I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 148 Participating in a real battle

Chapter 148 Participating in a Real War
Corinth Region - This region dominated by the Isthmus of Corinth lies in the northeast of the Peloponnese Peninsula.

The Isthmus of Corinth is not only the only connection between the Peloponnese Peninsula and the Europa continent, but also separates the Gulf of Corinth from the Aegean Sea.

Ships in the North Aegean Sea can only spend a little more time circumnavigating the Peloponnese Peninsula if they want to enter the Ionian Sea and the Western Mediterranean Sea.

About 4000 years ago, the indigenous Thebes gestated the Thebes civilization, which worshiped the goddess of the earth, Mnemosyne, and at the same time, the Corinthian civilization, which worshiped the goddess of the sea, Amphitrite, also gestated in the Corinth region.

At the same time, the Attica Peninsula did not breed Athens civilization because of the poor land and sparse population.

As sea merchants, including Phoenician merchants, brought food to exchange commodities such as olive oil from the Attica Peninsula, the population of the Attica Peninsula increased rapidly, and the Athenian civilization that worshiped the goddess Metis was brewed.

Because the goddess Metis was born later than the earth goddess Mnemosyne and the sea goddess Amphitrite, the goddess Metis was greatly influenced by these two goddesses.

It can even be said that the goddess Metis is a new god born from the concepts of the earth goddess Mnemosyne and the sea goddess Amphitrite.

Therefore, both the Thebes region and the Athens region have traces left by the creation myth of the goddess of the earth. It is believed that human beings are like plants, growing out of the soil.

The Dorians, a nomadic people in the northern Thessaly area, spread the myth of making humans out of soil, believing that humans were created by their ancestor god Hieron [Prometheus].

Later, the Dorians conquered the Peloponnese Peninsula and established their hegemony. The myth that the ancestor god Hieron [Prometheus] of the Dorians made people out of soil replaced the creation of the earth goddess of the aborigines, and humans grew out of the soil. The myth that grew out.

Crete also has a creation myth that the goddess Europa created man.

However, in the creation myth of the goddess Europa, human beings neither grow out of the soil, nor are they made by the goddess Europa, but Minos, the priest of the goddess Europa, and his wife throw stones behind them, and then the stones Turned into a human by the divine power of the goddess Europa.

When the hegemony of the Dorians stopped in the Peloponnese Peninsula, those who fabricated myths immediately overthrew the myth that the ancestor god Hieron [Prometheus] of the Dorians fabricated man from earth, and let Deucalion [Mino The myth that Si and his wife Pyrrha [Pandora] made man out of stone replaced the myth that Hieron [Prometheus] made man.

The Corinth region where the Corinthians live is bounded by the Gulf of Corinth leading to the Ionian Sea to the north and the Aegean Sea to the south.

This not only gave the Corinthians the foundation to develop into a maritime power, but also allowed the Corinthians to have fertile and rich land to develop agriculture and animal husbandry.

It is a pity that there are no copper mines in the Corinthian area, so although the Corinthians have a population sufficient to fight against the Mycenaeans, they do not have bronze weapons that can fight against the Mycenaeans.

This is why the Mycenaeans dared to wage war on the ancient and powerful city of Corinth.

If the Corinthians had a sufficient number of bronze weapons, no matter how crazy the Mycenaean king Acrisius was, he would not attack the city of Corinth with Mycenaean soldiers.

The Mycenaeans migrated to the Peloponnese Peninsula as a foreign ethnic group. They were able to conquer the Argos region like a bamboo shoot because the indigenous Greeks were not only backward in civilization, but also seriously lacked bronze weapons.

The Mycenaeans who used bronze weapons fought against the native Greeks, which was like a dimensionality reduction strike against the natives.

So in another world's old legend, the Mycenaeans conquered the entire Peloponnese.

When the Dorians invaded the Peloponnese, they destroyed the Kingdom of Mycenaeans and inherited the hegemony of the Mycenaeans to control the Peloponnese.

Port of Piraeus.

At this time Lowe was leading 350 soldiers aboard ten large ships.

Procne, Philomela, Chione, and Pandora, who wore veils to hide their faces, came to the port to see Roy off under the protection of fifty personal guards.

After all the soldiers boarded the boat, Roy came to the girls and said.

"Now I'm leaving, you guys hurry back to the Acropolis of Athens. Procne! Chione! You have to keep an eye on Pandora and don't let her reveal her identity. If it is revealed that Pandora is hiding in Athens, the city of Knossos will definitely War will be waged against the city of Athens."

Roy didn't let him take care of Pandora, Philomela said with a puffed face in displeasure.

"Brother Luoy, do you treat me like a child, that's why you can't trust me?"

Roy immediately pressed his left hand on Philomela's small head, and smiled and comforted him while stroking his head.

"I think sister Ni and Keone are enough. If you want to help take care of Pandora, of course I have no objection."

"Hee hee... that's about the same."

After Philomela cheered up, Procne said worriedly.

"Brother Roy, my father said that a great battle involving thousands of people is taking place in Corinth. This war must be very dangerous. Why do you have to participate in such a dangerous war when we just returned to Athens from Knossos? ?”

"Procne! It's not that I want to participate in the war, but that I have to participate in this war."

Roy explained with a solemn expression.

"If I don't intervene in this war, the Mycenaeans will conquer the Corinthians. After the Mycenaeans recuperate, they will take the Corinthians to attack us through the Isthmus of Corinth. Now that I assist the city of Corinth, I can Avoid a massive Mycenaean invasion of Athens."

"I know……"

tick tick-

tick tick-

Procne said while wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"But every time you participate in a war, I will always worry that you will encounter a stronger enemy on the battlefield."

Seeing the tears gushing from Procne's beautiful big eyes, Roy could only turn around cruelly and said.

"As long as you pray sincerely to Goddess Metis, I will surely return victorious."

After speaking, Roy boarded the flagship without looking back.

Standing on the deck of the flagship, hearing Procne's crying louder and louder, Roy ordered in an irritable mood.

"start sailing!"

Following Roy's order, the sailors hoisted the sails and rowed the oars with all their strength, allowing the big ship to gradually accelerate out of the port of Piraeus.

Watching Roy's fleet gradually go away, Philomela comforted Procne.

"Sister, don't cry anymore. If you cry again, I won't be able to help crying anymore. Brother Luo Yi can return victorious every time he participates in a war. We don't need to worry about the safety of Brother Luo Yi at all."

Kayone continued.

"Princess Procne, let's follow Roy's words and return to the Acropolis!"

After speaking, Kaone widened her eyes in shock and found that Pandora who was standing with her had disappeared.

"There are fifty guard soldiers around us. Pandora can suddenly disappear—does she have the ability to be invisible?"

After recovering from the shock, Kaone immediately spoke to Procne and Philomela.

"The two princesses, Princess Pandora has disappeared."

Seeing that there was really no Pandora around, Procne immediately stopped crying.

(End of this chapter)

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