I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 30 I have the technology to sail at night

Chapter 30 I have the technology to sail at night

Port of Piraeus.

Roy and the guard captain Pallas brought fifty teenagers and fifty guard soldiers here, and saw ten cargo ships with a length of about ten meters parked at the artificial pier of the port.

Pandion and Erechtheus guarded the pier with a group of guards, waiting for the arrival of Roy and others.

Roy brought his companions to the pier, and Pandion came to Roy on his own initiative, pointed to the cabin of a cargo ship and said.

"Priest Loi! The olive oil used to exchange for food has been put in the cabin for you. In the past, the Phoenicians brought food to trade with us, and a hundred cans of olive oil can only be exchanged for two thousand catties of food. Now I give You have prepared a hundred cans of olive oil, and I hope you can get at least three thousand catties of grain in Crete.”

"Chief Pandion, in addition to a hundred jars of olive oil in the cabin—"

"In addition to one hundred cans of olive oil, food and water are also prepared for you in the cabin. Even the fifty sets of paper armor worn by your sailors have been placed in the cabin."

After listening to Pandion's words, Roy said with a smile.

"Now that Chief Pandion is fully prepared, we can set off now."

After speaking, Roy took the lead to board the first cargo ship.

Seeing Roy board the ship, fifty teenagers boarded the cargo ship one after another.

Pallas, the captain of the personal guard, exchanged glances with Pandion, and then boarded the cargo ship with fifty personal guard soldiers.

According to the distribution made by Roy in advance, each cargo ship now has five teenagers and five personal guards.

Seeing that everyone had boarded the boat, Roy stood at the bow and shouted loudly.

"Companions! Now you all obey my orders, let's set sail together—set sail!"



After the wind-blown sails were raised, except for Roy and Captain Pallas, ten people on each ship sat next to the oars and rowed the oars, letting the cargo ship sail out at the fastest speed. Port of Piraeus.

Pandion watched the fleet go away with anticipation and worry in his eyes.

After all, this was the first time the Athenians had traded in the high seas.

If it fails, the Athenians can only continue to endure the Phoenicians' low-cost grain in exchange for olive oil.

"Great goddess Metis! We Athenians did not choose the goddess of the earth or the sky, but the goddess of the sea as the patron saint of Athens, because we want to get the future of Athens from the sea. If you don't want to be betrayed by the Athenians , please be sure to make our high seas trade a success."

Driven by sea wind and ocean currents, Roy's fleet sailed quickly like an arrow leaving the string, and soon left the waters of Athens, sailing into the vast sea where the naked eye could not see the land.

Roy stood at the bow and shouted to the sailors of the ten cargo ships.

"Dear companions! I know that you are all worried, but the priest of the goddess Metis is with you. As long as the goddess Metis does not abandon me, the goddess will definitely protect me and all of you by the way."

Bai Yang, who was on the same cargo ship as Roy, said with a smile while paddling.

"The goddess Metis bestowed the wisdom of the gods on the priests of Loi, and let the priests of Loi invent those incredible things. It can be seen how much the goddess Metis loves the priests of Loi. The great goddess Metis will definitely protect the priests of Loi, and then Those of us who are lucky will also receive the protection of Goddess Metis because of Priest Loi."

After Aries finished speaking, everyone showed relaxed smiles.

In fact, whether the goddess Metis will protect Roy, even Roy himself doesn't know.

But in order to make everyone feel at ease, Roy had to force himself to believe that the goddess Metis would protect herself, and everyone else by the way.

If Roy's lies are not even believed by himself, how can he deceive others.

The young sailors seemed to have inexhaustible power. By the time the sun set, ten cargo ships had sailed more than two hundred miles at sea.

The captain of the personal guard, Pallas, let the cargo ship he was on approach the ship where Roy was, and then said to Roy.

"Master Priest! Night is coming, should we find an island to anchor for the night?"

In this day and age, sailing at night is more dangerous than sailing by day.

Because there is no sun to confirm the direction, it is easier to get lost at sea when sailing at night.

In addition to getting lost, ships sailing at night are also more likely to hit reefs.

Roy looked up at the stars in the sky, and then said to the captain of the guard, Pallas.

"Captain Pallas, we will continue sailing at night."

"But sailing at night is very dangerous."

"It is because sailing at night is very dangerous, so we sail at night."

Roy explained patiently.

"Because sailing at night is very dangerous, we continue to sail at night without worrying about being attacked by pirates. And if we look for an island to anchor, we don't know whether the residents on the island will accept us or attack us. If We have clashed with the residents of the island and caused casualties, so the loss outweighs the gain."


"I know what you are worried about. I have a way to sail at night without losing my way. Now I will send a lantern to each of your ships. Everyone uses the lantern to confirm each other's position. You must follow my flagship closely."

Faced with Roy's tough attitude, the guard captain Pallas could only choose to accept Roy's order.

After all, what Roy said made sense. If you find an island to anchor overnight, you may be attacked by the residents of the island.

After nightfall.

Ten cargo ships sailed slowly on the sea with their lanterns lit.

Roy held a nautical chart and a floating compass, and said to Aries beside him.

"Aries! Including me, it is impossible for everyone to stay up all night. Now I will teach you how to use the nautical chart, compass, and constellations in the night sky to confirm the direction of navigation at night. After you learn it, you will spend the first half of the night I will be in charge of piloting, and you will be in charge of piloting in the second half of the night. Others should also be divided into two groups, one group sleeps in the first half of the night, and the other group sleeps in the second half of the night."

Aries nodded, and then listened carefully to Roy's explanation.

Time flickered to the next morning.

Roy's fleet sailed smoothly through the night without encountering any danger.

This made everyone deepen their trust in Roy, and they no longer feared sailing at night.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening.

Pallas, the captain of the personal guard, came to the boat where Roy was on, lowered his head and said to Roy.

"My lord priest! I hope you can teach me the technique of sailing at night."

"Is this what Chief Pandion told you?"

Captain Pallas shook his head and said.

"The leader doesn't know that you have the technology of night sailing. But the leader told me that if the high sea trade is successful this time, the leader will let me lead the fleet to conduct high sea trade in the future, so I must learn the technology of night sailing. "

Roy does not intend to become a captain in charge of high seas trade.

So Pallas, the captain of the personal guard, wanted to learn how to sail at night, and of course Roy had no reason to refuse.

"Captain Pallas, sailing at night is not difficult, now I will teach you the constellations at night—"

 This is the third update!Because it was recommended by the Internet, it will be updated three times a day this week.

  I hope there will be recommendations next week, so I implore all book lovers to follow up on this book.

  This version cannot support books. To maintain books is to abandon a book to survive.

  Thanks to all the book friends who have been following and voting. For all book friends, I will try my best to present the history and myths of 600 years ago.


(End of this chapter)

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