I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 106 Mycenae Princess Danae

Chapter 106 Mycenae Princess Danae
The port of Serifos is located on the east side of the island.

The palace and castle of King Polydectes is at the top of a 200-meter-high hill near the port.

Stretching from the top of the hill to the port, there are hundreds of houses densely dotted.

Most of them are wooden houses, only a few houses close to the palace are built of stone like the palace.

Seeing Roy's fleet approaching the port, the Serifus soldiers guarding the port thought it was King Polydectes and Diketes returning with the soldiers from the expedition, so they were not vigilant.

It wasn't until it became clear that Roy's fleet was all unfamiliar ships, and the sailors on board were also heavily armed soldiers, that Serifos soldiers ran to the palace in panic, and ran towards Serifos who met along the way. Man issued a warning.

Ten large ships rushed to the shore of the port side by side. Roy first ordered the Eleusis soldiers to go ashore and assemble, and then ordered the white sheep beside him.

"White sheep! Now Chione and I are leading 50 Eleusis soldiers to attack the palace, and [-] of you will stay in the port to protect our ships and prevent the Serifos from escaping by boat."

Although Aries felt sorry for not being able to follow Roy to kill the enemy and make meritorious service, he also knew that staying in the port to protect the ships was an important task, so he nodded immediately and said.

"Don't worry, my lord priest, as long as we are here, no Serifos will be allowed to approach the port."

After Loi and Chione went ashore, they rushed to the palace on the top of the hill with three hundred Eleusis soldiers.

There are about 200 Serifos soldiers guarding the palace. Because the number is smaller than that of the invaders, the Serifos soldiers did not leave the palace to fight, but stick to the palace wall.

Before Luo Yi and the others rushed to the top of the mountain, Serifus soldiers threw stones down one by one, injuring many Eleusis soldiers.

"Everyone, stop rushing!"

Seeing more and more wounded Eleusis soldiers, Loi ordered to Chione.

"Kione, you lead the soldiers to hide behind the surrounding houses, and I will attack the palace alone. Wait for the Serifos soldiers in the palace to fall into chaos, and then attack the palace."

"Do you want to attack the palace alone?"

Kayone widened her eyes and said worriedly.

"Although you are a hero [enemies of a hundred men], there are about two hundred soldiers in that palace. It is too risky for you to attack the palace alone."

Roy stretched out his right hand to press her head, and smiled while stroking her head to appease her.

"As a hero, I don't have to fight one hundred against one, but at least one against one hundred. Even if I really want to challenge two hundred soldiers alone, I may not lose. What's more, I just want to let the soldiers in the palace fall into a trap. Chaos is not about one man killing two hundred soldiers."

After speaking, Roy rushed to the palace on the top of the hill alone.

Located on the top of the hill, the palace castle has a wall that is three meters high at the highest point and two meters high at the lowest point.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be impossible to climb over the two-meter-high wall and enter the palace without using tools.

Because when climbing the wall, you will definitely be attacked by soldiers behind the wall.

As a hero [Enemy of a Hundred People], Roy not only has strength and speed, but even jumping ability far surpasses ordinary people.

When Roy dodged the stones and rushed to the top of the hill, taking advantage of the Serifus soldiers behind the wall moving the stones, Roy jumped over a section of the two-meter-high wall.

The body fell inside the wall, and before the surrounding Serifos soldiers could react, Roy brandished the bronze spear, mercilessly killed the surrounding Serifos soldiers, and then rushed towards the wooden gate of the palace castle.

If the gates of the castle were opened, the enemy could march in and occupy the whole palace, so fifty Serifos soldiers guarded the gates at this time.

Like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, Roy shouted while waving his bronze spear to harvest the lives of Serifos soldiers.

"Stop resisting! I don't want to kill you, I want to lie on the ground alive."

Serifos soldiers were able to besiege Roy desperately at the beginning, but after more and more comrades in arms fell to the ground and turned into corpses, Serifos soldiers completely lost the courage to fight against Roy, either fleeing in panic, or Lie on the ground and surrender.

When Roy rushed to the wooden door and opened the gate of the palace castle, Kayone quickly rushed in with [-] Eleusis soldiers to occupy the palace.

Interior of the Royal Palace Castle.

Loy and Kione brought the Eleusis soldiers to the hall, and saw fifty Serifos soldiers gathered here to make the final resistance.

And behind the Serifos soldiers, a group of noble women in white cotton robes and golden bronze ornaments were protected.

Headed by this group of apparently noble women is the beautiful queen who wears a golden tiara.

Six beautiful girls dressed as unmarried girls surrounded the queen with terrified expressions, like chicks wanting to be protected by a hen.

"Is she the wife of Polydectes - Danae, the mother of Perseus?"

Looking at the queen who was as young and beautiful as Pandion's wife Zeuxiper, Roy's eyes widened in surprise.

Danae is about 40 years old, but still has the youthful beauty of a girl. No wonder the two brothers Polydectes and Diketes fell in love with her.

"Who are you?"

Sensing Roy's gaze, Queen Danae said calmly.

"Although the strength of our Serifos Island is not strong, my father is the great Mycenaean king Acrisios. You dare to attack Serifos Island, are you not afraid of the revenge of the Mycenaeans? ?”

"We have already become enemies with the Mycenaeans, so how can we worry about the revenge of the Mycenaeans?"

Roy said with a smile.

"Queen Danae! Your husband Polydectes took most of the soldiers from Serifos to help your son Perseus attack us. I will attack Serifos with soldiers, It is to avenge Perseus and Polydectes. I was worried that it would take a hard fight to occupy Serifos Island, but I didn’t expect your husband Polydectes and Diketes not yet return."

"So you are our enemy."

Danae frowned and said.

"If you are willing to promise me that you will not harm others, I can order the soldiers to surrender, and these children and I will be your captives voluntarily."

"I agree to your request."

Roy didn't want to kill the Serifus soldiers who surrendered, so naturally he had no reason to refuse Danae's request.

Hearing Roy's request, Danae immediately said to the soldiers protecting them.

"My warriors, the enemy's power is too strong. You don't need to sacrifice in vain. Now, as queen, I order you to surrender."

As soon as the fifty Serifos soldiers put down their weapons, Bai Yang, who was supposed to stay at the port, rushed into the palace anxiously and came to whisper a few words to Roy.

After listening to Aries, Roy said as he left the palace with Aries.

"Kione, now I leave you a hundred soldiers to control the palace. If the Serifos soldiers who surrendered want to resist, they must be killed without mercy."

(End of this chapter)

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