I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 111 Kayone is no longer a slave

Chapter 111 Kayone is no longer a slave

When the sun rises in the east.

Perseus and Pelops hastily cremated the bodies of the soldiers of Serifos, and left Serifos with the bodies of Polydectes and Dicetis, and returned to the village of Argos. Mycenae.

An unnamed island in the southern part of the Attica Peninsula.

Roy also continued to set off with his own fleet, rushing back to the port of Piraeus in Athens.

It's noon.

Sixty large ships sailed into the port of Piraeus mightily.

Because the Athenians in the port already knew that this belonged to the Athenian fleet, the Athenians in the port did not panic and panic.

After the fleet berthed at the dock of the port, Roy gave orders to Aries and Captain Pallas.

"Aries! Captain Pallas! Now I want to give you two tasks. Aries, you are responsible for distributing the spoils, and distribute one hundred catties of food to all the soldiers who set out on the expedition, and then move all the rest of the spoils to my warehouse Li. Captain Pallas, you are in charge of bringing the men of Serifos to reunite with their wives and daughters, and help them settle down in Athens. Do the tasks I have assigned, and you will have a place at the victory banquet .”

"Follow your orders!"

"I will definitely complete the priest's order."

After Aries and Captain Pallas accepted the order, Roy took Chione ashore and returned to the Acropolis.

Acropolis Mountain Gate.

Before Loy and Chione entered the Acropolis, Procne and Philomela rushed here after hearing the news.

Seeing Procne weave a wreath of olive branches for herself like a wife welcoming her triumphant husband, Roy walked up to Procne and bowed his head, letting Procne wear the wreath for himself.

"Brother Roy! Congratulations on your victory under the protection of the goddess Metis."

After Procne put on the flower crown for Roy, Roy was about to raise his head when Philomela put a large flower crown around Roy's neck.


Roy looked up at Philomela in surprise, and Philomela said with a smug smile.

"Brother Roy, you can't fit two flower crowns on your head, so I made one that fits around your neck. Are you happy to be blessed by my sister and me at the same time?"

Can I say unhappy?
Although Roy was really happy in his heart, he still couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

"Worthy of the great goddess of the field, Philomela, who invents a second wreath around the neck of the victor."

After all, the identity of Philomela is not an ordinary person. She is not only the princess of Athens, but also the deified goddess of fields, Philomela.

So it is possible that Philomela's placing of a second wreath on Roy's neck might have inspired others to follow suit and eventually develop into a new custom.

"Hey hey hey-"

Philomela smiled triumphantly, then looked at Kaone beside Roy with a displeased expression and said.

"Brother Luoy, you didn't take my sister and I with you when you went to Serifos Island, why did you take Keone with you?"

Procne didn't speak, but she looked at Roy with solemn eyes, obviously also concerned about this issue.

"Phiromela, I brought Chione because she is not a weak girl, but a strong female warrior. Not only can she protect herself on the battlefield, but she can also help me."

After Roy finished explaining, he continued.

"Procne! Philomela! I want to tell you one thing. Because of the achievements made by Kione and I in the expedition to Serifos Island, I want to release Kione from her slave status."

Hearing what Roy said, Procne immediately frowned.

If Kaone's status is Roy's slave, let alone Roy favoring Kayone, even if Kayone gave birth to a child, her status is at most Roy's lover.

Kayone is no longer a slave, she can become Roy's concubine wife or even his main wife.


After all, Kayone is no longer the princess of the Eleusis tribe. Even if she gets the status of a commoner, she is not qualified to compete with Procne for the status of wife, and will not pose a threat to Procne's status.

But in essence, even if Kaone can only become Roy's concubine wife, she is still Procne's rival in love.

Although he realized that Kaone was already qualified to be his rival in love, Procne still showed a sincere smile and said to Kaone.

"Kione, congratulations on getting your freedom. What are your plans in the future, will you continue to be by Brother Roy's side?"

Kayone nodded calmly and said.

"As girls, we must rely on men to survive. I no longer have a father or brother to rely on, so I will continue to stay with the priest and take care of my fellow clansmen with him."

"Are you going to be a commoner maid to serve brother Roy?"

Philomela said jokingly.

"Kione! My sister is Roy's fiancée, and you will serve her as a mistress in the future. I am my sister and Roy's younger sister, and you will serve me as a half mistress."

In this era, there are two types of servants and maids.

One is a slave manservant and slave maid, and the other is a commoner manservant and commoner maid.

The menservants and maids of the Pandion family basically belong to common men and women.

The parents of these men and women were commoners of the Athenian tribes.

Because they couldn't afford to support their children, they gave them to Pandion to be their servants.

As a ruler, Pandion would of course give some preferential treatment to these male servants and female servants.

They will not be killed at will like slaves, and when the time is right, they will arrange for the male servants to marry the female servants, and even restore them to freedom.

Hearing Philomela's words, Kaone said with a faint smile.

"Even if you are not the fiancée and fiancée sister of the priest, I will serve you because you are the princesses of Athens."

Seeing that Philomela seemed to be irritated by Kione's words, Roy said immediately.

"Let's stop standing here, I have to report the situation to my father-in-law."


Hearing Roy's address to his father, Procne blushed instantly, walked to Roy's side and hugged Roy's right arm with both hands and said.

"Brother Roy, I will accompany you to meet your father. Although I believe that brother Roy will not lose to anyone, I am always worried about you. Did you get injured in Serifos Island?"

Roy smiled as he walked forward.

"Of course I was not injured! When I was in Serifos, my only enemies were King Polydectes and Prince Diketis. Beat me. I took out Diketes first, and then I killed Polydectes with ease, all without injury."

After Roy finished speaking, Philomela came to Roy's side, hugged Roy's left arm with her hands and said coquettishly.

"Brother Roy, I also want to hear what happened to you on Serifos Island."

Seeing Philomela's actions, both Roy and Procne froze from fright.

Although Procne became Roy's fiancée, Roy was already Philomela's brother in principle, and Philomela was Roy's sister in principle.

But this isn't really a sibling relationship after all.

(End of this chapter)

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