Chapter 153: Fire Siege 1
Su Ning and Duan Yifeng's supernatural power level can't make them last for a long time. Those level [-] zombies are fine when they don't make a move, but Yifeng obviously can't hold it if they make a move.

Duan Yifeng could handle one level [-] zombie, but with three level [-] zombies, Duan Yifeng was struggling.

If not enough people were brought out, Duan Yifeng and Su Ning would have almost fed the zombies.

The people brought out by the two of them wiped out more than half of the zombies. Before they could move on to the next step, several people suddenly came down from the elevator, holding a tube of reagent in their hands, which contained a grayish liquid.

The elevator only stopped in mid-air, and the gray liquid poured out from top to bottom. Su Ning and the others were entangled with the zombies and couldn't dodge in time, and were caught in the water.

Su Ruoyun saw this scene clearly from above, and burst out laughing.

Su Ning felt that the suspicious liquid on her head was not good. She reached out to wipe it off, and the strong and pungent smell of chemicals came over her face, which made her almost lose her posture.

Before she could figure out what it was, the zombies not far from them lay down on the ground.

Su Ning: "???"

Duan Yifeng: "???"

Su Ning and Duan Yifeng, who had never seen such a scene before, were stunned.

No one saw that in the night, Su Ning's expression turned ugly. She and Duan Yifeng were able to deal with all these zombies, but at this time someone came out to interfere.

It was irritating, but she couldn't help it yet.When they first came here, they had not yet gained a firm foothold.

On the other side of the city wall, Shi Pei was still only wearing a shirt and a white coat in such a cold weather. He and Xiang Yunfei stood behind the building, but did not attract too many people's attention for a while. .

Xiang Yunfei: "You brought these zombies here just to show me the effects of these potions?"

"What's the matter?"

The corner of Xiang Yunfei's mouth twitched twice, looking at Shi Pei's look of "it has nothing to do with me", he was quite helpless: "Won't you let one come in, you have to attract so many."

"A lot?"

But only a hundred or so.

Xiang Yunfei was speechless, this is not much, if they had no way to improve their abilities, and they had special things to help them, the shelter would have been breached by zombies long ago.

Xiang Yunfei sighed: "You can do whatever you want, just don't destroy the shelter for me."

Xiang Yunfei quietly left such a sentence, and left.

Shi Pei stood on the city wall, looking down for a long time without moving.

Su Ruoyun raised her head, and her eyes just passed Shi Pei's body, but it was too dark, and there were buildings blocking it, Su Ruoyun couldn't see clearly.

That's... Shi Pei?

As soon as the zombies fell, the door opened immediately, and a group of people poured out from inside, wearing special gloves, and began to dig out the crystal nuclei of the zombies.

"Professor Shi Pei is amazing. This is a level [-] zombie. With just one tube of reagent, the zombie will be knocked down."

"That's right. I heard that several shelters around here have been captured. Fortunately, we have Professor Pei."

"That's right, these are just experimental products, and the official medicine has not been researched yet. After those medicines are researched, we don't need to be afraid of these zombies at all."

"Hahaha, sometimes when Professor Pei is around, these zombies are nothing to fear."

Su Ning and Duan Yifeng were very puzzled, could a mere potion be so magical?

Although they were skeptical, they experienced it firsthand, and the potions still remained on Su Ning's head.

A person who came out to dig out the crystal nucleus saw the appearance on Su Ning's head, and couldn't help but stepped forward and said a few words: "This is a reagent newly developed by Professor Shi Pei to deal with zombies. It is not effective for humans, and it is not harmful. It smells bad, just go back and wash it off."

"Okay, I got it, thank you." Su Ning endured the discomfort and thanked that person. If it wasn't for Duan Yifeng and outsiders, Su Ning would have gone mad.

That ghost reagent, who didn't know what it was, got on her head, and it was cold, not to mention, and it smelled so bad that she was about to faint.

Duan Yifeng smelled Su Ning's body, a strange look flashed in his eyes, he almost pinched his nose and left.This smell is really bad.

After working for a long time, they didn't get anything. All those people talked about was a professor named Shi Pei, and they didn't remember what they had done just now.

It was so irritating.


After the zombies withdrew, nothing happened overnight, and some people even noticed that the night seemed to be receding, and the day gradually appeared again.

This is really good news.

After these few days of dark nights, everyone was extremely tired. Although the danger during the day was not less than that at night, people subconsciously felt that the daytime would be safer.

Compared to the cheers of the crowd, Su Ruoyun, who was hiding in the corner, was obviously not very interested.

This world was a mess, and it didn't feel like the real world at all to her. Some monsters, whether they were mutant beasts or the strange flames that appeared during this period, were very abrupt, as if someone had caused them on a whim.

Sure enough, before everyone was happy, those flames that only appeared at night surrounded the entire shelter again.Compared with before, they only appeared at night, now they surround the entire shelter and cannot enter or leave.

Those who want to leave the shelter, as long as they step out of the gate of the shelter, they will be swallowed by the flames outside.

Those flames were raging, and they were many times more violent than the previous attack that played tricks on everyone, and the people who were swallowed by the flames did not even leave a whole body behind.

It doesn't matter to Su Ruoyun whether he can't get out of the shelter, but it's not very friendly to some other people.

Especially those who do not have material reserves.

"What now? We're going to run out of food soon."

"What else can I do? If you don't eat, you will die."

In the corridor of the residence, there happened to be a room whose door was not closed. Su Ruoyun passed by the door, and the voice from inside came out. She swore that she really didn't eavesdrop on purpose.

"The big deal is that we will grab all the contribution points of those rich people."

"Snatch? That's not okay, the few people who robbed supplies in the trading market before were all caught by the law enforcement team, and I heard that they were all executed."

"You stupid, do we have to rob it openly? Can't you rob it secretly?"

If it weren't for the rent of this house, which they had paid for half a year before, they would be kicked out now.If they couldn't get any more contribution points, they might starve to death.


Su Ruoyun didn't listen to the next words, no matter who they wanted to rob, as long as they didn't rob her.

If someone wants to grab her supplies, then I'm sorry, it can only be considered bad luck for the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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