Chapter 31

"Little sister, look what Bai Lanyu I found."

When Ba Gu saw such a big white snake, his face paled in fright.

Back and forth.

"Sister, there are snakes."

"There is a snake, where is it?" Feiyang looked around, when she lowered her head, she felt her legs go weak.

While she was looking at the snake, the big white snake was also looking at her, and it was also very confused at this moment.

With an elk in its mouth, it flew up while it was eating.

"Ah! Snake, snake, snake" Feiyang dropped the Bai Lanyu in his hand and ran away.

The big white snake also reacted at this time, the word delicious hovered in his mind, then he bowed his body, dropped the elk in his mouth, and bit towards Feiyang.

Ye Moxian's mind was also blank at this time, watching a man and a snake fleeing in the woods, chasing each other, coming and going.

Secretly said, "You are a ninth-level spiritual master, and it is a first-level white snake. If you backhand it, it will be wiped out. As for this? This woman has a typical big chest and no brains, and she knows how to run."

Seeing that the white snake was about to hunt and kill Feiyang, Ye Moxian finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He flew forward, kicked the white snake away with a powerful volley, and hung directly on the giant tree.

"This white snake is so fast," Fei Yang said out of breath.

"Sister! That's a first-order white snake, shouldn't you kill it with thunder? Why did you escape?" Yanhu said contemptuously.

"Is it such a big first-order monster? From my point of view, it only cares about escaping."

Ye Moxian was speechless and contemptuous, I was carrying a heavy sword with the power of four elephants on my back, I kicked it away with one kick, and you still escaped.

If you, a ninth-level spiritual master, were killed by a first-level monster, this cross-border kill would make people laugh to death.

He picked up Bai Lanyu on the ground, walked in front of the giant snake, swung the lithography knife, and a first-order demon core fell out.

"Bai Lanyu has already found it, but there is still a lack of flame grass, green tongue flower and other two herbs that can be refined into a pill, and the ivy poison in your body can be cured."

"Then what are you waiting for, look for it quickly!" Feiyang said anxiously.

"Look around, flame grass likes to be dry and usually grows on mountains, blue tongue flower likes to be wet and usually grows in dark swamps..."


In front of the Gate of Hundred Thousand Mountain Stars, on a large mountain.

A golden eagle flew back with a cry.Stopped on the man in black robe.

A red woman with a coquettish face is fiddling with six fox tails

"Taoshan didn't die after entering the bloody night, what a fate!"

"Feiyang Yanhu, I don't expect much, Mirage, you go for a run, remember accidents, accidents must be made, the kind that kills without leaving traces"

Feiyang was very annoyed, looking at the swamp in front of her, she felt her scalp tingling, especially the poisonous insects, snakes, leeches, water scorpions, and earth dragons that roamed the swamp, which made people daunting.

In addition to these poisonous snakes and insects, there is a vague smell of rotting dead leaves, mixed with the stench of carrion, which will come from time to time.

It's disgusting to hear.

As soon as a rock sparrow landed on a dead branch, a three-foot-long horned crocodile in the swamp devoured it in one bite.

"Why don't we change the way and look for the flame grass first." Feiyang swallowed.

Yanhu's face was already pale with fright. Now that she has a star map in her body, most of her spiritual power has been sealed. Walking here may be very dangerous.

"If you change the road, there is a very high probability of blue tongue flowers in this swamp. If you change the road, it will be the opposite." Ye Moxian said.

"Then let's go! It's that Yanhu's cultivation base is now sealed, and I'm afraid he won't be able to pass through this swamp." Feiyang said.

"There are two choices, one is you carry her on your back, and the other is I carry her on your back, you can choose for yourself!" Ye Moxian said as he untied the sin from his back.

Feiyang looked at the swamp full of poisonous insects, "It's difficult for me to walk alone. I'm carrying her on my back, so I won't be bitten to death by poisonous insects! You should carry it?"

Ye Moxian pretended to be reserved and said, "I'm afraid that my good intentions will be treated as the liver and lungs of a donkey, and I will suffer and be scolded."

In fact, I was already happy in my heart. If it weren't for these poisonous insects and poisonous substances, I would run here, and I would be full!
Yanhu's head was full of black lines, and he was full of bitterness, but was blocked by Ye Moxian's words. "Let's go!"

Carrying Guhu on his back, Ye Moxian felt that this little girl seemed to have no bones, and her whole body was full of flesh, especially the turbulent career line, like a massager, which made him almost cry out.

Feiyang was about to leave, but Ye Moxian pulled him back, "Don't be in a hurry to explore the way first." With a thought, a dozen or so nuclear bombs flew out.

"Explore the road first, then remove the obstacles"

Despite the explosion of the star nuclear bomb, countless poisonous insects and poisons under the swamp were blown up into the sky, colorful and colorful.

Seeing this, Feiyang shrank his head and retreated a few steps.Fortunately, he didn't leave, otherwise he would have been poisoned to death.

Compared to her fright, Bahu felt very relieved lying on Ye Moxian's back. I don't know why it was reassuring. She felt the same way when Ye Moxian stood in front of her in the blood cave.

When I thought of being sucked by Ye Moxian, my face turned red again, and when I got rid of the poison, I was afraid that life and death would be facing each other, Yanhu looked at Feiyang, and then at Ye Moxian, feeling a sense of helplessness heart.

This is the so-called people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes.


At the other end of the swamp, a woman wears a crown of phoenix feathers facing the sky on her head, and she wears a glass skirt and feather coat, crowning the world, her hair is windless.

If Ye Moxian is here, he will be fascinated by the mystery again.

But seeing her, she is slender like beautiful jade, her skin is smoother like suet, with a bunch of long hair tied behind her, she is clean and clean like a fairy, she is really more shameful than Huahua, worse than Xuexue, I can only sigh that the nine-day fairy is the same, This is the case with Yue'e in the middle of the month.

She didn't come to hunt, but to seek death.

"I don't care what you are, if you dare to peep at my body, you will die to me"

"Jie Jie! Didn't I tell you? My name is the sixth dark king under the eighth lord of the charming world, and I am immortal. In your self-cultivating world, nothing can kill me. "

"Little sister, this emperor has his own way to kill you. Since you are enshrined in my soul, I have a way to kill you and sacrifice your soul."

"Luo Qingli, you actually want to sacrifice yourself, so you will die too."

"Aren't you immortal? It's a big deal to die together!" As she spoke, she muttered words.

"Damn it, I'm afraid you forgot that half of this body is controlled by me." After saying that, the two started fighting, and it turned out to be left and right.


The three of them were walking in the swamp, and because they had used star nuclear bombs to open the way ahead of time, there was not a single poisonous insect or poison along the way.

"Where are there blue tongue flowers in this ghost place?" Fei Yang was displeased.

"Be patient, there are panaceas in the poor mountains and rivers, I'm looking for them." Ye Moxian had just finished speaking.

A melodious flute sound suddenly came over.

"What a melodious sound of the flute! In such a poor country, there is actually someone with such a sense of elegance," Ye Moxian laughed.

Fei Yang domineeringly listened to the sound of the flute, his expression was startled at the same time.

Beast Master Mirage.

(End of this chapter)

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