Qingfeng at the side saw his gesture and couldn't help asking: "Do you believe in God?"

"No, I don't believe in anyone, I only believe in myself." Xiaozhang said, "But this is a foreign country after all. Isn't all foreign countries under the control of God?"

The corners of Sang Yan's eyes twitched, what he said was very reasonable.

During the conversation, he had already arrived at the station, opened the tent, and walked in.

The anxious archaeologists inside breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they were coming, and then stood up to greet them.

"General, Commander-in-Chief, and everyone, well."

Gu Ziyu waved his hands indifferently, and said, "You're welcome, I saw you guys were anxious just now, what's the matter?"

Xiao Zhang was also a little puzzled, and he didn't see them in such a hurry before he went to pick them up.

A woman wearing glasses said: "Just now, the survey instrument we placed in the underground layer of the ruins experienced very strong data fluctuations."

She tugged at her hair anxiously, and continued: "But when we looked at the thermal imaging, there was nothing there, which was strange."

"So you think it's a lifeless thing with a very high internal capacity passing by?" Sang Yan asked clearly.

The woman looked at her with bright eyes, and nodded excitedly: "Yes, yes! This is the thing. We are worried that the lost power users will encounter it."

Several people looked at each other. If they guessed correctly, this thing is at least an S-rank zombie king.

Gu Ziyu said solemnly: "It's not too late, we're leaving now."

Several people responded: "Yes!"

Before leaving, they unloaded a total of twenty buckets of water in the space for them, and the archaeologists were so moved that they wept bitterly.

After saying goodbye to Xiaozhang and the others, he took the hand-drawn map they gave him and walked towards the ruins.

There was dust everywhere, and Ran Yuanyuan accidentally choked on the sand.

Sang Yan flipped through the space. These are the masks she picked up casually. There were exactly six of them, and she handed them one to each of them.

"Wear it, even if you are a supernatural person, this thing will block your lungs."

Everyone took it one by one and put it on.In an instant, breathing became much easier.

Zhao Yiran praised in a low voice: "Sangsang is well prepared."

"Indeed, after being a supernatural being for a long time, I will forget even the most basic protection..." Gu Ziyu shook his head and sighed.

The environmental pollution here is too serious, and the magnetic field is also abnormally disordered, even sand cars cannot be driven.

They walked for about an hour before they saw the first prominent sign marked on the map.

Crowd: ...

They silently looked at the map with a total of ten eye-catching signs, and collectively remained silent.

"There is no other way. The closer we are, the worse the pollution will be. Let's hold each other and don't get separated. You must say when you are tired, and don't force yourself," Gu Ziyu suggested.

"it is good."

Gu Ziyu led Sang Yan, she led Ran Yuanyuan, and even Qingfeng was at the end.

Facing the flying sand, they walked straight ahead after passing a sign, not daring to go in the wrong direction.

Neither the terminal location nor the compass are useful here.

God knows how much time and manpower it takes to draw a desert map, and Sang Yan couldn't help admiring them.

After another four hours, they walked for a total of six hours before reaching the seventh marker.

It is conceivable how serious and outrageous the pollution of this ruins must be.

And maybe, the area of ​​the ruins is also very huge.

Sang Yan proposed to rest at this landmark for one night. They have been walking for a long time.

Moreover, the temperature in the land of the scorching sun is ridiculously high, relying on Zhao Yiran's water attribute ability to survive during the day, otherwise, there might be six more mummified corpses in this desert.

Now that her powers are exhausted, she needs to rest and recover.

Fortunately, it is night now, and the temperature has dropped to more than ten degrees, which is just right.

They quickly set up the tent, turned on the strong light and hung it at the door of the tent, and then began to eat dinner with tired faces.

Sang Yan opened his dead eyes, staring at the food in his hand one after another.

Gu Ziyu sat beside her and handed her a glass of water. He, who was as clear as the bright moon, was also in a panic at this time.

He said in a hoarse voice: "Eat slowly, don't choke, drink some water."


She looked at the team members who were exhausted and energetic, put down the cup in her hand, lay on the sand and looked at the starry sky.

There are stars in such a harsh environment?

Then his eyes shifted to his slender back, Sang Yan said softly, "Gu Ziyu."

This was the first time she called his name. He turned around, put his hands on his lap and looked at her softly. He asked, "What's wrong?"

Sang Yan and him looked at each other for a while, then slowly said: "Tell me, can we go back alive?"

The environment here is too harsh, even for people with supernatural powers like them, it is a bit too much.

Who doesn't know what it will be like after entering the ruins completely?
Gu Ziyu smiled, and lay down on the sand beside her, propped his head on his hands, and said firmly, "I will."

Sang Yan closed her eyes, and said firmly: "Well, definitely, I will."

After a night of rest, their spirits have recovered, and they feel that they can still run a hundred kilometers.

Under the vicious scorching sun, they approached the ruins step by step.

It was a huge tiankeng, and the exposed relics were majestic and majestic, and the extravagance and splendor of the past could be vaguely seen.

This place is like a palace abandoned by the gods.

 Thank you for the reward ~ thank you for the collection, thank you for liking!Meh!Welcome to update!There are no people in my comments, so I almost thought I was a stand-alone.

  Thanks again for the reward——! !

(End of this chapter)

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