I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 180 Yubia Island 5 Reinforcements

Chapter 180
After Taurus trotted to Roy, Roy stretched out his right hand and patted Taurus on the shoulder and said.

"You are not dreaming, now I really come to visit you."

Confirm that I am really not dreaming, Taurus said excitedly.

"Priest Loi, since you placed us here, we have been doing our best to complete the tasks you entrusted to us. Now we have not only manufactured more than 1000 bronze war spears for you, but also fifty large warships for you .”

"I have seen the fifty large warships you mentioned in the port of Ocaria."

Roy said gratefully.

"Taurus! Whether it's the bronze spears you made, or the fifty large warships you made, they are of great help to me in defeating the enemy. Now if you are dissatisfied with your life, as long as you bring it up, I will definitely I will do my best to satisfy you.”

Taurus hesitated for a moment, and summoned up his courage to say.

"Priest Loi, we have lost our homeland in our hometown of Phoenicia. Now we not only have shelter here, but also enjoy the comfort of food and clothing. We are very satisfied with our current life. If Priest Loi can let We have our own wives, and we are willing to smelt bronze and build big ships for you for the rest of our lives."

"Your request is not too much, I can also meet your request, so that each of you can have your own wife."

Roy said with a serious expression.

"But before I fulfill your demands, I need you to fight for me as soldiers, because the city of Athens I rule is about to break out with the city of Knossos. After this war is over, I will arrange for unmarried soldiers to fight against the city of Athens. Unmarried women and widows can go on a blind date, and you can find a wife you like in this blind date. This war is very important to me, so if I win this war, I will let you have a wife and children who can support you rewards, and you will not be recruited to fight in the future.”

Jin Niu and others did not follow Cadmus to become pirates, which proves that these Phoenicians want to live a stable life more than living a life of blood licking.

Now that they have lived a peaceful and stable life, they definitely want to stay away from the cruel fighting on the battlefield.

After all, the battlefield not only takes the life of the enemy, but also takes their own life.

It's a pity that they still lack the most important other half in their current life.

Taurus hesitated for a moment, then frowned and said to Roy.

"Our current life is given by you. If you lose to the enemy, we will also lose our current stable life, so we are willing to fight for you."

Hearing Taurus' answer, Roy smiled with satisfaction.

"You start to prepare now. After five days, you will take a boat to the city of Athens. During these five days, you try to make bronze war spears as much as possible. The more bronze war spears you make, the greater our hope of defeating the enemy. .”

Taurus nodded, and then he seemed to think of something suddenly, and took out a thumb-sized dark red ore from his body and said.

"Priest Loi, when we excavated copper ore, we found an ore that was harder than copper ore. Our blast furnace can melt copper ore into copper water, but it cannot melt this ore."

Looking at the ore in Taurus' hands, Roy said with a surprised expression.

"Taurus, the ore in your hand is iron ore. You cannot melt iron ore in the blast furnace used to smelt bronze, because the melting temperature of iron ore is higher than that of copper ore. After our war with Knossos is over, , I will teach you how to make charcoal, and maybe you can use charcoal as fuel to melt iron ore, and then make iron utensils harder than bronze utensils."

Ironware has extraordinary significance in this era.

More than 400 years later, the nomadic Dorians were able to conquer the Peloponnese peninsula and establish the era of Dorian hegemony because of the use of iron weapons.

The nomadic Thracians in the north of the Dorians also used iron weapons to invade the Asia Minor peninsula and establish the powerful Phrygian kingdom for a while.

If Roy's soldiers use iron weapons 400 years in advance, they can carry out dimension reduction strikes on any area in this era.

Moreover, the use of iron to make various agricultural tools can also increase food production, allowing the Kingdom of Athens to achieve self-sufficiency in food production.

Even in the barren Attica Peninsula, the food produced during the Iron Age could feed more than [-] people.

In addition to the fertile Thebes area and Eubia Island, as long as iron farm tools are commonly used in the Kingdom of Athens, the grain produced by itself is enough to feed 50 people.

After recovering, Roy said to Melanius.

"Governor Melanius! Now that I have told Taurus what I should say, take me to your Ocaria tribe as a guest!"

"Your Majesty Roy, do you need me to let all the people come out to greet you?"

"Of course not! I only come here once in a while. There is no need for everyone to mobilize everyone for me."

On the way to the Ocarian tribe with Roy and Iole, Melanius thought that there were many fishermen in the Ocarian tribe, so Roy told Melanius.

"Governor of Melanius! I hope that your Ocarian tribe can send some soldiers who have been sailors to participate in the war between Athens and Knossos."

Hearing Roy's request, Melanius said with an embarrassed expression.

"Our Occarian tribe has a small population, so I can only send 250 soldiers."

"Your 250 Ocarian soldiers plus my 250 Phoenician followers, the reinforcements from the island of Eubia are 500 people, plus a thousand soldiers from the Thebes area, now I have Fifteen hundred reinforcements. As long as the city of Corinth gives me another five hundred soldiers as reinforcements, I can have an army of three thousand armed with bronze weapons to deal with the city of Knossos."

Marathon region in the northeastern part of the Attica peninsula.

Now the ruler here is no longer the leader of the Marathon tribe, but Pandion who recently led [-] soldiers with bronze spears to conquer the Marathon tribe.

When Roy was a guest in the Ocaria tribe, Pandion met the messenger from Athens.

After hearing the purpose of the envoy's visit, Pandion said disappointedly.

"Your master is as short-sighted as a mouse! Now the city of Athens is about to break out with the city of Knossos. As long as Athens defeats the city of Knossos, it will have a chance to become the new overlord of the Aegean Sea. Your master actually wants me to Use this battle to regain the throne. Although I have a lot of dissatisfaction with Roy, he is my son-in-law after all, and my grandson will be the future king of Athens. How can I create chaos at this time and let the city of Athens lose Abandon this vital war."

If it was in the ancient East, because daughters and grandchildren were not considered heirs, even if they wanted to destroy the future of the city of Athens, they couldn't take advantage of Roy, an outsider.

But in the West, because his daughter and grandson are also heirs, Pandion was not bewitched by the messenger.

Lavrio region in the south of the Attica peninsula.

Erechtheus, who ruled over the Lavrio tribe, also saw a messenger from the city of Athens.

After hearing the messenger's intention, Erechtheus said to the messenger expressionlessly.

"Your master underestimates me too much! Although I want to destroy the Athens city that belongs to Roy, I cannot destroy the Athens city of my future nephew. In the war between Athens and Knossos, I will not go to Help Roy, but I will not help the enemies of Athens."

(End of this chapter)

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