I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 136 Tell Pandora a Story

Chapter 136 Tell Pandora a Story
Roy just told the beginning of the story, and Procne fell asleep unconsciously.


Roy tried to call softly, and confirmed that Procne was in a deep sleep, so Roy got up from the bed and left, and went to the corridor outside the room.

A corridor blown by the night wind.

An oil lamp burning olive oil is shining in a sheltered corner.

Roy glanced at Pandora's room, then turned and walked towards the corridor.

But as soon as Roy raised his right foot, his body suddenly stood still as if petrified.

Because Roy saw Pandora standing in the corridor, letting the moonlight shine all over her body, letting the night wind blow her skirt, revealing her fair and beautiful ankles wearing golden strappy sandals.

As if Pandora hadn't noticed Roy, she raised her beautiful left arm like no one else.


With the sound of flapping wings, an owl flew from the night sky and landed on Pandora's raised left wrist.

Seeing that the owl was like a domesticated pet, carefully stopping on Pandora's left wrist to avoid hurting Pandora with its claws, Roy finally couldn't help but said.

"Is this your pet?"


Hearing Pandora's answer, Roy's eyes widened in shock.

Could it be that this ability to tame owls is the special power that Pandora possesses as the incarnation of the Moon Goddess——

Is she really the incarnation of the moon goddess?
After recovering, Roy said in a daze.

"Princess Pandora! It's already late at night, can't you fall asleep?"

Pandora replied with a playful smile.

"As the embodiment of the goddess of the moon, I should be like this owl - I am most active at night."

"Are you really the reincarnation of Pandora, the moon goddess of Crete?"

Hearing the trembling in Roy's voice, Pandora turned around and looked at Roy and said.

"Is it important to you whether I am the reincarnation of the moon goddess Pandora's soul?"

Roy nodded.

"If you are really the incarnation of the Moon Goddess, I want you to tell me how you, as a human being, can transform back into a Goddess."

"Why do you want to explore the secrets of the gods, do you also want to be a god?"

"I do want to be a god! I am not the only human being who wants to be a god in this era."

"Other humans want to be hero gods, so they won't explore the secrets of gods. You want to explore the secrets of gods to prove that you don't want to be hero gods."

Having been seen through by Pandora, Roy frowned and said.

"Princess Pandora! I'm just curious about the secrets of the gods. If you don't want to tell me, then I'll go back to my room and sleep."

"I can tell you, but you have to finish the story just now."


"I heard the story you told Procne just now."

Pandora said with a smile.

"As the incarnation of the Moon Goddess, it's normal for me to be able to hear your chats outside!"

"That's not an interesting story! Since you want to hear it, I'll tell you the story I haven't told Procne! The Pharaoh Kamose of the Southern Egyptians began under the protection of the sun god Amon Attacked and occupied northern Egypt—after the nomads from the Phoenician region, one of the Phoenician nomads—now we call the Mycenaeans, in the Mycenaean king Akrisi Under the leadership of Russia, they migrated from northern Egypt to Crete. In Crete, Zeus, the patron saint of the Mycenaeans, absorbed the concept of the goddess Europa as the goddess of the bull, and had the image of Zeus the bull. The Mycenaeans began to claim that the goddess Europa was the wife of Zeus, and Minos, the king of Knossos, had the authority over the Aegean Sea as the son of Zeus. The Mycenaeans believed that Minos was the son of Zeus. A gift to Minos. But to Minos, the Mycenaeans were not only humiliating the king of Knossos, but also blaspheming the patron goddess of Knossos, so Minos expelled The Mycenaeans, the Mycenaeans were forced to migrate to the Argos region of the Peloponnese.”

After Roy paused, Pandora couldn't help laughing.

"It turns out that the story you told is the history that happened in the past."

Seeing Pandora's coquettish smile, Roy said with eyes widened in surprise.

"Princess Pandora, you look so pretty when you smile. Why do you always look expressionless when Deucalion is around?"

"This has nothing to do with you, continue to tell your historical story!"

"The Mycenaeans were banished by the king of Knossos, of whom they, of course, were full of hatred, and began to belittle the goddess Europa and the royal family of Knossos in the myths they invented for Zeus. In Myth In the myths fabricated by the Neilians for Zeus, the goddess Europa is just a human princess. Because she became the human wife of Zeus, the goddess Europa can become the goddess of eternal life. The king and queen of Knossos, as priests and priestesses, are also male tauren wearing horns In their mythology, the Mycenaeans made up the story of Minos offending Poseidon, the sea god. In order to punish Minos, Poseidon asked Minos' queen to disguise herself as a cow, and followed A bull gave birth to a minotaur who lived in a labyrinth."

After hearing Roy's story, Pandora blinked suspiciously and said.

"The Minotaur who dwelt in the labyrinth—Minos [the tauren] who dwelt in the labyrinthine palace. A Mycenaean myth that suggested that the Minoan queen gave birth to the future king. And the queen disguised as a cow is implying that the queen is a female tauren with horns on her head. The bull that gave birth to the queen with the queen is obviously implying Minos, a male tauren with horns on her head. Mycenaean mythology , it doesn’t look like you maliciously belittled the royal family of Knossos!”

Women really have long hair but short knowledge, even the incarnation of a goddess is no exception.

"Princess Pandora! Those of us who live in the present, of course know that the king of Knossos is a male tauren with horns [Minos], and the queen is a female tauren with horns. The tauren born to the king and queen Minotaur is the next king of Knossos. But 1000 years later, 2000 years later, 3000 years later, it is difficult to understand the current situation. If the myths fabricated by the Mycenaeans spread thousands of years later, Thousands of years later, people may really take the myths fabricated by the Mycenaeans seriously. They think that there are tauren living in the palace of Knossos, and that the queen of Minos gave birth to a half-human half-bull with a bull. monster."


After Roy finished speaking seriously, Pandora immediately smiled coquettishly.

"You are so interesting! We live in the present, why should we care that people in thousands of years will take the myths made by the Mycenaeans seriously?"

"You are Deucalion's fiancée, the next Queen of Minos [Tauren] Deucalion. Don't you care that you become the queen who gave birth to a monster with a bull in Mycenaean mythology?"

"Well—who can tell what will happen in the future, Deucalion's queen may not be me."

"Then tell me quickly, how do you turn back into a goddess?"

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