I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 326 Aeolus and Chiron bow down

Chapter 326 Aeolus and Chiron bow down

In the history of another world, even if the Dorians mastered more advanced iron weapons, they did not develop to the mountains in the west and the Thrace region in the north.

The Dorians chose to go south to conquer the Pilaski and Mycenaeans, apparently because the hope of survival in the south was greater.

Now that historical facts have proved that whether the Dorians flee to the mountains in the west or the Thrace region in the north is a dead end, the only option for the Dorians is to surrender if there are no ships to escape across the sea.

Being killed for surrendering is no worse than being killed after resisting.

Voluntary surrender can also win a chance of life.

After all the soldiers of the Aeolus tribe put down their wooden spears and surrendered, Roy ordered the soldiers to control the captives while thinking about how to treat them.

If the Aeolus tribe resists to the end, Roy can kill all the men of the Aeolus tribe just like the Atamas tribe.

Now that the Aeolus tribe surrendered, it made it difficult for Roy to deal with them.

At this moment, two old Dorians, about 50 years old, were brought to Roy by the soldiers.

Before Roy could speak, the two of them knelt down in front of Roy and said.

"Great King of Athens! I am Aeolus, the leader of the Aeolus tribe. On behalf of the Aeolus tribe, I surrender to you. Please don't hurt my people."

"Great King of Athens! I am Chiron, the high priest who serves the god Hieron. Please forgive us with kindness."

After listening to the self-introduction of the two old Dorians, Roy said with eyes widened in surprise.

"Aeolus, the wind god? Chiron, the star god of Sagittarius?"

The two ancestors of the Dorians, who were regarded as gods in the mythology of another world, were kneeling in front of him now.

The kneeling of the two gods did not make Roy happy.

Roy looked at Aeolus and Chiron expressionlessly and said.

"Why don't you take the whole tribe to resist to the end like the Atamas tribe?"

Aeolus lowered his head and said.

"Because the Atamas tribe and the Ferris tribe have proved to us that you will kill all the men who resist in the end, and you may survive if you choose to surrender."

"So you chose to surrender to me just to survive—"

Roy said helplessly.

"To be honest, you have all surrendered, and I don't have the heart to kill you all. But you Aeolus tribe, like the Atamas tribe, have committed the crime of harming the Pilaski people. As a punishment for you Punishment, I will degrade all the men of the Aeolus tribe into miners, and you must dig iron mines for me in the Otis area for five years. If you cannot accept this punishment, then pick up the sticks again—take them again Resist with wooden spears."

Although Aeolus and Chiron couldn't understand Roy's words, they also understood that Roy wanted them to be slaves.

Fortunately, Lowe only required them to work as slaves for five years.

Chiron said with a happy smile.

"King of Athens, we are willing to accept your punishment and serve you as miners for five years."

"You are not only going to be miners!"

Seeing that Aeolus and Chiron were willing to accept becoming miners, Roy said in a cold voice with no expression on his face.

"I will also abolish the barbaric and backward culture of your Dorians, and forbid you to worship your ancestor Helen as a god."

Abolish Dorian culture?
Worship of Patriarch Hieron Forbidden?

Facing this unacceptable punishment, Aeolus and Chiron trembled with anger.

But in order to survive, they can only keep silent, saying that they are willing to accept the punishment given by Roy.

Seeing that Aeolus and Chiron were still unwilling to resist, Roy continued.

"I will also take away all unmarried Dorian girls and Doric girls over five years old, so that they can receive a correct education in the city of Athens."

Aeolus couldn't bear it anymore, raised his head and stared at Roy and said.

"Please kill me and use my life to appease your hatred."

Chiron continued.

"As long as you are willing to treat the clansmen with tolerance, I am also willing to sacrifice my life to you."

"Why should I kill you?"

Roy said with a playful smile.

"You are precious mine slaves. I still count on you to mine iron ore for me, so I will never kill you. If you are not satisfied with my punishment, then use your life to resist me!"

Faced with the choice between life and death, Aeolus and Chiron had already chosen to survive, and they naturally would not resist Roy.

Under Loy's orders, the Aeolian tribes were divided into three groups.

The men of the Aeolus tribe over the age of five were all bound with ropes, and they were going to the Otis region to become iron ore slaves.

This group is about 5000 people.

The unmarried girls of the Aeolus tribe who are over five years old are all ready to go to Athens to receive a civilized education.

This group is about 3000 people.

Married women of the Aiolus tribe and children under the age of five can stay in the city of Aiolkas to continue their lives.

This group is about 4000 people.

After nightfall.

In the palace of the city of Iolkas.

Roy couldn't help complaining while enjoying the dinner served by two beautiful blonde girls.

"Atamas and his son Phryxos escaped. Are they going to seek help in the territory of Aeetes, the son of the sun god Helios, like the myths of another world?"

As soon as Roy finished his complaint, a soldier entered the hall and said.

"Your Majesty! An envoy from the Phthia tribe wants to see you."

Of the four major tribes of the Dorians, only the Phthia tribe remained unconquered by Roy.

Eurytion, the leader of Phthia tribe, sent an envoy, and Roy immediately ordered the soldiers to bring the envoy into the hall.

The emissary of Eurytion was a young Dorian nobleman. This young man with golden curly hair entered the hall and said to Roy very respectfully.

"Great King of Athens! Eurytion, our chief, tells you that Atamas has fled to the Thracian lands with his son Phryxos King Aeetes, favored by Lios, seeks refuge. The leader Eurytion also asked me to tell you that we are different tribes from the tribes of Atamas and Aeolus, and the tribe of Phthia wants to live in peace with the Kingdom of Athens .As a symbol of the friendship between the two parties, Chief Eurytion is willing to marry the beautiful Princess Laodamia to you, and give one-third of the territory and wealth as Princess Laodamia’s dowry.”


This name, like Hippodamia, is the name commonly used by barbarian princesses in the myths of another world.

The Dorians are barbarians in the eyes of the Greeks, and it is normal for their princess to be named [Laodamia].

"The sincerity of Chief Eurytion is just to give me one-third of the territory and wealth?"

After hearing what the messenger said, Roy said with a dissatisfied expression.

"If Chief Eurytion is sincere, then let me and him become twin kings, and we will rule the Phthia tribe together as the two chiefs. Go back and tell Eurytion that if he cannot accept my request, I would not be interested in marrying Princess Laodamia."

(End of this chapter)

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