I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 376 We will get married when the war is over

Chapter 376 We will get married when the war is over

The city of Corinth is located on the west side of the Isthmus of Corinth, with two ports in the north and south.

Of these two ports, the south port faces the Aegean Sea, and the north port faces the Gulf of Corinth.

At this time, the Corinth Canal connecting the Aegean Sea and the Gulf of Corinth was still being excavated. If ships wanted to transfer from the southern port of Corinth City to the northern port, they could only use manpower to carry the ships through the 6000-meter-long Isthmus of Corinth.

When the time entered August, Roy came to Corinth City with three thousand Pylos soldiers and two thousand Spartan soldiers.

The five thousand troops were brought to Corinth City because Roy decided to gather manpower and materials in Corinth City to launch the next war.

The target of the next war is the Apennine Peninsula [Italian Peninsula] across the sea from the Balkan Peninsula.

The Apennine Peninsula [Italian Peninsula] is one of the three major peninsulas in Southern Europe, covering an area of ​​25 square kilometers.

Because the Apennines run through the entire peninsula from the Po River Plain in the north to the central Mediterranean Sea, it is called the Apennines Peninsula.

Roy regards the Apennine Peninsula as the next target of war because the Alps in the north of the Apennine Peninsula and the Velebit Mountains in the east are like two natural fortresses protecting the Apennine Peninsula, preventing the northern nomads from invading the Apennine Peninsula on a large scale .

When Roy conquered the entire Apennine Peninsula, he could use the sparsely populated Apennine Peninsula as the grain-producing area of ​​the Kingdom of Athens without worrying about the threat of the northern nomads.

At the same time, it can also use the location of the Apennine Peninsula to control the central waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

In the history of another world, it was because of the unique location of the Apennine Peninsula that the Roman Empire was able to complete the great feat of dominating the Mediterranean Sea and turning the entire Mediterranean Sea into the inner lake of the Roman Empire.

If it weren't for being the central hub of Mediterranean trade, the Roman Empire would never have had enough wealth to dominate the Mediterranean.

The Carthaginian Empire, which competed with the Roman Empire for hegemony, also developed from the Tunisian region in the central Mediterranean. This is obviously not accidental.

The war between the Roman Empire and the Carthaginian Empire was like competing for the position of the Mediterranean trade center.

In the end, the Roman Empire gained more wealth in the Mediterranean trade, and defeated the Carthaginian Empire three times in the long war of hegemony, making the Carthaginian Empire disappear in history.

While a large number of ships and supplies from the Kingdom of Athens gathered in Corinth, Roy went to Thebes alone.

Thebes city.

A resplendent palace decorated with a large number of gold ornaments.

Upon hearing the news of Roy's arrival, Harmonia took Iole, Heller, Alcetis, and Laodamia out of the palace hall to welcome Roy.

After holding hands with Harmonia and entering the palace hall, Roy sat on the throne with Harmonia in his arms and said with a guilty expression.

"Harmonia! I was going to marry you this month, but now I want to start a very important war."

"You mean the war is more important than marrying me?"

Harmonia said with a half-smile.

"And if you can come to me now, it means that you have time to marry me."

"I do have time for a small wedding with you."

Roy said guiltily.

"But your position in my heart is as important as Procne and Philomela. I want to hold a grand wedding for you that will not lose to Procne and Philomela, which requires a lot of time to prepare. I I came to you to tell you that when I finish the next war, I will hold a wedding with you and make you my wife."

"What if I wanted to be your wife right now?"

"Then we can only hold a small wedding with not many guests."

After Roy finished speaking, Harmonia fell into silence.

After a moment.

Harmonia said with a wry smile.

"Are you letting me make my own choice? If I choose to marry you now, I can only hold a small wedding hastily. If I want a grand wedding, I have to wait patiently for you to finish the next war."


Roy hugged Harmonia's slender waist tightly with both hands, and said while holding her in his arms.

"I know that you have sacrificed a lot for me, so I promise you that although Procne and Philomela will marry me first, you will become the queen of Athens alongside them."


Harmonia lowered her head and said.

"I'm willing to wait for you! I can wait for you to end the war before holding our wedding with you."

Roy immediately suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.

"Harmonia! I promise you, I will end the next war soon. Before the end of the year, I will marry you."

Hearing Roy's promise, Harmonia forced a smile on her face.

three days later.

All the ships and supplies Roy mobilized to conquer the Apennine Peninsula gathered in Corinth, and Roy himself returned to Corinth from Thebes.

In order to conquer the Apennines, Roy planned to take 150 Corinthian soldiers, [-] Pylos soldiers, and [-] Spartan soldiers to the Apennines on [-] warships.

Although among the [-] troops, except for [-] Corinthian soldiers, the remaining [-] troops are recruits, but Roy is confident in conquering the millions of people in the Apennine Peninsula.

Because Roy's expeditionary army will all use iron guns as weapons.

At this time, the indigenous people of the Apennine Peninsula were still in the period of tribal civilization that had not yet entered the bronze civilization.

Even a novice can take iron weapons and subdue the local aborigines who use wooden and stone weapons.

The northern port of the city of Corinth.

After Roy boarded the flagship, a fleet of 150 warships set off from the port of Corinth.

This large fleet will sail out of the Gulf of Corinth into the Ionian Sea, and then all the way west to the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula.

Aetolia region.

Now Perseus and Pelops have taken the Mycenaeans and conquered the Illyrians in this area.

When Roy's large fleet entered the waters south of the Aetolia region, Perseus thought that Roy would break the agreement between the two parties and take away his victory again.

In order to prevent Loy's army from invading the Aetolia region, Perseus personally drove the chariot to the south coast of the Aetolia region.

As a result, Roy's large fleet did not land on the southern coast of the Aetolia region.

Seeing Roy's large fleet sailing out of the Gulf of Corinth and heading west into the Ionian Sea, Perseus realized that his worries were unnecessary.

Looking at Roy's large fleet on the coast, Perseus said through gritted teeth.

"Roy, your unintentional actions can make me frightened. This is my fear of you. But I will soon change this situation, because it is too easy to conquer the Illyrians. After a year, I will build a mighty kingdom in the north that is larger and more populous than your Athenian kingdom. Though your Athenian soldiers wield mighty iron weapons, I can arm more soldiers with bronze weapons. If my The number of soldiers is three times or even five times that of yours, and my soldiers with bronze weapons can definitely defeat the Athenian soldiers with black iron weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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