I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 365 Mycenae King Perseus

Chapter 365 Mycenae King Perseus

Elis region in the northwestern Peloponnese.

The city of Olympia in the south of the Elis Plain.

The city was originally ruled by Oenomanos, king of Elis, but now the rulers of the city have become Mycenaeans.

After a period of war with the Mycenaeans who used bronze weapons, Oenomanos, king of Elis, finally lost the war and fled to Elis, ruled by his brother Tereus, with some of his followers. city.

Oenomanos would have lost the war, both because his soldiers mostly used wooden or stone weapons, and because the Illyrians in the Iris region, the Ahai region, were nomadic, causing them to population is not large.

Now in order to celebrate the victory of this war, the Mycenaeans are holding a game dedicated to Zeus in the city of Olympia.

Outside Olympia.

While the Mycenaean soldiers were actively participating in various competitive activities, Perseus looked at Acrisios sitting on the altar and made the final decision in his mind.

He wanted to kill Acrisios and become the king of Mycenae leading the Mycenaeans himself.

Perseus wants to replace Acrisius not only because of his ambition, but because he sees a crisis.

When Acrisius led the slow development of the Mycenaeans, Roy was leading the Kingdom of Athens, increasing its territory and population at an incredible rate.

If the Mycenaeans cannot speed up the speed of improving their strength, the Mycenaeans will completely lose their last chance to compete with the Kingdom of Athens for hegemony, and can only wait to be conquered by the Kingdom of Athens.

"The Kingdom of Athens was originally just an Athenian tribe with a population of 5000. After the young Loy ruled the Athenian tribe, the Athenian tribe became the current Athenian kingdom. The Mycenaeans developed so slowly because my grandfather was old. When I was young Becoming the king of Mycenae can also lead the Mycenaeans to develop rapidly, so my actions are correct."

Perseus made up his mind and walked into the arena where the spear was thrown.

The current Perseus is not only the prince of Mycenae, but also a war hero who made great contributions in the war to conquer the Arcadia region and the Elis region.

Seeing Perseus participating in the competition, Mycenaean soldiers began to shout Perseus' name.

"Perseus! Perseus!"

"Perseus! Perseus!"

Amidst the shouts of the Mycenaean soldiers, Perseus threw his bronze spear.

Perseus' spear did not fly towards the target area, but deviated from the target area and flew towards Acrisios on the altar.


With blood spattering, Perseus' spear pierced Acrisios' body.

Seeing this unexpected scene, everyone's eyes widened in shock.


Perseus yelled in self-reproach, and then rushed to Acrisios on the altar as fast as he could.

On the altar dedicated to Zeus.

Acrisius, who was lying in a pool of blood, saw Perseus coming in front of him, he raised his right hand angrily and pointed at Perseus and said.

"Perseus...how dare you...how dare you..."

"Grandfather, don't you see the crisis yet?"

Perseus whispered without guilt.

"I did this for our Mycenaeans! Please rest assured that the Mycenaeans will rise again under my leadership."


Acrisios looked at Perseus excitedly, as if he had a lot to say.

But his life had come to an end, so after a moment of excitement, Acrisius closed his eyes and lost his life.

After the nobles and soldiers of the Mycenaeans came to the bottom of the altar, Perseus looked at the crowd with tears in his eyes and said.

"Grandfather is dead! My grandfather told me just now that he didn't blame me for accidentally killing him, and let me inherit the identity of King of Mycenae."

It was difficult for the nobles and soldiers of the Mycenaeans to accept Perseus's words of fooling everyone as fools.

After all, Perseus was not the heir chosen by Acrisius.

Now that Perseus accidentally kills Acrisios, it is even less likely that Acrisios will hand over his throne to Perseus.

At this moment, Pelops suddenly shouted.

"Long live Perseus, king of Mycenae!"

Under the leadership of Pelops, some Mycenaean soldiers who worshiped Perseus as a war hero followed and shouted.

"Long live Perseus, king of Mycenae!"

"Long live Perseus, king of Mycenae!"

Under the effect of herd mentality, more and more soldiers began to shout, and finally the Mycenaean nobles had to follow suit and shout "Long live Mycenae King Perseus".

When Perseus killed Acrisius and usurped the throne of Mycenae, an army of [-] led by Roy landed at the port of Corfos in Corinth.

At this time, the news of the death of Acrisios, the king of Mycenae, had not yet reached Mycenae. In addition, Roy's army was moving within the Kingdom of Athens, so Roy's army did not cause any disturbance in Mycenae. alertness.

Noon the next day.

The [-]-strong army of the Kingdom of Athens crossed the border and invaded the Argos region. Only then did Acrisios' younger brother Protos realize that the Kingdom of Athens was waging war against the Mycenaeans.

Acrisios, king of Mycenae, summoned [-] troops from the Argos and Arcadia regions in order to conquer the Elis region.

Now there are only [-] defenders in the cities of Mycenae, Tiryns, and Tirens in the Argos region, and only [-] soldiers in the Arcadia region to suppress the Arcadians who may rebel at any time .

Roy came outside the city of Mycenae with an army of [-], and saw only [-] soldiers with bronze spears and [-] soldiers with wooden spears guarding the city.

Just when Roy ordered the siege, Protos stood on the wall of Mycenae and asked loudly.

"Loy, King of Athens! You violated your agreement with my brother, aren't you afraid of being punished by the gods?"

"Stupid Proteus!"

Roy responded with a smile.

"I haven't seen the gods show up to warn me yet, indicating that Acrisios has been killed by Perseus, and my agreement with Acrisios will be invalidated."

Perseus kills Acrisius—

Perseus is the grandson of Acrisios, how could he kill his own grandfather?

In Protos' doubts, Roy's five thousand troops rushed towards the city of Mycenae like a torrent.

When Roy's [-]-strong army began to attack the city, the defenders collapsed immediately, and most of them left the city wall and fled back home.

Because these soldiers were Argives conquered by the Mycenaeans, they did not want to sacrifice their lives for the Mycenaeans.

Protos stayed on the city wall with hundreds of Mycenaean soldiers. Faced with a difference of more than ten times in numbers between the two sides, Protos could only order surrender.

After all, this is a war that is impossible to win, and surrender may still be able to win the enemy's forgiveness.

Seeing the expected victory, Io, Princess of Argos, was so excited that she burst into tears.

"Father... the Mycenaeans have finally been defeated, and the Argives will no longer be enslaved by the Mycenaeans."

(End of this chapter)

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