Chapter 258 On the Way to Evacuate

Someone braved the hail of bullets and the attack of the infected to come to Su Ruoyun.

"Our officer is already planning to retreat, and you should retreat quickly. Don't take any more risks."

Although he was very envious of Su Ruoyun's ability, he didn't think Su Ruoyun could survive with such a huge number of infected people.

Therefore, the retreat order has been issued, and he also told Su Ruoyun the news.

"Let's go first, I'll cut off the back for you." Su Ruoyun said without hesitation.

"Jie Jie... Ho Ho Ho—"


A low growl came from the infected person's mouth, and the super-powerful sound waves deafened people's ears.

The military began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Truck after truck of people drove out of this area one by one.

In the thick gunpowder smoke, Su Hang looked for Su Ruoyun's figure.

He didn't see Su Ruoyun after looking for a long time, and the tension suddenly surged in his heart.

"Sister, where are you?"


"Su Ruoyun!"

Just when Su Hang was burning with anxiety, Su Ruoyun appeared behind him and patted his shoulder: "I'm here."

"Sister, it's really great that you're all right."

Su Ruoyun nodded towards him, "Let's leave here first."

Their people all retreated, and Su Ruoyun naturally had no reason to stay.


Su Hang brought Xiao Min into the car, and Su Ruoyun glanced through the rearview mirror, but didn't say much.



The white snow was full of blood.There are humans and infected people, it is impossible to tell the difference.

"Wait, I'll wait for me, I haven't got in the car yet."

A man in military uniform waved towards the convoy, behind which were infected people.

If they stop, they may be caught up by the infected.

"There are people behind, shall we stop?"

The atmosphere in the car became very quiet for a while, and finally a person who seemed to be quite high-ranking spoke: "Keep going."

He can still tell the difference between a human life and a carload of human life.

Those who were left behind were a little desperate.

He clutched the gun on his body, trying to fight the infected with all his might.

An off-road vehicle stopped in front of him.


Su Ruoyun poked his head out from the side, signaling him to get in the car quickly.

The man had no time to rejoice, he grabbed the car door and jumped into the car.

After this wave of fighting, the number of infected people behind them did not decrease, and they were still a large and colorful area.

"Fuck, why are there so many?"

The eyes of the man in the car widened instantly.

Are they stabbing the nest of the infected?Otherwise, how could so many infected people follow.

At this time, Su Ruoyun remembered the silver-white crystal she got in the last base.

Su Ruoyun quietly took the silver-white crystal out of the space, and put it on the co-pilot of the car.

I don't know if these crystals are useful to so many infected people.

The convoy gradually distanced itself from the infected.

"Didn't they catch up again?" Someone in the convoy asked.

No one answered him.

Many people sobbed quietly in their seats.

"Shouldn't be catching up again." They all ran away so hard.

"Hopefully so."



The snow outside has become smaller now, and the man in military uniform in Su Ruoyun's car only had time to thank Su Ruoyun at this moment.

"I really thank you just now."

"If it wasn't for you, I might be eaten by infected people now."

Su Ruoyun drove the car steadily, "You don't need to thank me, just wait and kill two more infected people."

"My name is Zhou Ruhai, may I ask what your name is?"

"Su Ruoyun."

Su Ruoyun and Zhou Ruhai silently said the name twice. , Keep this name in my heart.

The convoy seemed to be frightened and kept driving forward.

It took almost three hours before it stopped.

Su Ruoyun signaled Zhou Ruhai to return to his team.

It could be seen that Su Ruoyun didn't want to stay in her car all the time, so Zhou Ruhai got out of the car tactfully.

Before returning to the team, he still didn't forget to thank Su Ruoyun again: "I really thanked you before."

Su Ruoyun smiled slightly at him: "You're welcome."

She is not a good person either, just now it can only be said that Zhou Ruhai was lucky.

If someone is changed at random, Su Ruoyun will not necessarily let that person get in the car.



Zhou Ruhai returned to the team, and his brother punched him in the chest.

