I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 132 The Moon Goddess of Crete

Chapter 132 The Moon Goddess of Crete

Donia is the second largest city-state in Crete.

Although the ranking is second only to Knossos City, the strength of Donia City is far from Knossos City.

Because the western area of ​​Crete ruled by Donia is as barren as the Attica peninsula, it must be traded with olive oil and wine to make up for the lack of food.

Of course, the strength and wealth of Knossos City has nothing to do with whether the territory of Knossos City is poor or rich.

The powerful root of the city of Knossos is that the city became a trading hub in the Eastern Mediterranean.

As the second largest city-state in Crete, Donia City will have a huge gap with Knossos City, because Knossos City has been suppressing Donia City, preventing Donia City from competing with Knossos City. The city of Knossos vie for the status of a trading hub.

Although the strength of Donia City cannot be compared with that of Knossos, Donia City is also a powerful and wealthy medium-sized city-state, so Pandora, the princess of Donia City, can become Deucalion's fiancée—Knossos The future queen of Sous City.

After Deucalion introduced the identities of the two parties, Pandora looked at Roy and Procne blankly, like a goddess who disdains to communicate with humans.

Seeing that Knossos and Donia are stronger than Athens, Roy took the initiative to speak to Pandora.

"Beautiful Princess Pandora, I'm Roy, the priest of Athens City, very glad to meet you."

Procne continued.

"Princess Pandora, I am Procne, brother Roy's fiancée."

After listening to Procne's self-introduction, Pandora asked blankly.

"Why are you wearing a veil?"

Procne froze for a moment, then touched the veil with his hand and said.

"I wear a veil to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to brother Roy."

Pandora immediately teased with a playful smile.

"Don't your men have the ability to solve troubles?"

This question immediately stumped Procne.

Of course she cannot say that her future husband is not capable enough.

Seeing that Procne could not answer herself, Pandora immediately walked to Procne, stretched out her hand and took off her veil and said.

"Since you trust your man to protect you, don't wear a veil. It's so hot in Crete that wearing a veil will definitely make you uncomfortable."

Seeing this scene, Roy looked at Deucalion with questioning eyes.

Deucalion explained with a wry smile.

"My fiancée, Pandora, is different from ordinary people. She is not only the princess of Donia, but also the incarnation of the patron saint of Donia, Moon Goddess, so her personality is somewhat different from ours."

"Is she the goddess of the moon?"

Knowing Pandora's other identity, Roy's eyes widened in shock.

Pandora, the goddess of the moon——

The moon goddess of Crete --

These two pieces of information reminded Roy of an ancient legend from another world.

In ancient legends, there was a Minos [Tauren] named Deucalion who ruled the city of Knossos, and his wife was named Pyrrha.

Pandora - Pyra!
These two similar-sounding names most likely belong to the same person.

The Queen of Minos, King of Knossos, is also known as the Moon Goddess of Crete.

In the past, Roy had never understood that the moon goddess in Greek mythology lived in the Colchis region on the east coast of the Black Sea.

In the era of more than 3000 years ago, because of the underdeveloped navigation technology, the city of Knossos and the Colchis area would not have any intersection at all. Why did the goddess of the moon on the east coast of the Black Sea become the queen of Knossos in Crete? .

Only now did Roy understand that Queen Knossos, known as the Moon Goddess of Crete, was actually the Moon Goddess of Crete.

Because there can only be one moon goddess in Greek mythology, those who fabricate Greek mythology use the moon godhead as a medium to let the incarnation of the moon goddess on the east coast of the Black Sea replace the moon goddess of Crete and become King Mino of Knossos. Adams' wife.

"The queen of Minos, the king of Knossos, is the moon goddess of Crete! Deucalion is the next Minos [Tauren] of Knossos, and Pandora, as his fiancée, is the future Queen Knossos. Then it is indeed possible that Pandora is the legendary moon goddess of Crete."

Thinking of this, Roy said to Deucalion with some doubts.

"Prince Deucalion, Princess Pandora is the incarnation of the moon goddess—is she not a deified human princess, but a real goddess?"

Deucalion nodded, then whispered in Roy's ear.

"Hundreds of years ago, the city of Donia once fought a war with our city of Knossos for the supremacy of Crete. Europa, the guardian goddess of Knossos, also fought with the city of Donia. The moon goddess Pandora broke out a war of gods. The final result of the war of gods was that the great goddess Europa completely defeated the goddess Pandora, and the defeated goddess Pandora fell into a long sleep. Now the goddess Pandora, who has been sleeping for hundreds of years, has recovered Injury, so her soul was reincarnated as Princess Pandora, to make final preparations for the awakening of the goddess Pandora. The city of Donia has a rivalry with our city of Knossos. Princess Pandora can become my fiancee because of her It is the reincarnation of the soul of the goddess Pandora."

After listening to Deucalion's explanation, Roy blinked and said.

"It's really okay to tell me such an important thing?"

"It's no secret."

Deucalion couldn't help laughing.

"If it's a really important secret, of course I won't tell you."

Roy rolled his eyes at Deucalion pretending to be dissatisfied, and then asked curiously.

"Prince Deucalion! Procne and I have come to the palace to meet your father, King Minos. Does your father agree to see us?"

"My father doesn't know about you yet."

Deucalion said with an embarrassed smile.

"I will first arrange for you and Princess Procne to stay in the guest room of the palace. After I tell my father about your affairs and he is willing to see you, I will take you to meet my father, King Minos."

Then, Deucalion looked at Pandora and Procne and said.

"Dear Pandora! Princess Procne! Now I will take you to the palace guest room and arrange for you to stay."

After speaking, Deucalion dragged Roy into the palace.

Pandora also pulled Procne to follow behind them.

Holding hands intimately with Pandora who met for the first time, Procne asked a little shyly.

"Princess Pandora, do you like me and want to be friends with me?"


Pandora said expressionlessly.

"I did this to you because you are a girl like me. During the time we lived in Knossos, we could be each other's playmates."

Procne said even more puzzled.

"Although I don't mind being Princess Pandora's playmate, and even want to be your friend, don't you want to be with your fiancé, Prince Deucalion? To be with Brother Roy, it's like a real couple."

(End of this chapter)

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