I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 183 I Know a Little About Playing Public Opinion 12

Chapter 183 I Know a Little About Playing Public Opinion

Waging a war over a woman—

Let alone reality, even strict myths dare not fabricate such an absurd plot.

In the fairy tales used as children's books, the king was robbed of his daughter, and he only recruited warriors to fight against the dragon, instead of summoning soldiers from all over the country to declare war on the dragon.

In the mythology of another world, before the Greek coalition forces launched the Trojan War, they stayed in the port of Oris in the south of Eubia Island for several months. The realistic logic behind it was that the Greek coalition forces did not want to start a war for a woman.

Later, the commander-in-chief Agamemnon sacrificed his eldest daughter Iphigenia, which made the Greek coalition forces have no way out.

After Agamemnon sacrificed his eldest daughter Iphigenia, if he wanted to withdraw from the Trojan War, he would become Agamemnon's enemy, so the Greek allied forces could only follow Agamemnon to Troy.

Even if the Trojan War is regarded in mythology as a war waged by women, it is not a war waged by one woman, but a war waged by two women.

The square under the Acropolis Hill.

Seeing that no one responded to his question, Roy at the top of the altar continued.

"Even if Deucalion is really dazzled by love, he has no right to wage war on the city of Athens. Because the ruler of Knossos is not Deucalion, but Deucalion's father King Minos. Do you think that King Minos, the overlord of the Aegean Sea, is very stupid to launch a war against our city of Athens for a woman? The current city of Athens is no longer the weak Athens tribe in the past. We have a miraculously strong city wall to guard If the Knossos wanted to conquer Athens, they would have to sacrifice at least a thousand people."

Roy's words made sense, so that all the men around the square couldn't think of a reason to refute.

Someone in the crowd couldn't help but say.

"If it wasn't for women, why would the city of Knossos wage war against our city of Athens?"

"I have summoned you before me now to tell you the reason why the war broke out between Athens and Knossos."

Roy looked at the thousands of Athenian men around the square with a serious expression and said.

"Knossos is the most powerful city-state in the Aegean Sea, and it is also the richest city-state in the Aegean Sea. The reason why Knossos can maintain its current strength and prosperity is because Knossos conquered the surrounding city-states by force. Let the surrounding city-states become vassals of the city of Knossos. With the rapid increase in the strength of our city of Athens, our city of Athens began to pose a threat to the hegemony of the city of Knossos, because I have already represented the city of Athens and refused to become Knossos The vassal of Knossos. The real reason why Knossos waged war against Athens was not because of a woman, but because the strength of Athens threatened Knossos and refused to submit to Knossos. vassal."

Pausing for a while to let everyone digest this important information, then Roy continued.

"Athens! Are you willing to accept the oppression of Knossos and stop the development of Athens? If you are willing to become a vassal of Knossos, then you can only continue to live a hard life. As long as there is food production reduction Hundreds of thousands of people will starve to death. Even in good weather, many children will die due to malnutrition. But as long as the city of Athens becomes strong and prosperous, each of your families does not need to worry about food , Your children will not die of malnutrition. This war between Athens and Knossos is a fight for the future of Athens, for your food, and for every Athenian child. As long as the city of Athens defeats the city of Knossos, the city of Athens will usher in strength and prosperity. Now tell me, should we defeat the city of Knossos?"

Fighting for the future of the city of Athens——

Ordinary Athenians, of course, do not have such a high awareness.

Fight for your food—

This reason is enough to change the minds of all Athenians.

Fighting for every Athenian child—

This reason is enough to make every Athenian man's blood surge.

"Defeat the city of Knossos!"

As the first person yelled this slogan, shouts like a mountain and a tsunami sounded.

"Defeat the city of Knossos!"

"Defeat the city of Knossos!"

"Defeat the city of Knossos!"

Roy also yelled while the iron was hot.

"People of Athens! Our city of Athens not only has the best walls in the world, but our soldiers also have the best armor and the best weapons in the world, so we will definitely win this war. Now I declare to you that winning this After the first battle, every soldier who participated in the war will be rewarded with white salt worth [-] catties of grain. Every Athenian family will be rewarded with white salt worth [-] catties of grain.”

After Roy finished speaking, there was another roar like a tsunami.

"Long live Roy, King of Athens!"

"Long live Roy, King of Athens!"

"Long live Roy, King of Athens!"

The Royal Palace of Athens.

Roy returned to the palace hall with a winner's smile, and Procne, who came back with Roy, couldn't wait to say with an expression on the verge of tears.

"Brother Luoy, the finances of our city of Athens are really going to collapse. According to the current development, the city of Athens already has a shortage of hundreds of thousands of catties of grain. Just now you promised to reward each soldier with a grain equivalent to one thousand catties White salt, reward every Athenian family with white salt equivalent to one hundred catties of grain. If they ask to replace white salt with grain, the city of Athens will increase another 40 catties of grain shortage. Now the grain shortage in our city of Athens is absolutely It has exceeded 100 million catties."

When Roy became the king of Athens, he handed over the most important finances to Procne, making Procne his housekeeper.

Now the financial pressure of the city of Athens is also all on Procne.

Seeing that the food shortage in Athens was getting bigger and bigger, Procne became the most anxious person in Athens.

"Procne, you really don't have to worry about food."

Roy hugged Procne and comforted him.

"You also know how precious white salt is. As long as we sell white salt at a low price, many grain merchants will send grain to the city of Athens to exchange white salt with us."

"Then how much white salt can we exchange for food at a low price?"

In order to avoid being heard by others, Roy leaned close to Procne's ear and whispered.

"You have to keep it a secret, our white salt is unlimited. Because as long as the seawater is dried, the seawater can be turned into white salt."


Hearing this secret, Procne immediately showed an expression of disbelief.

White salt, which is more precious than olive oil, is actually dried from seawater with almost zero cost.

"Brother Roy, are you comforting me?"

Seeing that Procne still couldn't believe it, Roy couldn't help laughing.

"Silly girl, the person who cares most about the city of Athens is not you, but me! It is because I am the king of Athens that I can let you all be my women. How can I make fun of the future of the city of Athens?"

"That's right!"

After Procne nodded in agreement, Pandora came over and said.

"Honey! I'm very interested in what you're talking about, tell me the secret of White Salt!"

Roy held Pandora's small and cute minibus with his right hand, and then laughed jokingly.

"As long as you can sleep with me tonight, I will tell you the secret of Baiyan."

(End of this chapter)

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