"You kid is really lucky. When the officer gave the order, I almost thought you were going to die."

Zhou Ruhai smiled.

"I'm fine now, it means that my life should not die."


Everyone laughed loudly, and some people laughed and laughed, and tears flowed from the corners of their eyes.

"It's good to live, it's good to live."

"It's a pity, Xiao Shunzi. He may never wake up again."

"We might as well stay in the South."

"Why do you have to go north?"

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely dignified.

Their team of soldiers was originally on duty in the south.Now that he has received the transfer order, he hurried to the north.

Along the way, their casualties were extremely heavy.

Many people have the idea of ​​​​giving up on going north.

But the military order is like a mountain, and they must implement it.



The army at the front stopped because they needed time to recuperate.

After fighting for a long time and traveling long distances, some people in their team could no longer hold on.

"Drink some water first!"

Someone was distributing water all the way along the car.

Their water resources are obviously not particularly rich, and many people can only get half a bowl of water in their hands.

Because the evacuation was in a hurry, they couldn't bring out many things, so there were really very few water and food that could be distributed to everyone.

In their big truck, apart from the soldiers, there were also some survivors who were already in the temporary shelter.

They must also take care of these survivors.

This is obviously not a simple matter.

Su Ruoyun didn't care about them, and ate self-heating hot pot in the car on her own.

Su Ruoyun didn't want to treat herself badly in terms of food just because she followed them.

Although they can't eat too much, a box of self-heating hot pot is still no problem.

Su Ruoyun handed Su Hang and Xiao Min each a copy.

"The distance to the next base is still a bit far away. We may need to follow them for a while. You two should eat something casually first."

The aroma of the self-heating hot pot is especially obvious among a group of people eating dry food.

Some survivors followed the aroma of the self-heating hot pot to find it.

A lot of people wisely stayed out of the way after discovering it wasn't an army car.

If this is an army car, they can also conduct moral kidnapping of the people in the car.

But if this car is not from the army, they might suffer a loss if they make a fuss.

Not everyone is so smart. There are a few survivors who don't have long eyes. They can't hold back when they smell the self-heating hot pot and look at the dry food distributed to them.

One of the middle-aged men couldn't help knocking on Su Ruoyun's car window.

When he saw clearly that there was a little girl inside, he became even more impolite: "Self-heating hot pot, do you still have it? If you have, give us two."

"We can exchange things with you."

Su Ruoyun is in a pretty good mood right now, and she is still willing to talk to these people.

"What are you going to exchange with us?"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he thought it was a joke, he shook the dry food in his hand: "We will exchange this for you."

Su Ruoyun didn't need to say anything, Su Hang, who was sitting on the co-pilot, turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man with disgust.

"Is your brain not working well?" Otherwise, how could you do such a thing as exchanging dry food for self-heating hot pot.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows the value of self-heating hot pot, which is not comparable to the dry food in his hands.

"The face is really big."

Su Ruoyun only said three words, and then closed the car window.

The middle-aged man didn't switch from Su Ruoyun's hand to the self-heating hot pot, so angrily, he kicked Su Ruoyun's body hard.

"Young people don't know how to respect the old and love the young."

He could only leave this sentence and leave in a hurry.

He didn't dare to do anything to Su Ruoyun.

"Count." Su Hang threw him a word.Dare to do such a thing as exchanging dry food for self-heating hot pot, Su Hang thought the other party was so powerful.

I didn't expect to leave after only saying a word, it's so good, it's dismissed.



The convoy only had a brief repair and then started on the road immediately.

They were afraid that if they stayed for a long time, the infected people behind would catch up.

Su Hang sat in the passenger cab and asked Su Ruoyun: "Sister, do we want to follow them all the way?"

"Their current destination is the same as ours, and there is nothing wrong with following them."

Su Ruoyun is in a good mood now.

Even if someone came up to disturb her just now, it didn't spoil Su Ruoyun's good mood.

The convoy headed north.

Soon it was evening, and they began to pitch their camp.

