I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 330 Moon and Hunting Goddess Bendis

Chapter 330 Moon and Hunting Goddess Bendis

On the vast grassland.

More than 4000 fighters of the Pelos tribe have all turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

Looking at these corpses, Roy couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

The Pelos tribe, who worshiped Dionysus, the god of wine, had to drink strong wine to become drunk before going to war. It really looked like an ignorant group 500 years later.

That ignorant group shouted "Magic body protection is invulnerable to swords and guns", while using their flesh and blood to fight against the enemy's guns and artillery, and after drinking with the warriors of the Pelos tribe, they used their flesh and blood to fight against the sharp spears of the iron gunmen. There is no difference at all. .

"His Majesty!"

A 500-man commander came to Roy on horseback and said.

"We have discovered the settlement of the Pelos tribe, where there are at least [-] Thracians."

"Leave 500 people to clean up the battlefield, and the rest will follow me to the Pelos tribe."

After issuing his order, Roy quickly left the battlefield with a thousand iron gunmen on horseback, leaving 500 people to gather the enemy's horses and gather the corpses on the battlefield to burn them.

Pelos tribal resident.

Roy came here with a thousand Iron Lancers, and saw that not only was there no defense, but everyone gathered together to drink and revel, celebrating the victory that would surely belong to them.

"The entire Pelos tribe is a tribe of drunkards!"

Looking at the men and women who were drinking and carousing, Roy said with emotion.

"It's no wonder that in recorded history, no tribe or city-state regards Dionysus, the god of wine, as the patron saint. The tribes that worship Dionysus, the god of wine, have long since perished in the long river of history."

In the mythology of another world, the believers of Dionysus, the god of wine, are all women, which is a very interesting thing.

This may imply that followers of Dionysus, the god of wine, are as weak and incompetent as women, unable to protect themselves.

Perhaps it is a hint that men who need to kill enemies on the battlefield will not worship Dionysus at all, and only women who do not need to go to the battlefield will worship Dionysus, the god of wine.

Just when Roy was about to rush into the Pelos tribe with a thousand iron lancers and turn all the drunkards of the Pelos tribe into captives, a 3000-man cavalry team suddenly rushed to the Pelos tribe from the east.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes shaking the ground, Roy turned his head to look in the direction of the sound of horseshoes, and immediately widened his eyes in disbelief.

The sudden appearance of this cavalry team included not only 500 knights with bronze spears, but also thirteen knights headed by wearing golden bronze helmets and bronze armor to protect their bodies.

"Is this another army from the Pelos tribe?"

Seeing the enemy rushing aggressively, Roy immediately ordered the soldiers to dismount and fight.

When the distance between the two armies was only 200 meters, the leader of the enemy army, a knight with a golden belt around his waist, stopped the three thousand army.

Then, under Roy's surprised gaze, the enemy leader dismounted with [-] knights using bronze spears, and rushed towards Roy's army.

"He actually wanted to use five hundred soldiers with bronze spears to defeat a thousand soldiers with sharp iron spears. He thought our iron spears were wooden spears like sticks?"

In order to convince the enemy to lose, Roy also led five hundred iron gunmen to face the enemy.

After the two 500-man teams collided, Roy also fought with the enemy leader wearing a golden belt.

clang clang clang-

After their face-to-face confrontation, Roy found that even though the enemy leader was wearing a helmet, he was still half a head shorter than himself, and his waist was as slender as a girl's.

Although the enemy leader is neither tall nor strong, he has the strength of a demigod hero like Roy.

Finding out that Roy is also a demigod hero, the enemy leader said in a low voice.

"You are King Roy of Athens? So you are a demigod hero, no wonder you dare to invade our territory."

"Are you warriors of the Pelos tribe?"

Roy asked suspiciously.

"Why do you have so many bronze weapons, but Pelos and his more than 4000 fighters who were defeated by me just now don't have a single bronze weapon?"

"Who told you that we are a weak tribe that worships Dionysus?"

The enemy leader said angrily.

"We are an Amazon tribe who worship the moon and the goddess of the hunt."

Because the voice of the enemy leader raised, Roy was surprised to find that the enemy leader turned out to be a girl.

"A tribe of Amazons who worshiped the goddess of the moon and the hunt—"

Roy said while waving an iron gun to attack the enemy leader.

"Since you are not warriors of the Pelos tribe, why are you attacking us?"

"Where do you have so many questions? We still need a reason to attack foreign invaders?"

Although the Pelos tribe and the Amazon tribe belonged to different Thracian tribes, they were all blond and blue-eyed Caucasians, and they were related by distant or close relatives.

The Kingdom of Athens invaded the territory of the Pelos tribe, and the Amazon tribe really did not need to explain the reason for attacking the Kingdom of Athens.

As the battle between Roy and the enemy leader lengthened, Roy quickly confirmed that the strength of the enemy leader was significantly different from his own, and Roy's iron spear was also stronger than the enemy leader's bronze spear weapons.

Even Roy's [-] Iron Spearmen suppressed the [-] Amazon warriors in battle.

The enemy leader also discovered this, and could only beg while fighting Roy.

"Great Goddess Bendis, please grant us victory."

Immediately after the prayers of the enemy leader ended, a full moon appeared in the daytime sky.

Then, a goddess with beautiful silver hair came to the battlefield with a gigantic figure of a thousand meters tall.

Like Artemis, the goddess of hunting, this goddess is the image of a huntress wearing a short skirt hunting suit and carrying a silver bow on her back, but she holds a bronze-like golden spear in her right hand, proving that she is not only a The goddess of the hunt, and also a goddess of war.

Apparently, this silver-haired goddess who possesses three godheads of Moon Goddess, Hunting Goddess, and War Goddess is the goddess Bendis worshiped by the Amazon tribe.

Goddess Bendis looked down at the battlefield with her shining golden eyes, seeing that the leader of the enemy army would obviously lose to Roy, she immediately blew out a burst of divine power and said.

"My beloved daughter, I will not allow you to lose to others."

The divine power blown by the goddess Bendis poured into the leader of the enemy army, and the leader of the enemy army immediately increased his divine power, gradually reversing the battle situation suppressed by Roy.

Roy was about to summon the patron saint of the Kingdom of Athens, and the goddess Mnemosyne came down again on her own initiative to confront the goddess Bendis.

With the arrival of the goddess Mnemosyne, a surge of divine power poured into Roy's body, allowing Roy to suppress the enemy leader again.


Seeing her beloved daughter being suppressed by Roy again, Goddess Bendis glared at Mnemosyne with displeasure and said.

"Do you think you can beat me?"

Mnemosyne raised her black gun and pointed at the goddess Bendis with a smile.

"What a stupid question, can't you see the gap between us?"

The goddess Bendis immediately fell silent.

Although from the perspective of godhead attributes, Goddess Bendis, as the Goddess of War of the sky attribute, should be more powerful than the Earth Mother Goddess of the earth attribute.

But the black spear of Mnemosyne is more powerful than the golden spear of Bendis.

(End of this chapter)

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