I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 124 Knossos Spring Plowing Festival

Chapter 124 Knossos Spring Plowing Festival

In this era, Knossos, with its vassal city-states and vassal tribes, has a population of 10, and it is undoubtedly the most powerful large-scale city-state.

As long as it goes one step further, the city of Knossos can be developed from a city-state to a real kingdom.

Even if the city of Knossos has only 3000 soldiers who can be used for expeditions, and the city of Athens can rely on the tall walls to fight against the city of Knossos, Roy does not want to offend the city of Knossos.

Because the current city of Athens still needs to purchase food and other supplies needed for survival from the city of Knossos.

Seeing Deucalion's expectant expression, Roy hesitated for a moment, then put his hands around the slender waists of Procne and Philomela, hugged them in his arms and said.

"Take off your veils!"

Even Philomela knew that her husband must not be disgraced before other people.

So Procne and Philomela did not hesitate, and immediately obeyed Roy's order and took off their veils.

Seeing Roy holding Procne and Philomela in his arms and declaring sovereignty, and Procne and Philomela putting their heads on Roy's shoulders after taking off their veils, Deucalion couldn't bear it. laughed.

"Priest Loi, I didn't expect these two princesses to be your women. Although they have beauty comparable to that of a goddess, you don't have to worry about my unreasonable thoughts about them, because my fiancée Pandora has the same status and beauty. beat them."


Hearing this name, Roy couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Because in ancient legends, this name is more famous than many goddesses, and her prototype may also be a goddess, so she can be regarded as the matriarchal ancestor of human beings in legends.

Seeing that Deucalion's eyes were clear, and he really didn't have any undue thoughts about Procne and Philomela, Roy asked curiously.

"Prince Deucalion! We have no intersection between Athens and Knossos. Why did you visit Athens?"

While speaking, Roy continued to hold Procne and Philomela in his arms to declare his sovereignty.

Deucalion said with a smile.

"In the past, our city of Knossos did not intersect with the city of Athens because we were thousands of miles away from the city of Athens, and the Athenians did not have the ability to sail the ocean. Now you, the Athenians, can also sail the ocean and participate in the strike in the Aegean Sea. Regarding pirates and other matters, our city of Knossos must of course have more exchanges with the city of Athens. The purpose of my visit today is to observe the situation in your city of Athens, and to invite you Athenians to participate in the spring plowing in our city of Knossos Festival."

"Spring plowing?"

After Philomela couldn't help being surprised, Procne immediately whispered.

"Philomela, you forgot that the Phoenician merchants said that the crops in Crete can be harvested twice a year, so the Cretans will sow in spring."

Philomela nodded and said.

"I remembered that those Phoenician merchants also said that in the further south of Egypt, some fertile land is cropped three times a year, so the people there will not worry about food. The crops of our Attica peninsula They are all harvested once a year, if we can also harvest twice or even three times a year, we don’t need to exchange olive oil for food.”

Roy frowned and asked Deucalion.

"Prince Deucalion! You invited us Athenians to participate in the spring plowing ceremony in Knossos, do you want my father-in-law, the leader of Pandion, to go to Knossos in person?"

Deucalion shook his head and said.

"Tribal leaders or city-state kings who leave their territory will risk being taken away by others or invaded by foreign enemies, so we will not ask tribal leaders or city-state kings to come to Knossos to participate in the spring plowing ceremony in person. Tribal leaders Or the family of the king of the city-state, can come to Knossos on their behalf."

Hearing Deucalion's answer, Roy immediately said with a smile.

"Prince Deucalion! If you ask my father-in-law Pandion to go to Knossos in person, I can only refuse your invitation. Since the family can go to Knossos on behalf of the tribal leaders and city-state kings, I represent the city of Athens." Accept your invitation."

"Priest Roy! Do you want to represent Chief Pandion to participate in our Spring Plowing Ceremony?"

"Because I want to buy food and other supplies from Knossos City, I will go to Knossos City myself."

As soon as Roy finished speaking, the two maids brought the freshly cooked barbecue to the stone table.

"It smells delicious! Prince Deucalion, please taste how our Athenian calf tastes like roasted meat."

Under Roy's greeting, Deucalion feasted unceremoniously.

Because Roy wanted to embrace Procne and Philomela to declare his sovereignty, Procne and Philomela served Roy like maids, feeding Roy with barbecue, wine, fruit, and white bread.

After drinking and eating, Deucalion looked at the burning candles on the stone table with some drunkenness and said.

"Priest Loi! This kind of candle is really good. Can you tell me how to make it? I can give you [-] catties of grain in exchange for how to make candles."

If Deucalion asked for a method of making paper or cement, Roy would not hesitate to refuse.

Deucalion wanted the method of making candles, and Roy nodded after hesitating for a moment.

"Yes! I will teach you how to make candles tomorrow."

The candle invented by Lowy is made of animal fat. This kind of candle cannot be mass-produced and sold as a commodity, because ordinary people cannot afford candles.

Those who could afford candles had other means of lighting the night, so they did not pay high prices for candles.

The risks and benefits of transporting candles to the city of Knossos thousands of miles away for sale are completely out of proportion.

Best of all, the method of making candles is easy to hack.

As long as Lowy sold a few candle samples, others could make their own.

So Deucalion wanted to exchange [-] catties of grain for the method of making candles, but Roy did not refuse.

"Priest Loy, you are such a good friend."

Deucalion had only asked tentatively, but Roy actually accepted his proposal.

After standing up unsteadily, Deucalion smiled ambiguously.

"As your friend, I can't delay your enjoyment of the wonderful night life, you can arrange me to rest in the guest room!"

"Prince Deucalion, let me arrange for you two young and beautiful maids to serve you!"

"no, I'm fine!"

Deucalion refused without hesitation.

"I love my beautiful fiancee Princess Pandora deeply, so I won't touch other women before I get married."

After Roy asked the two maids to take Deucalion to the guest room to rest, Procne said anxiously in Roy's arms.

"Brother Roy, are you going back tonight?"

Roy smiled and shook his head.

"Silly girl! Since I put Deucalion in the guest room, of course I will stay to protect you two and mother-in-law."

Philomela asked curiously.

"Brother Roy, which room do you want to sleep in? Are we going to put you in the guest room, or let you sleep in brother Erechtheus' room?"

Roy leaned closer to Philomela's ear and said.

"I want to sleep with you two in your boudoir."

(End of this chapter)

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