Only at this time did the military personnel have time to communicate with Su Ruoyun.

"Hello, I am the commander of this team, my name is Bai Liangchen. What should I call you?"

Su Ruoyun didn't answer his question, but instead asked, "Who are you, Bai Liangze?"

Bai Liangchen was taken aback.

"He's my brother, have you met him?"

Su Ruoyun nodded and said, "I met you a long time ago."

The bright light in Bai Liangchen's eyes suddenly dimmed.

He has been in this world for so long, and he doesn't know how his younger brother is.

The girl in front of me has actually met his brother. Does that mean that this girl is from the same place as him?
Bai Liangchen asked again: "What should I call you?"

"Just call me Su Ruoyun."

Explain that this time he simply told him his own name.

"Miss Su." Bai Liangchen nodded: "I was in a temporary shelter before, thank you very much."

Su Ruoyun waved her hand: "No need to thank you, it's just itchy."

Su Ruoyun didn't lie.

Saving people was the second priority. At that time, she was really itchy.

Bai Liangchen and the others didn't bother Su Ruoyun for too long.

The world has recovered, only the rustling of snow.

No one speaks.

Everyone was immersed in pain.

Bai Liangchen saluted a military salute in a distant direction.

In the original world, the Bai family was a military family.After coming to this world, Bai Liangchen chose to join the national army, which was similar to his job.

He joined this world three years ago.

I didn't expect to hear about my younger brother from other people today.

I don't know if he himself can return to the original world.



The army already planned to rest here tonight, Su Ruoyun got off the car.

Sitting in the car all the time will only bore her to death.

Suhang also got off the bus.

Xiao Min sat quietly in the car. When Su Hang asked her if she wanted to get off the car, Xiao Min shook her head and refused.

Su Hang didn't force her either, and let her stay in the car.

"Sister, I'll watch the night tonight!" With outsiders around, he was worried if there was no one watching the night.

Su Ruoyun nodded.

"In the second half of the night, I will guard."

She's not very sleepy, and if there's a night watch, they'll take turns.

Suhang did not refuse.

They originally planned to stay in the temporary shelter for a few days, but now they are fine, and they don't have to stay for a few days.

"Sister, I brought the tent inside the shelter."

Su Hang shook out the tent as if offering a treasure.When those infected people came, he put away the tent when he had nothing to do.

Now it comes in handy.

Su Hang set up the tent, got into the car and brought Xiao Min down.

Let Xiaomin stay in the tent.

The soldiers set up a pot and started preparing dinner.

Bai Liangchen sent someone to invite Su Ruoyun to eat together, but Su Ruoyun refused.

Their clear soup lacks water, and a few unknown leaves are scattered on it.Su Ruoyun really didn't want to treat her stomach badly.

For dinner or something, it's better for them to eat separately.

Because there were many troops and survivors, Su Ruoyun didn't prepare anything too complicated, but simply made a pot of noodles.

Eggs were beaten inside and shredded pork was cut into it.

Also put two cabbages.

Even so, such a simple dinner in Su Ruoyun's eyes is also a delicacy for some survivors.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted at Bai Liangchen: "They are all survivors, why do they eat better than us?"

Bai Liangchen rolled his eyes in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face.

"They eat their own supplies."

"If you can find such supplies yourself, you can eat them too!"

No one is stopping you.

Bai Liangchen actually didn't want to take these survivors on the road, but these people were stubborn and insisted on staying in their team.

Although Bai Liangchen was not a kind person, he still couldn't do it if he was asked to directly kill these survivors.

If her brother was here, maybe it could be done.

After eating, Su Ruoyun even took out an apple and gnawed on it.

Su Hang came to Su Ruoyun's side under the glare of the surrounding eyes.

"Sister, did you do it on purpose?" Eating apples in front of so many people is not afraid that these people will tear them up.

Su Ruoyun admitted: "I did it on purpose."

She just liked the angry eyes and gazes of those people.

Especially those people, who wanted to come up to grab it, but didn't dare to do it, she liked it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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