Chapter 201 Strange Rain

Two days later.

Su Ruoyun and Xia Xiaohui appeared in a small pavilion in an amusement park.

The sky outside was gloomy, and it was raining heavily. The rain hitting the body would corrode people's skin.

Su Ruoyun saw with her own eyes a person trying to find supplies in the rain, but half of his arm was corroded by the rain outside.

This rainwater is colorless and odorless. When people have not touched it, they will not know its horror.

After coming into contact with the rain, it was already too late to find a place to hide from the rain.

After a while, two more people ran over to the small pavilion where Su Ruoyun was.

The other party's condition didn't look very good, and his arms were covered with traces left after being corroded by the rain.

It was pitted, and red blood flowed out.

Seeing someone in the small pavilion, the other party paused and rushed in without hesitation.

Although this is an amusement park, there are still many places where you can shelter from the rain.

There is a row of small houses not far away.

The rain came quickly, so Su Ruoyun took Xia Xiaohui to the nearest small pavilion. As long as there is no strong wind, there will be no rain blowing in.

Su Ruoyun glanced at the person who ran into the small pavilion, but didn't make a sound.

Both of them are boys, one tall and one short, they should be about thirty years old, wearing shirts and trousers, they should be some kind of staff.

Su Ruoyun looked at it for two seconds and then stopped. Xia Xiaohui was a little uneasy and pulled Su Ruoyun's clothes.

She had never seen this rain before.

The pavilion was very quiet for a while.

In the end, those two men couldn't help but speak out, and one of the tall men leaned slightly towards Su Ruoyun.

He turned his head: "Do you have any medicine, Yunnan Baiyao, or any painkiller."

Xia Xiaohui shook her head, Su Ruoyun said directly: "No."

The man was a little disappointed, the pain from his arm distorted his expression slightly, and the short man next to him hummed even more.

"No, forget it then."

There is actually medicine in Su Ruoyun's space, but she doesn't need to take it out at all.

She is not familiar with these two men at all, and there is no need for that help.

And the raindrops on the body should not be treated by ordinary medicine.

There are some machines in this amusement park that are aging and are currently under construction, and there are some wooden boards and stones in the pavilion.

Su Ruoyun pulled out the system mall and searched for suitable items in it.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it didn't mean to stop. The water level on the ground was also rising. They needed to find a suitable place to shelter from the rain, and they couldn't stay here any longer.

Otherwise, when the water comes up, it will be even more difficult to leave.

Standing water on the ground can also corrode people.

Su Ruoyun poked around in the space for a while, and soon found what she wanted.

It was a special poncho, which could resist the corrosion of rainwater and the radiation of ultraviolet rays from the sun.

That's it.

The price is 2000 points per piece.

This price is completely within her tolerance range.

Satisfied, Su Ruoyun exchanged for two pieces.

She took off the backpack on her back, took out two pairs of boots, handed Xia Xiaohui a pair, and motioned her to put them on first.

The soles of these rain boots were thick enough to support them as they ran to the small house on the steps opposite.

"We have to get out of here."

Su Ruoyun continued to take out the special poncho she just bought: "It's ready."

Xia Xiaohui followed suit.

After dressing and checking, Su Ruoyun held a flashlight in her hand and led Xia Xiaohui out of the pavilion.

"Fuck, where did they get the equipment?"

The two men in the pavilion watched Su Ruoyun rush out in dumbfounded.

"Hey, I said that the two of you are too much, how can you run away by yourself without bringing us with you?"

After reacting, the short man shouted at Su Ruoyun.

Shouting and cursing.

The rain on the top of the head became heavier, Su Ruoyun could only hear a few sporadic words, and couldn't hear what the man was swearing at all.

The two quickly ran into the house.

This is the ticket office for Rock and Roll, so there is a small house.

Su Ruoyun slowly took off the rain poncho from her body and put it aside to prevent being burned by the remaining rainwater on the poncho.

Xia Xiaohui also took off the rain carefully.

"Sister Ruoyun, the rain is so strange." And the rain must have been too heavy.

After they ran into the cabin, it suddenly became very dark outside.

The rain splashed against the ground.

There was not only the sound of heavy rain outside, but also the sound of heavy objects collapsing and hitting the ground.

And it looked darker than ever.

"I don't know if this rain can corrode the infected..." Xia Xiaohui hugged her arms and rubbed them back and forth several times: "If it can be straight, it will be good to corrode the infected."

In this way, the number of infected people can be reduced by a part.

"Maybe the infected will also hide from the rain." Su Ruoyun joked.

Although it was a joke, Xia Xiaohui seemed to be really frightened.

"If infected people can hide from the rain, wouldn't they all have IQs?"

The infected people they met so far can only chase after people, but they don't know anything else, and they don't have any brains.

If only they could hide from the rain...

Xia Xiaohui didn't dare to think about it, she sat on the stool in the room, silently waiting for the rain to stop.

After 10 minutes, the heavy rain didn't mean to stop at all.

Su Ruoyun took out the simplest food from his backpack - two buckets of instant noodles.

There are also ham sausage and braised eggs.

"Eat something first?"

It can pass the time and divert attention.

"Yeah." Xia Xiaohui nodded frantically.

I came out today to kill the infected people for a day, and I haven't eaten much yet. Sister Ruoyun will ask this, she really feels a little hungry.

Su Ruoyun boiled the water, and Xia Xiaohui was used to Su Ruoyun taking out strange things from his backpack.

Anyway, she is the beneficiary, so she doesn't need to ask so many questions.

The aroma of instant noodles echoed in the cabin, and the door of the cabin was suddenly slammed.

The flashlight was on the table, and it was on there. Su Ruoyun didn't open the door, but walked to the window and looked outside.

It was an infected person who knocked on the door.

Su Ruoyun opened the door, and the ability shot out, directly slicing the infected person.

It's immoral to come and disturb her while eating.

Su Ruoyun was about to close the door again when she suddenly saw blood on the door.

When she just killed the infected, she didn't stain the door with blood.

Where did this blood come from?

When she decided to run here, there were no infected people here. The infected person who died just now must have been attracted by the smell of blood on the door.

Su Ruoyun frowned, washed away the blood stains on the door with water-type abilities, and slammed the door shut.

(End of this chapter)

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